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Published byReynold Long Modified over 9 years ago
International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Status of the FAIR project TRD workshop, Romania, September 24-28, 2005 J. Eschke, GSI Status of the FAIR project at GSI, Darmstadt International TRD workshop Romania, September 24-28, 2005 J. Eschke, GSI 1.Overview of the FAIR Facility 2.Status evaluation of scientific program and technical planning of accelerators 3.Roadmap of International Steering Committee 4. Next Steps
International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Status of the FAIR project TRD workshop, Romania, September 24-28, 2005 J. Eschke, GSI Primary Beams 10 12 /s; 1.5-2 GeV/u; 238 U 28+ Factor 100-1000 over present intensity 2(4)x10 13 /s 30 GeV protons 10 10 /s 238 U 92+ up to 35 GeV/u up to 90 GeV protons Secondary Beams Broad range of radioactive beams up to 1.5 - 2 GeV/u; up to factor 10 000 in intensity over present Antiprotons 0 - 30 GeV Cooled beams Rapidly cycling superconducting magnets Key Technical Features Storage and Cooler Rings Radioactive beams e - – A (or Antiproton-A) collider 10 11 stored and cooled 0.8 - 14.5 GeV antiprotons Polarized antiprotons(?) UNILAC SIS FRS ESR SIS 100/300 HESR Super FRS NESR CR RESR FLAIR International FAIR Project: Facility Characteristics
International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Status of the FAIR project TRD workshop, Romania, September 24-28, 2005 J. Eschke, GSI Research Areas: Nuclear structure and nuclear astro- physics with beams of short-lived nuclei Hadron physics and QCD with cooled antiproton beams Physics of high-density nuclear matter and the quark-gluon phase transition Physics of dense plasmas Atomic physics, fundamental symmetries and material science (and polarisation) (antimatter) Five Scientific Pillars
International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Status of the FAIR project TRD workshop, Romania, September 24-28, 2005 J. Eschke, GSI FAIR Isotopes accessible by the Super-FRS Nuclear structure and nuclear astro-physics with beams of short-lived nuclei
International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Status of the FAIR project TRD workshop, Romania, September 24-28, 2005 J. Eschke, GSI NUSTAR Technical Proposals The NUSTAR Community 600 people from about 70 Institutions In-Flight Radioactive Beam Facility (0 - 1500 AMeV) High intensity primary beams (e.g. 10 12 238 U / sec at 1 GeV/u)
International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Status of the FAIR project TRD workshop, Romania, September 24-28, 2005 J. Eschke, GSI High-Energy Storage & Cooler Ring (HESR) und Detector electron cooler universal detector PANDA p-injection circumference 442 m max. bending power 50 Tm HESR p detector features: measurement and identification of , e , , , K , p, p high rate capability fast trigger scheme
International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Status of the FAIR project TRD workshop, Romania, September 24-28, 2005 J. Eschke, GSI Physics Potential of the Antiproton Facility Light Mesons Charmonium p momentum [GeV/c] Mass [GeV/c 2 ] Quark gluon structure and dynamics of “strong” interacting particles; Origin of the confinement and mass of hadron glueballs (ggg) hybrids (ccg) J/ spectroscopy confinement hidden and open charm in nuclei strange and charmed baryons in nuclear field fundamental symmetries: p in traps (FLAIR)
International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Status of the FAIR project TRD workshop, Romania, September 24-28, 2005 J. Eschke, GSI CBM beam magnet STS (5 – 100 cm) RICH (1,5 m) TRDs (4,6,8 m) TOF (10 m) ECAL (12 m) Physics of Nuclear Matter Studies with Relativistic Nuclear Collisions Studies of hadronic matter at high net baryon densities; Phase transitions in quark matter at large µ B in-medium mass modification in dense matter
International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Status of the FAIR project TRD workshop, Romania, September 24-28, 2005 J. Eschke, GSI History of the FAIR project Since mid 90ies: Concrete ideas about GSI's future 2000: First draft of an 'International accelerator centre for research with antiproton and ion beams' Autumn 2001: Conceptual Design Report 2002: Evaluation by the Science Council of Germany (together with 8 other big projects) Positive Recommendation, but: –Extension in Stages (Stage Planning) –At least 25% of the investment cost of 675 M€ has to be raised from international partners. Feb. 5 th, 2003: Positive decision of the ministry for education and research of Germany
