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1 The Endeavour Expedition: 21st Century Computing to the eXtreme Randy H. Katz, Principal Investigator EECS Department University of California, Berkeley.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The Endeavour Expedition: 21st Century Computing to the eXtreme Randy H. Katz, Principal Investigator EECS Department University of California, Berkeley."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The Endeavour Expedition: 21st Century Computing to the eXtreme Randy H. Katz, Principal Investigator EECS Department University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720-1776

2 2 The Endeavour Expedition: 21st Century Computing to the eXtreme R. H. Katz, Principal Investigator, University of California, Berkeley New Ideas Systems Architecture for Vastly Diverse Computing Devices (MEMS, cameras, displays) Wide-area “Oceanic” Data Information Utility Sensor-Centric Data Management for Capture and Reuse (MEMS + networked storage) Negotiation Architecture for Cooperating Components (Composable system architecture) Tacit Knowledge Infrastructure to support High-Speed Decision-Making Information Management for Intelligent Classroom Environments Scalable Safe Component-based Design and UI Design Tools Impact Enhancing human understanding by making it dramatically more convenient for people to interact with information, devices, and other people Supported by a “planetary-scale” Information Utility, stress tested by applications in decision making and learning, achieved thru new methodologies for design, construction, and administration of systems of unprecedented scale and complexity Schedule Jun 99 Start Jun 00Jun 01May 02 End Initial Architectural Design & Testbeds Initial Application Implementation & Evaluation Information Utility Information Applications Design Methodologies Initial Evaluation & 2nd Gen Redesign Final Deployment & Evaluation Refined Implementation & Final Evaluation Usability Studies & Early Tool Design Implementation of UI &Sys Design Tools Tools Release & Final Evaluations Initial Architectural Design Document Initial Experiments & Revised Design Doc Final Experiments & Architecture Docs

3 3 Goals and Objectives for the Day Introduce Infrastructure Engineer Art Yeap Update all participants on state of research activities under the Endeavour umbrella Develop more detailed plans for Endeavour tasks, as prelude for incremental proposals and funding opportunities Discuss experimental courses, seminars within the Endeavour theme planned for the Spring Semester

4 4 Plan of the Day 0800-0830Breakfast 0830-0850Overview 0850-1010Faculty Updates 1010-1030Break 1030-1150Faculty Updates 1150-1200Breakout Planning 1200-1300Lunch 1300-1500Breakout Session 1500-1530Break 1530-1615Report Outs 1615-1700Semester Plan

5 5 More Detailed Agenda 0830 - 0850 Plan for the Day/Rumors from DC (Randy Katz) 0850 - 0910 Update on Smart Dust Building Blocks (Kris Pister) 0910 - 0930 Update on System Design for Many Tiny Networked Devices (David Culler) 0930 - 0950 Update on Oceanic Data Store (John Kubiatowicz) 0950 - 1010 Update on Telegraph Data Manager (Joe Hellerstein) 1010 - 1030 Break 1030 - 1050 Update on Context-based Information Access (CIA) Application Design (James Landay) 1050 - 1110 Update on Smart Classrooms (Anthony Joseph) 1110 - 1130 Update on Tacit Information Mining (John Canny) 1130 - 1150 Robust Hyperlinks and Potential Applications in Endeavour (Bob Wilensky) 1150 - 1200 Organize Task-oriented breakout sessions 1200 - 1300 Lunch 1300 - 1500 Breakout Sessions 1500 - 1530 Break 1530 - 1615 Report outs from Breakout Sessions 1615 - 1700 Semester Planning/Plans for 294s/System Seminar

6 6 Proposed Breakouts Brainstorm a "plan" for how to make progress in the indicated areas, by identifying joint research projects/artifacts/experiments: –Group #1: Ubiquitous Gadgets and System Support for Same »David Culler (Tiny OS) »James Landay (EBooks) »Larry Rowe (Video Classrooms) [1-3 PM] »Doug Tygar (Security/Privacy) »Jitendra Malik (Image Understanding) »John Canny (Tacit Information Management) –Group #2: Universal Storage Systems and Applications of Same »Kubi (OceanStore) »Robert Wilensky (Documents/Digital Libraries) [1-2 PM] »Joe Hellerstein (Telegraph) [1-3 PM] »Dave Patterson (Tertiary Storage) »Mike Jordan (Internet Archive)

7 7 Computing Revolution: Devices in the eXtreme Evolution Information Appliances: Scaled down desktops, e.g., CarPC, PdaPC, etc. Evolved Desktops Servers: Scaled-up Desktops, Millennium Revolution Information Appliances: Many computers per person, MEMs, CCDs, LCDs, connectivity Servers: Integrated with comms infrastructure; Lots of computing in small footprint Display Keyboard Disk Mem  Proc PC Evolution Display Camera Smart Sensors Camera Smart Spaces Computing Revolution WAN Server, Mem, Disk Information Utility BANG! Display Mem Disk  Proc

