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“Wild About Learning” 2012-2013 Jackson Park Elementary.

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Presentation on theme: "“Wild About Learning” 2012-2013 Jackson Park Elementary."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Wild About Learning” 2012-2013 Jackson Park Elementary

2  Goal #1: Cultivate positive, constructive relationships with members of the Jackson Park Elementary School community to minimize the potential disruption caused by a change in administrative leadership.  Goal #2: Build a foundation for continuous improvement by identifying Jackson Park Elementary School strengths and targeted areas for growth as identified by the Jackson Park Elementary School community.  Goal #3: Create a shared vision for the future of Jackson Park Elementary that sustains our strengths and addresses our identified areas for needed growth and improvement.


4  All students can and will be successful in school.  We will do whatever it takes for our students to experience success and become productive citizens.  Effectiveness starts with “I” but is perfected with “WE”

5 We are a FAMILY The Kids Technology We are a community that cares What makes Jackson Park Special

6  Communication  Schedules (Teacher input and Ta’s assigned to a grade level)  Consistency of school wide programs  Leadership opportunities and having a say

7 Communication Morale/Gossip School Wide Behavior Plan

8 Openness Consistent Trusting Approachable A Communicator Flexible BE SUPPORTIVE!!!!!!!!!!



11  Be here mentally and physically  Be on task, on time, prepared and courteous  Be professional

12  Address at the grade level (Roles)  Remain professional  Continue to put students first  “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” or “Don’t air your dirty laundry.”

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