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Héla Bergaoui Nafti Ministry of Education Hammamet, May26,2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Héla Bergaoui Nafti Ministry of Education Hammamet, May26,2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Héla Bergaoui Nafti Ministry of Education Hammamet, May26,2010

2 « Schools will endeavour to provide quality education for all learners…. develop their gifts and skills,help them acquire ICT competencies and apply them in various fields ». Education Act,July 2002

3 THE TUNISIAN EDUCATION SYSTEM Background and context From quantitative teaching to quality education 1958:1st major reform in education laid the foundations of a national educational system open to all Tunisians. 1991 : turned towards the future: compulsory and free schooling & a new strucure in secondary education 2002 : quality education for all

4 ASSESTS OF THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM 1. Full free and compulsory schooling to all children and absolute gender equality : Schooling rate in 2009: 6-year olds :99,2% boys/99,2% girls 2.Training of highly-qualified teachers:free training to all teachers 3. Schools in all parts of the country, even in the most remote areas.

5 WHY INTEGRATE ICT IN EDUCATION IN TUNISIA? Take part in the digital revolution Foster a digital culture Boost creativity Help involve mixed-ability learners Economize efforts Integrate learners with learning difficulties/with disabilities Is inclusive :helps fight school dropout Meet the needs of the labour market

6 ICT :A NEW PEDAGOGY Empowers students : construct their knowledge Students learn to learn : a tool and practices to best use fantastic wealth of information on the Net Students develop common competencies: critical thinking, collaborative work, project-based learning through the use of ICT. Curriculum based on the values of tolerance, global citizenship, connectedness Opens onto other cultures: Communities of learners

7 A STRATEGIC CHOICE The Ministry of Education has set up a comprehensive long-term strategy : - Huge investments : standards of quality - A vision : infrastructure, equipment, human resources, curricula, content - No child left behind: gifted and underprivileged: pioneer schools and priority area schools - Mechanisms for sustainability


9 EQUIPMENT S chools are equipped with : -computer labs: about 2000 -language labs: about 1460 Interactive white boards : piloted in 1st grade secondary education in science, generalized next year

10 INFRASTRUCTURE INBMI :institut National de bureatique et micro- informatique CNIPRE :Centre National Innovation pedagogique et de recherche en éducation CENAFFE: Centre National de formation des formateurs en education CNP:Centre national pédagogique CREFOC:centre régional de formation continue

11 AVAILABLE RESOURCES EDUNET: National educational website wide range of services and information for teachers students and staff Online enrolment, results of national exams, contests virtual school :distance learning, tutoring various services: online library,lesson plans,articles Moodle : a site for exchanges TNELT : English Language teachers network EDUSERV: school management programme




15 Réseau Education Technique


17 HUMAN RESOURCES 68.000 primary school teachers 55% are female teachers 75.000teachers in middle schools and secondary education 38.000 female teachers and 36.000 are male teachers

18 TRAINING This year, a diploma 2CI ( Certificat de Compétences en Informatique) Out of the 150.000 teachers,136.000 have been/ are being trained in ICT as a tool,not as a subject matter Free training, according to teachers’ availability, delivered by professional trainers (Senior trainers and Master trainers trained in partnership with an international pioneer company)and meeting international standards

19 DIGITAL PRODUCTION Digital tools to match curricula in many subjects: -at the level of primary education -at the level of middle schools -in some subjects in secondary education in Science For language labs :digital content is being produced by teams of inspectors and skilled teachers




23 Achievements……but also challenges Equipment, tools but teachers need to adhere to ICT Best practices need to be disseminated Digital production has to increase It takes time to change mentalities Embedded culture Develop networks Foster partnerships

24 TODAY LEARNER TOMORROW CITIZEN ICT is a great tool but has to be considered mostly as a new way of approaching education and empowering young generations with 21st century skills


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