International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Status of the FAIR project TRD workshop, Romania, September 24-28, 2005 J. Eschke, GSI History of the FAIR project (2) Administrative: Feb. 2004: Establishment of the International Steering Committee (ISC) Subcommittees: AFI (Administrative and Funding Issues) STI (Scientific and Technical Issues) September 2004: Memorandum of Understanding Scientific: Spring 2004: Submission of 25 Letters of Intent (partially experiments in addition to the original CDR, e.g. FLAIR, PAX) January 2005: 21 Collaborations submit Technical Proposals and 14 Technical Reports for the accelerator and infrastructure
International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Status of the FAIR project TRD workshop, Romania, September 24-28, 2005 J. Eschke, GSI The International Steering Committee for FAIR PAC QCD E.Chiavassa PAC NUSTAR R.Casten PAC APPA D.Schwalm TAC Yanglai Cho Observers: FAIR Project Cost Review Group 'E' Experiments W. Bartel Full Cost Issues Group B. Brandt AFI Working Group Administrative and Funding Issues H.-F. Wagner Legal Working Group U. Jahn STI Working Group Scientific + Technical Issues H. Wenninger ISC Internat. Steering Committee H. Schunck Cost Review Group 'A' Accelerators D. Plane
International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Status of the FAIR project TRD workshop, Romania, September 24-28, 2005 J. Eschke, GSI CountrySignatorySignature received - dated FinlandProf. Dr. D. RiskaX – 22.09.2004 FranceDr. E. GiacobinoX - 08.12.2004 GermanyDr. H. SchunckX – 13.09.2004 GreeceProf. Dr. C. FotakisX – 11.11.2004 ItalyDr. L. CriscuoliX - 06.12.2004 PolandProf. Dr. R. KulessaX - 18.01.2005 Russian FederationS. MazurenkoX – 11.11.2004 SpainDr. S. Ordónez DelgadoX – 06.10.2004 SwedenDr. P. OmlingX – 21.09.2004 United KingdomProf. Dr. John WoodX – 13.09.2004 Status Signatures Memorandum of Understanding for the FAIR project (January 18, 2005) China and India intent to sign the MoU Romania declared to become observer in the ISC Observers: EU, USA, China, Hungary, India, Austria
International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Status of the FAIR project TRD workshop, Romania, September 24-28, 2005 J. Eschke, GSI The International Steering Committee for FAIR PAC QCD E.Chiavassa PAC NUSTAR R.Casten PAC APPA D.Schwalm TAC Yanglai Cho Observers: FAIR Project Cost Review Group 'E' Experiments W. Bartel Full Cost Issues Group B. Brandt AFI Working Group Administrative and Funding Issues H.-F. Wagner Legal Working Group U. Jahn STI Working Group Scientific + Technical Issues H. Wenninger ISC Internat. Steering Committee H. Schunck Cost Review Group 'A' Accelerators D. Plane
International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Status of the FAIR project TRD workshop, Romania, September 24-28, 2005 J. Eschke, GSI PAC and TAC evaluation March 14 th - 17 th 2005
International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Status of the FAIR project TRD workshop, Romania, September 24-28, 2005 J. Eschke, GSI Technical Proposals (TP) following last year’s LoIs PAC on Nuclear Structure and Nuclear Astrophysics (NUSTAR-PAC): 1.) Low Energy Branch (LEB) High-resolution In-Flight Spectroscopy (HISPEC)/ Zs.Podolyak/ Surrey Decay Spectroscopy with Implanted Ion Beams (DESPEC)+ B. Rubio Valencia Precision Measurements of very short-lived Nuclei using an Advanced Trapping System for highly-charged Ions (MATS)K.Blaum Mainz LASER Spectroscopy for the Study of Nuclear Properties (LASPEC)P. Campbell Manchester Neutron Capture Measurements (NCAP)M.Heil FZK Antiprotonic Radioactive Nuclides (Exo+pbar)M. Wada Riken 2.) High Energy Branch (R3B) A Universal Setup for Kinematical Complete Measurements of Reactions with Relativistic Radioactive Beams (R3B)T. Aumann GSI 3.) Ring Branch (STORIB) Study of Isomeric Beams, Lifetimes and Masses (ILIMA)Y.Novikov SPNPI Exotic Nuclei Studied in Light-Ion Induced Reactions at the NESR Storage Ring (EXL)M. Chartier Liverpool Electron-Ion Scattering in a Storage Ring (e-A Collider) (ELISe)H. Simon GSI Antiproton-Ion Collider: A Tool for the Measurement of Neutron and Proton rms radii of Stable and Radioactive Nuclei (AIC)R. Krücken TUM Spectroscopy of Pionic Atoms with Unstable Nuclei (PIONIC)K. Itahashi Riken 667 users in 10 TP