8 8 Information Utility Information Devices Applications Collaboration Spaces High Speed Decision Making Learning Classroom Info Appliances E-BookVehicles PDA Handset Laptop Camera Smartboard MEMS Sensor/Actuator/Locator Wallmount Display Generalized UI Support Proxy Agents Human Activity Capture Event Modeling Transcoding, Filtering, Aggregating Statistical Processing/Inference Negotiated APIsSelf-Organizing Data Interface ContractsWide-area Search & Index Nomadic Data & Processing Automated Duplication Distributed Cache Management Wide-Area Data & Processing Movement & Positioning Stream- and Path-Oriented Processing & Data Mgmt Non-Blocking RMISoft-/Hard-State Partitioning

9 9 Organization: The Expedition Cube Information Devices Information Utility Applications DesIgnDesIgn MethodologyMethodology MEMS Sensors/Actuators, Smart Dust, Radio Tags, Cameras, Displays, Communicators, PDAs Fluid Software, Cooperating Components, Diverse Device Support, Sensor-Centric Data Mgmt, Always Available, Tacit Information Exploitation (event modeling) Rapid Decision Making, Learning, Smart Spaces: Collaboration Rooms, Classrooms, Vehicles Base Program Option 1: Sys Arch for Diverse Devices Option 2: Oceanic Data Utility Option 4: Negotiation Arch for Cooperation Option 5: Tacit Knowledge Infrastructure Option 6: Classroom Testbed Option 7: Scalable Safe Component-Based Design Option 3: Capture and Re-Use

10 10 “Rumors” from DC Conference Call, Shankar Sastry, 13 January Conference Call, Expeditions PIs, 21 January One Day DARPA/NSF Meeting in DC, 31 January –NSF funding of Expeditions ITR proposals to be discussed Expeditions Base Program funded for 3 years Approximately additional $10 Million per year available, competitively awarded Matching funding with on-going DARPA ITO Programs –Need DARPA PM buy-in –Short 5 page proposals in response to BAAs Feedback from September visit: they really liked TinyOS, OceanStore, MEMS System Support

11 11 Base Program Schedule Year 1Year 2Year 3 Eval. & Initial Design Tools Smart Space Testbed1st Gen Fluid R/T Environ. 1st Gen Comp Neg. Protocols 1st Gen Persistent Fluid Store 1st Gen Sensor-Centric Info Mgmt Design Document + Early Evaluation Cooperative Learning App Rapid Decision Making App Refined Doc + Experiments Refine & Use Perf Eval 2nd Gen Persistent Fluid Store 2nd Gen Sensor-Centric IM 2nd Gen Fluid R/T Environ. 2nd Gen Negotiation Final Doc + Experiments Refined Tools & Flow Design Methodology Information Utility Information Applications

12 12 Year 1 Milestones Design/initial deployment “smart space” testbed; Initial usability evaluation/refinement;  Initial design, prototype, and early evaluation of fluid software run-time environ;  Initial design component advertisement protocols & i/f negotiation spec language;  Initial prototype/refinement of component advertisement protocols & interface negotiation specification language;  Initiate prototype & refinement of distributed, persistent storage system;  Initial design of sensor- centric/stream-capture oriented data mgmt system;  Initiate prototype & refinement of sensor-centric data mgmt system;  Design of distributed, persistent storage system;  Initial design of tool flow for infrastructure-embedded software functionality;  Initiate implementation of system design tools for early testing;  Completion of initial system architecture design document and early system evaluation;

13 13 Year 2 Milestones  Complete prototype/refinement component advertisement protocols and I/F negotiation spec language;  Complete prototype implementation/refinement of distributed, persistent storage system;  Complete prototype/refinement sensor-centric data management system;  Initial implementation of cooperative learning and collaboration apps within smart spaces testbed;  Complete implementation sys design tools for early testing;  Complete implementation of second gen fluid software run- time environment based on early use and evaluation;  Design/commence implementation of second gen persistent storage system & sensor-centric data mgmt system;  Delivery of initial experimental results & usability evaluations, & revised architecture document;

14 14 Year 3 Milestones  Complete second gen persistent storage system and sensor-centric data management system;  Extensive experimental use of apps on second generation components and testbed;  Extensive evaluation and refinement of design methodology applied to second generation fluid software components;  Final refinements and implementation of all software functionality;  Extensive evaluations and measurements of all software functionality;  Delivery of final experimental results and usability evaluations, and final architecture document;

15 15 Conclusions 21st Century Computing –Making people’s exploitation of information more effective –Encompassing eXtreme diversity, distribution, and scale –Computing you can depend on Key Support Technologies –“Fluid software” computational paradigms –System and UI support for eXtreme devices –Pervasive, planetary-scale system utility functionality –Active, adaptive, safe and trusted components –New “power tool” applications that leverage community activity

16 16 Industrial Collaborators SRI

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