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TA Gradebook for K-2 Assessments Barbara Crouch Sally Eller Laura Elliott Iredell-Statesville Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "TA Gradebook for K-2 Assessments Barbara Crouch Sally Eller Laura Elliott Iredell-Statesville Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 TA Gradebook for K-2 Assessments Barbara Crouch Sally Eller Laura Elliott Iredell-Statesville Schools

2 Electronic Reporting K-2 Report Card Revision Team Year 1 – used TA Progress Report as the Report CardTA Progress Report Feedback parents and teachers Use the TA Progress Report and the TA Report Card

3 Requirements Content Areas: English Language Arts, Math, Writing, Science, Social Studies, Health, Handwriting Enhancements: Music, Art, Computers, PE Conduct Marking System

4 Verification of Courses 1. 2501SZ Elementary Technology 2. 0000SK Self-Contained K should contain the following courses to explode: 1010SZ, 2001SZ, 9001SZ, 9985SC 3. 0000SE Self-Contained 1-2 should contain the following courses to explode: 1010SL,1010SH, 1010SZ, 2001SZ, 3001SZ, 4001SZ, 9001SZ, 9010SZ, 9985SC

5 Course Section Maintenance Data Managers – Created sections for new courses for K-2 Teachers Students had to be scheduled in courses

6 Mark Scale Entry School > Mark Information > Mark Scale Entry Add the following marks: M S N U

7 Marking System - Academic M – Mastery: 95% or above S – Satisfactory: 80- 94% N – Needs Improvement: 70-79% U – Unsatisfactory: < 70%

8 Marking System – Non Academic S – Satisfactory N – Needs Improvement U - Unsatisfactory

9 Training For all K-2 teachers Session 1- Set up spreadsheet Session 2- Enter Assessments & Marks Session 3 - Progress Reports Session 4 – Mark Entry for Report Cards Session 5 – Move Assessments

10 Spreadsheet Set Up My Options tab Mark Calculation Method is Total Points No boxes checked on left side Other Settings:  Check Allow Shared Access  Check Rounding Marks  Count Blank Marks as 0’s (optional)

11 Spreadsheet Set Up My Preps tab Details for Prep – teacher name Select  Classes  Prep Category – Academic  Prep Assessment Types – Assessment check as Default

12 Add Assessments Refer to guidebook for assessments for grade level Score Type – Alpha Score Max  M for Academic courses  S for Non Academic courses

13 Conduct Listens and follows directions. Accepts responsibility for actions. Completes assigned tasks promptly. Works independently. Works well with others. Exhibits self-control. Respects rights and property of others.

14 ELA – English Language Arts Phonemic Awareness Book & Print Awareness Retelling Comprehension Fluency Writing Decoding & Word Recognition

15 Math - Kindergarten Data and Graphing Measurement and Calendar Number Sense 0 – 30 Recognize Basic Shapes and Directional Words Sorting, Classifying and Patterns

16 Math – 1 st Grade Classification and Patterning Data,Graphing and Probability Concepts Identify, Describe, Draw and Build Basic Geometric Shapes Measurement and Telling Time Number Sense 0 – 99 & Compute with Numbers

17 Math – 2 nd Grade Algebra Data Analysis & Probability Geometry Measurement Number Sense 0 – 999

18 Enter Mark/ Comments screen Copy First Mark Down button  Copy most common mark down  Change for those not making that mark Comments may be selected or typed in  Copy First Comment Down button

19 K-2 Progress Report K-2 teachers create and print progress reports just like 3 – 12 teachers Save a copy  Hard copy  Electronic copy Can print a Progress Report at any time Looks just like upper grades

20 K-2 Progress Report Sample Kindergarten Sample First Grade Sample Second Grade

21 K-2 Report Card Mark Entry (from TA screen) Select  Course Length  Select Reporting Term  Select Class by Course Number Provide Course Numbers Click Students button

22 K-2 Report Card Teachers manually enter Marks May enter school comments Check Mark entry complete box Mark Entry Screen Example

23 K-2 Report Card Sample Kindergarten Sample 1 st Grade Sample 1 st Grade Sample 2 nd Grade Sample 2 nd Grade

24 Moving Assessments Move Assessments to next Reporting Term Move Assessments Marks move with the assessment Teachers may only have to tweak marks  See mark from prior term before changing Teachers need to save a copy each term

25 Support Handouts: Guidebooks, Assessment sheets provided online Handouts: Guidebooks, Assessment sheets provided online Help Desk Instructional Technology Coordinators 3-5 Teachers

26 Questions Barbara Crouch – NC WISE Lead Trainer Sally Eller – NC WISE Lead Trainer Laura Elliott – NC WISE LEA Coordinator Iredell-Statesville Schools

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