International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Status of the FAIR project TRD workshop, Romania, September 24-28, 2005 J. Eschke, GSI PAC on QCD: (ASSIA Study of Spin-dependent Interactions with Antiprotons)R.Bertini Torino CBM Compressed Baryonic Matter ExperimentP.SengerGSI PANDA Strong Interaction Studies with AntiprotonsU.WiednerTSL Uppsala PAX Antiproton-Proton Scattering Experiments with PolarizationF.RathmannFZJ PAC on Atomic Physics, Plasma Physics and Applications (APPA-PAC): Laser Cooling of Highly Charged Ions at SIS 100/300U. SchrammLMU FLAIR - A Facility for Low-energy Antiproton and Ion ResearchE. Wiedman Tokyo SPARC Stored Particles in Atomic physics ResearchR. SchuchStockholm HEDGEHOB: High Energy Density matter GEenerated by Heavy-iOn BeamsD. Varentsov Darmstadt Applications of Relativistic Ions in Radiobiology and Space ResearchM. DuranteNapoli Materials Research with Relativistic Heavy Ion BeamsS. KlaumünzerHMI Radiative Properties of Warm Dense MatterF. B. RosmejMarseille 578 users in 5 TPs Technical Proposals (TP) following last year’s LoIs 909 users in 4 TPs
International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Status of the FAIR project TRD workshop, Romania, September 24-28, 2005 J. Eschke, GSI Recommendations of the STI Working Group on FAIR Part of the basic research program as defined by the CDR or – Part of the core experimental facility of FAIRyes: (part of) cost will be covered by project budget no: find other resources 13 Technical Proposals approved 3 Technical Proposals rejected 2 Proposal considered as 2 nd generation experiments (to be worked out in detail) Experiment cost evaluation by Cost Review Commmittee (CoRe E) performed for: CBM, PANDA, SPARC, R3B, MATS, LASPEC,ILIMA, HISPEC/DESPEC
International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Status of the FAIR project TRD workshop, Romania, September 24-28, 2005 J. Eschke, GSI Technical Reports FAIR Layout January 2005 1.SIS18 upgrade 2.SIS100 3.SIS300 4.Super-FSR 5.CR 6.RESR 7.NESR 8.Proton LINAC 9.HESR 10.Beam lines 11.Cryogenics 12.Controls 13.Civil Engineering 14.Radiation Safety
International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Status of the FAIR project TRD workshop, Romania, September 24-28, 2005 J. Eschke, GSI Cost Optimization Civil Construction B1 B3 B2 B7/7a B14
International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Status of the FAIR project TRD workshop, Romania, September 24-28, 2005 J. Eschke, GSI Change of p_bar operation Repositioning of HESR Repositioning of FLAIR Cave Repositioning of PP, AP, CBM caves Cost Optimization Accelerators
International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Status of the FAIR project TRD workshop, Romania, September 24-28, 2005 J. Eschke, GSI Preliminary
Research Division HADES FAIR GmbH with international shareholders Accelerator Operation Infrastructure Division Buildings Facility Maintenance Central Services ALICE FOPI PHELIX+PP Spectroscopy SHE / Chemistry Material Research Atomic Physics Bio Physics Injectors Rings Beam Diagnostics Vacuum HF Operating HD-Therapy IT Technical Services Detector-Lab. Target-Lab. Documentation / Library Human Resources Administration Finance Purchasing FAIR Division (FAIR Technical Director) Civil Construction CBM -TI PANDA-TI Integration Theory FRS/ESR HE Reactions International Steering Commitee Administration and Financial Issues WG Scientific and Technical Issues WG Company General Assembly Supervisory Board Directorate DG Sci. Tech. Admin. FAIR International FAIR Project Management Board Administrative Council Scientific Council Scietific / Technical Advisory Committees Controlling,Legal Issues Safety EU Contracts, 3rd Party Funding Users, Public Relations Experiment Electronics Electrical Engineering Super-FRS-TI RIB Low Energy Branch TI RIB High Energy Cave TI RIB Ring Branch TI FLAIR & SPARC & Applications Facilities TI Plasma Physics TI Theory /systems Controls SC Magnets Cryosystems TI= Technical Infrastructure CBM PANDA NUSTAR Exp. groups FLAIR & SPARC Accelerator FAIR Experiments -TI FAIR Project Management Team
