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Nature Vs. Nurture Scientists Predict Another Hard Choice for Parents identity controlled by genes? Other factors?

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Presentation on theme: "Nature Vs. Nurture Scientists Predict Another Hard Choice for Parents identity controlled by genes? Other factors?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nature Vs. Nurture Scientists Predict Another Hard Choice for Parents identity controlled by genes? Other factors?

2 What is the Nature vs. Nurture debate? Does Nature (inherited, Biological characteristics) or Nurture (learned, environmental forces) have more of an impact on personal development and identity?

3 Nature: Genes From the time we are conceived, we receive 23 chromosomes from each parent These chromosomes contain genes that contain information guiding development such as eye colour, hair, height, etc. But, do genes guide the development of our personalities? intelligence? Sense of humour? Time to think…. Take a minute and write down any traits you may share with either of your parents. Do you have any traits that are nothing like your parents?

4 ‘Nurture’: The environment There are many factors in the environment that influence our personalities: time spent with parents, family, toys, television, media, peers Media: can display violence, drug abuse, how we should behave etc. Advertising influences our ideas of needs/necessities CPS (Canadian Pediatric Society) Urged parents and physicians to better monitor children's television viewing  What do you think?

5 Why Television?? Average Canadian child watches 23 hours/week Obesity: through inactivity as well as advertising of unhealthy foods Increase in violent behaviour Poor academic performance- especially reading Social skills: children no longer interacting with other children as often

6 What does this mean to researchers? If we do know which plays a dominant role in out development, we can use this evidence to help us ex.) if environment (nurture) is dominant, governments can focus on creating better environments, especially educational programs, institutions, etc. ex.) if genetics (nature) are dominant we can screen adults for illnesses (schizophrenia, Parkinson’s, Cancer, etc.) before children

7 Research International Researchers are working at identifying the function of all genes in the human body- The Human Genome Project (1989) –Multi-billion dollar research endeavour aimed at identifying the location and function of all human genes –Involves scientists from all over the world Nature vs. Nurture: twin Studies, ethical issues?

8 Clips: 3 different perspectives approaching the Nature vs. Nurture debate h?v=t9KCoJE9R6k h?v=t9KCoJE9R6k h?v=5aNaMlSc3Ag&feature=r elated h?v=5aNaMlSc3Ag&feature=r elated h?v=1gwnzW4jOMI&feature= related h?v=1gwnzW4jOMI&feature= related

9 Activity Reading page 85 Group discussion What do you think? Nature or Nurture? Homework: pg 87 Questions RECAP 1-3

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