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Sail Away Liz Burd TISP Australia Brisbane, Queensland 1 September 2012 Naval architecture, boats, sails and the process of designing to specifications.

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Presentation on theme: "Sail Away Liz Burd TISP Australia Brisbane, Queensland 1 September 2012 Naval architecture, boats, sails and the process of designing to specifications."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sail Away Liz Burd TISP Australia Brisbane, Queensland 1 September 2012 Naval architecture, boats, sails and the process of designing to specifications

2 Sail Away - Objectives Learn about marine engineering and sailing principles. Learn about engineering product planning and design. Learn about meeting the needs of society. Learn about teamwork and working in groups. 2

3 Students will learn: Principles of watercraft engineering Design process and problem solving techniques Design to meet specifications Teamwork 3 Various Hull Designs

4 Alignment to the Australian Curriculum: Science 4 See pages 3-5 of lesson plan for details Science Understanding Year 2Year 4Year 7Year 10 ACSSU033ACSSU076ACSSU117ACSSU229 Science as a Human Endeavour Year 2Year 4Year 7Year 10 ACSHE034ACSHE061ACSHE224ACSHE192ACSHE195 Science Inquiry Skills Year 2Year 4Year 7Year 10 ACSIS037ACSIS214ACSIS064ACSIS216ACSIS124ACSIS130ACSIS198ACSIS204 ACSIS038ACSIS041ACSIS065ACSIS069ACSIS125ACSIS131ACSIS199ACSIS205 ACSIS039ACSIS042ACSIS066ACSIS071ACSIS126ACSIS133ACSIS200ACSIS206 ACSIS040 ACSIS129 ACSIS203ACSIS208

5 Materials 2 plastic bottles Paper Cardboard Tape String Aluminum Foil Fold Back Clips Plastic wrap Toothpicks Paddle Pop Sticks Rubber bands 5

6 The Challenge Design a sailboat that… –Has the smallest sail area possible, but still –Travels the length of the trough in less than 3 seconds, and –Support a payload of 120g 6

7 Goal 2: Travel Time < 3 seconds. (without sinking!) Goal 1: Smallest Sail Area Possible. Goal 3: Carry weight (washers). TEST Procedure

8 Score Final score based on sail area: Score = 100 – ( Area / 10 ) Area measured in cm 2 8

9 Working With Wind Energy Liz Burd TISP Australia Brisbane, Queensland 2 September 2012 Wind Energy, turbines, and the process of designing to specifications

10 Learning Objectives Learn about wind energy conversion Design a wind turbine Construct the wind turbine Test the wind turbine Evaluate Performance 10

11 Alignment to the Australian Curriculum: Science 11 Science Understanding Year 6Year 10 ACSSU219ACSSU190 Science as a Human Endeavour Year 6Year 10 ACSHE098ACSHE100ACSHE195ACSHE230 Science Inquiry Skills Year 6Year 10 ACSIS232ACSIS107ACSIS198ACSIS203 ACSIS103ACSIS221ACSIS199ACSIS205 ACSIS104ACSIS108ACSIS200ACSIS208 ACSIS105ACSIS110 See pages 3-4 of lesson plan for details

12 A Wind Turbine The wind hits the blades… Shaft leads to a gearbox whose output leads to a generator to make electricity Usually has 2 or 3 blades 12 WIND

13 24 - 25 SEP 2010 13

14 Australia’s Wind Resources The total operating wind capacity in April 2012 was 2480 megawatts. –An increase of an average of 25% a year over the past decade. Wind energy supplies over 6,800 gigawatt hours of electricity annually - around 2.4 per cent of Australia's overall electricity needs. 59 operating wind farms in Australia, with a total of 1345 operating turbines. –South Australia has the largest installed capacity with around 49% of the nation’s total wind capacity 5/18/201514

15 Many blade designs 15

16 Your Challenge Design, construct and test your own wind turbine design Lift weight – 15 cm as quickly as possible Maximum 1 minute No human interaction! Blowdryer at least 30cm away from turbine 16 > 1ft, 30cm

17 Turbine Requirements Must have a rotor shaft around which to wind up given weight Must be freestanding (no human interaction) Must use only materials provided 17 > 1ft, 30cm

18 Test Procedure Blowdryer at least 30 cm away from turbine No human interaction with turbine Attach weight around rotor Up to 1 minute to wind up weight for 15cm Record time to wind up weight 18 > 1ft, 30cm

19 Materials Paddle Pop sticks bendable wire string paperclips rubber bands toothpicks aluminum foil, plastic wrap tape, wooden dowels paper, cardboard fold back clips 19

20 Procedure Teams of two (2) Develop and sketch your design Construct initial design Preliminary test Modify design, if necessary Final test 20

21 Evaluate Your Design Efficiency of design may depend on –Cost of materials –Speed (rotations per minute) –Power (time to wind weight) Possible measure of efficiency: –Eff. = (Cost of materials) / (time [sec] to lift weight) Are two designs that have the same rotational speed equally as “good”? 21

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