Convention (Governmental Contract – provisions for general framework, procedures, arrangements; annexes?) Articles of Association (based on rules of German limited liability company (GmbH) law; recorded and registered with notary public; any changes require full notary public process) By-Laws (contract(s) on specific rules and regulations between shareholders; does not require notary public involvement) plus additional bi-lateral, multi-lateral contracts, MoU's etc between shareholders and other parties
International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Status of the FAIR project TRD workshop, Romania, September 24-28, 2005 J. Eschke, GSI Form of contributions: Cash In-kind: A country delivers a component (e.g., all dipole magnets for one of the rings) –Recognized as an equivalent cash contribution –Price fixed by STI and its subgroups –Cost book for all components –Advantage for in-kind takers: Money stays more likely at home Consortia (e.g., HESR consortium,....): Several partners delivering a component together
International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Status of the FAIR project TRD workshop, Romania, September 24-28, 2005 J. Eschke, GSI 2004 2005 2006 Contract(s) Development Contract(s) Negotiations Closing PAC's Technical Committee Signing of MoU Phase I – Governed by MoU Phase II Governed by Contracts The ISC-FAIR International Working Groups TDR's Evaluation by Advisory Committees by Mid March 05 Cost Review by CORE groups by summer 05 Project Definition in 2005 MoU Proposals / TR's LoI's (2100 authors)
International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Status of the FAIR project TRD workshop, Romania, September 24-28, 2005 J. Eschke, GSI Next Steps 2005 SeptemberConsolidated Layout of FAIR October Final Modification of Civil Engineering --> new design specs to BUNG compagny September STI Draft of FAIR definition September/NovemberCost Review Groups E and A evaluation reports November STI and AFI joint session to finalize FAIR definition November TAC evaluation of new layout, of civil engineering November presentation of project definition to ISC January 2006Civil Engineering report from BUNG company January 2006 Determination of Legal Structure of FAIR, draft of FAIR contract January-March 2006 TDR - FAIR Project Definition Mid 2006Signature of FAIR Convention 2006 to 2010 Technical Design Reports (TDR) for the sub systems spring 2008 Start of FAIR construction 2011 – 2014 Commissioning of FAIR
International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Status of the FAIR project TRD workshop, Romania, September 24-28, 2005 J. Eschke, GSI PAX Proposal for polarized Experiments
International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Status of the FAIR project TRD workshop, Romania, September 24-28, 2005 J. Eschke, GSI FLAIR@FAIR: Facility for Low energy Antiprotons and Ion Research Originates from CERN-AD program “Angels and Demons” at Darmstadt 100x more intensity than at CERN AD
International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Status of the FAIR project TRD workshop, Romania, September 24-28, 2005 J. Eschke, GSI Preliminary
International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Status of the FAIR project TRD workshop, Romania, September 24-28, 2005 J. Eschke, GSI ISC Decisions The Steering Committee considers the concept proposed for the organisational structure of FAIR as basically appropriate, both for construction and operation. It thus supports: 1. the legal form of a German limited liability company (GmbH), 2. the proposed extension of the present GSI GmbH with international shareholders from the FAIR partner countries and 3. the development of the FAIR convention as well as appropriate articles of association and by-laws, as a basis for the future contractual negotiations and agreements between the partner countries. The signature of the Convention is envisaged for the summer of 2006. For the selection of candidates for the positions of FAIR Project Director and Head of the FAIR Division an international search committee will be set up by the Supervisory Board of GSI.
