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Facilitating Change Ann York Steve Kingsbury. 3 STEPS TO CHANGE Intolerable Shared vision Plan.

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Presentation on theme: "Facilitating Change Ann York Steve Kingsbury. 3 STEPS TO CHANGE Intolerable Shared vision Plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Facilitating Change Ann York Steve Kingsbury

2 3 STEPS TO CHANGE Intolerable Shared vision Plan

3 Leadership Effects Intolerable Shared vision Plan Facilitation of…Consensus…Actions…

4 InnovatorsAdoptersChange MajorityStable MajorityStabilisers Change and Stability 1 2 3 4 5

5 FOCUS group of clinicians in E Herts: We learnt ….  Before starting CAPA, clinicians worried  there were things that helped to get started  It changed the way they practiced  There were some problems  There were things they really liked

6 And …  Tweaking the system was important!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7 Before starting CAPA, what did clinicians worry about?  That it may not work  Adapting to a new way of working  Overload

8 What helped in getting things started?  Vision  Leadership  Commitment  Planning

9 Other things clinicians thought…

10 How did it change clinicians practice?  Working in a more focussed way  Thinking more clearly  Having a more collaborative stance  Developing a shared language with colleagues from other disciplines

11 What else did clinicians really like?  Pride in having changed to a system that worked  Referrers pleased not a waiting list  Sense of being in control of demand

12 And what were the problems?  More awareness of how others work and they of you

13 It was important to tweak the system  Iterative process helped  Flexibility about co-working was good

14 What was important in making CAPA work?  Monitoring the process  Flexibility and adapting the system  Team discussion  Trust within team

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