Total cost: 989 Mio € ( Investment cost, additional Personel and including cost escalation ) Mio € year
International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Status of the FAIR project TRD workshop, Romania, September 24-28, 2005 J. Eschke, GSI SIS100 3. SIS200 6T 4. CR System 6. HESR 7. PANDA 9. NESR 8. SIS18 Upgrade 1. Super-FRS 11. CBM 10. Plasma Phys. Exp. 12. Atomic Phys. Exp. 13. Buildings + Infrastructure 14. Acc. System Physics 5. Integration 15. P-Linac 2. Advisory Committees PACs, TAC, EMAC,... Accelerator Technical Board Research Technical Board Civil Construction Integration Board International FAIR Project Management Board Project Director, Deputy Director Research Coordinator, Accelerator Coordinator, Civil Construction Coordinator, Technical Integration Coordinator, Administrative Coordinator Organizational Structure of the FAIR Project FAIR Project Management Team Contracts & Legal, Budget & Finances, Scientific Coordination, Accelerator Technical Coordination, Civil Construction & Regulatory Procedures, International Project Integration
International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Status of the FAIR project TRD workshop, Romania, September 24-28, 2005 J. Eschke, GSI National and International Matters First Official Public Hearing on FAIR on January 26th, 2005 at GSI New Consortia in ‘statu nascendi’ and Old ones strengthening: NESR: Spain- GSI SIS300: France-Italy-UK- GSI- Russia Super FRS: GSI-Kolkata HESR: Jülich-GSI-Uppsala-Stockholm-Novosibirsk-Finland P-Linac: Frankfurt-ITEP-GSI-India
International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Status of the FAIR project TRD workshop, Romania, September 24-28, 2005 J. Eschke, GSI 3-Phase Project Staging General strategy: Groundwork, supply systems and major buildings as early as financially possible (potential for smoothing financial profile?) Scientific facilities staged according to three science programmes Contributions from outside mainly in kind for scientific facilities
International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Status of the FAIR project TRD workshop, Romania, September 24-28, 2005 J. Eschke, GSI 3-Phase Project Staging Three stages according to fields of physics: 1.Radioactive beam physics Nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics Atomic physics studies with highly charged/radioactive ions 2.Proton-antiproton physics QCD studies with protons and antiprotons Precision studies with antiproton beams addressing fundamental symmetries and interactions 3.Full facility research Full parallel operation of up to four experiments Full energy and luminosity for nuclear collisions program at CBM Precision QCD Studies at PANDA up to 8 GeV Plasma research (full gain factor in power density: ~400) Atomic reaction studies with fast beams
Stage 1: 2007 - 2010 Civil Construction Ringtunnel for double ring synchrotron incl. technical buildings Buildings housing the Super-FRS, the CR and NESR plus nuclear structure and atomic physics experiments Office building Accelerator 2 x 10 11 /puls U 28+ at 200 AMeV 4 x 10 10 /puls U 73+ at 1000 AMeV 4 Hz up to 12 Tm; 1 Hz up to 18 Tm Bunch compression to 70 ns Research Nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics (gain factor in intensities for radioactive secondary beams: ~100) Plasma physics at 'old' facility (gain factor in power density: ~200) Atomic physics studies with highly charged/radioactive ion beams Staged construction scenario
Stage 2: 2008 - 2013 Civil Construction (completed) p linac building HESR building Buildings housing nuclear collision, plasma physics and atomic physics experiments Accelerator 1 x 10 12 /puls U 28+ at 2,7 AGeV 1 x 10 11 /puls U 73+ at 8,3 AGeV (Ne 10+ bis 14 AGeV) Bunch compression to 50 ns 2,5 x 10 13 /puls protons up to 29 GeV up to 10 11 antiprotons accumulated, stored and cooled in the HESR up to 15 GeV low (down to zero) energy antiprotons at NESR and HITRAP Research Nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics (full gain factor in intensities for radioactive secondary beams: ~1000-10000) QCD studies with protons and antiprotons Precision studies with antiprotonn beams addressing fundamental symmetries and interactions HESR
Stage 3: 2010 - 2014 Accelerator 2 x 10 9 /puls U 92+ up to 34 AGeV Stretcher option with long extraction times from seconds up to minutes High energy e-cooling for HESR Research Full energy and luminosity for nuclear collisions program at CBM Precision QCD Studies at PANDA up to 15 GeV Plasma research (full gain factor in power density: ~2500) Atomic reaction studies with fast beams Full parallel operation of up to four experiments
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