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PROFILE Full Name: Zambia Union of Financial Institutions and Allied Workers Abbreviation: ZUFIAW Membership: 4,000 Motto:‘Workers First’ Founded:Rhodesian.

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Presentation on theme: "PROFILE Full Name: Zambia Union of Financial Institutions and Allied Workers Abbreviation: ZUFIAW Membership: 4,000 Motto:‘Workers First’ Founded:Rhodesian."— Presentation transcript:


2 PROFILE Full Name: Zambia Union of Financial Institutions and Allied Workers Abbreviation: ZUFIAW Membership: 4,000 Motto:‘Workers First’ Founded:Rhodesian Society of Bank Officials (RHOSOBO), 17 th November, 1961

3 Name Transition Zambia Union of Bank Officials (ZUBO), 23 rd November, 1970 Zambia Union of Financial Institutions (ZUFI), 1978 Zambia Union of Financial Institutions and Allied workers (ZUFIAW) 1984-Date

4 Affiliation Union Network international (UNI) Federation of Free Trade Unions of Zambia (FFTUZ)

5 Office Location 1 st Floor Luangwa House, Cairo Road, Lusaka, Zambia Post Office Box 31174, Lusaka, Zambia +260 231364/ +260 222105/ +260 226216

6 Sector Representation Banks, Insurance, Building Societies, Microfinance, Pensions, all financial related and allied institutions.

7 General Secretary Mr. Chingati Msiska

8 Objectives of the Union To effect complete organisation of workers in the financial sector. To apply funds of the Union interalia for the purpose of providing assistance to members in the event of distress and providing legal assistance to members in connection with their employment. To regulate members' wages, salaries and other conditions of work. To endeavour to regulate relations and settle disputes between member's inter-se employees and employers and between members and non-members by amicable agreement.

9 Objectives of the Union To provide for the advancement of workers education and their participation in national development programmes. To affiliate to any registered Federation of Trade Unions. To establish, carryout, participate in printing or publishing a Newspaper, Journal, Pamphlets or any publication in the interest of the Trade Union or Trade Unionism. To invest Union funds into viable ventures.

10 Recognition & Collective Agreements Bank of Zambia Barclays Bank Zambia Blue Finance Services Ltd Cavmont Bank Ltd Cetzam Financial Services Development Bank of Zambia Elite Insurance Brokers Limited Finance Bank Zambia Limited Finance Building Society limited FINCA Zambia First Alliance Bank Zambia Limited First National Bank

11 Recognition & Collective Agreements Goldman Insurance Limited Indo-Zambia Bank Limited Intermarket Banking Corporation Investrust Bank Plc Local Authorities Superannuation National Pension Scheme Authority National Savings & Credit Bank Public Service Pensions Fund Pensions and Insurance Authority

12 Recognition & Collective Agreements Public Service Pensions Fund Board Professional Life Assurance Standard Chartered Bank Zambia Plc Workers Compensation Fund Control Board Zambia National Commercial Bank Plc Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies Zambia National Building Society Zambia Public Procurement Authority Zambia State Insurance Corporation Limited

13 National Executive Council Ackim Mweemba President Joseph Muma Vice President Chingati MsiskaGeneral Secretary Peggy Mubanga (Ms)Assistant General Secretary Organisation and Administration Mutelo MabengaAssistant General Secretary, Business and Finance Alfred ChifotaTrustee Evaristo MwansaTrustee Maureen Mwanangweshi (Ms)National Women’s Chairperson Marjory C Mutale (Ms)National Women’s Vice Chairperson

14 Secretariat General Secretary Director Research Director Workers Education Accountant Women's Desk coordinator

15 9 SUPPORT STAFF Executive Secretary Accounts Assistant Research Assistant IT Administrator Clerical Officer Driver Informal Sector Co-ordinator (Part Time) Care Taker- Training Centre Housekeeper – ZUFIAW Guest House

16 Union Structure

17 Quadrennial Conference Composition National Executive Council, District and Branch Committees and Women’s Committees Functions To receive and consider reports from District Branches and Districts. To receive and consider the General Secretary's report on the activities of the Union for the period under review and proposed programme of action for the next four years. To receive, consider and approve the audited Financial Report for the year under review.

18 Quadrennial Conference To hear and decide on any appeals. The Quadrennial Conference shall have the power to alter or rescind any of these articles. To receive and consider nominations and election of National Executive Council. The Quadrennial Conference shall have the power to send away from the Conference any delegate(s) found flouting any of these articles.

19 ANNUAL Conference Composition National Executive Council, District and Branch Committees and Women’s Committees Functions To receive and consider reports from Branches and Districts. To receive and consider the General Secretary's report on the activities of the Union for the current year. To receive, consider and approve the audited financial report for the year under review.

20 Annual Conference To hear and decide on any appeals. To consider and approve the nominated candidate(s) co-opted into the National Executive Council. The Conference shall have the power to alter, rescind any of these articles. To conduct by-elections for any vacant post in the event of the Conference disapproving the nominated candidate(s) co-opted into the National Executive Council. The Conference shall have the power to send away from the Conference any delegate(s) not conforming with any of these Articles.

21 NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COUNCIL The National Executive Council shall ensure strict observance of these articles by all members of the Union. Where an appeal has to be heard and in the absence of either the Annual or Quadrennial Conference, the National Executive Council shall have the power to appoint a special Committee composed of the National Executive Councillors and one (1) representative from each District Committee who have to hear the appeal.

22 NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Duties and Powers The National Executive Council shall do its best to attain the objects of the Union. The National Executive Council shall ensure that Union funds are utilised in the best interest of the organisation and its members. The National Executive Council shall interpret these articles when necessary and shall determine any point on which these articles are silent.

23 National Executive Council The National Executive Council shall have the power to suspend, fine or dismiss any member, Branch or District Committee members who contravene any of these articles. Where a fine or suspension is imposed, the amount shall not exceed K10,000.00 (Ten Thousand Kwacha) and the period of suspension shall not exceed twelve (12) calendar months. The National Executive Council shall ensure strict observance of these articles by all members of the Union.

24 National Executive Council Where an appeal has to be heard and in the absence of either the Annual or Quadrennial Conference, the National Executive Council shall have the power to appoint a special Committee composed of the National Executive Councillors and one (1) representative from each District Committee who have to hear the appeal.

25 NATIONAL WOMEN’S COMMITTEE Composition National Women’s Committee Chairperson National Women’s Vice Chairperson National Women’s Secretary – Women’s Co-ordinator 4 Committee Members

26 NATIONAL YOUTH COMMITTEE Composition National Youth Committee Chairperson National Youth Committee Secretary 3 Committee Members

27 DISTRICT COMMITTEES LUSAKA, NDOLA AND KITWE Composition District Committee Chairperson District Committee Vice Chairperson District Committee Secretary District Committee Vice Secretary District Committee Treasurer District Committee Vice Treasurer 4 Committee members

28 Duties To co-ordinate and monitor Branch activities in the District. To ensure complete organisation of all members in all the Branches in the District. To ensure strict control and fair distribution of funds to the Branches. The District Chairman, District Secretary, District Treasurer and any other member of the District Committee shall be signatories to the District Account. To ensure high standard of discipline among Branch Officials and members in the District. To maintain an up to date register of members in the District and furnish a copy of such a register to the Union Head Office on quarterly basis.

29 Duties To settle disputes and grievances referred to it by the Branches. To submit an annual statement of account to the Head Office of the Union with supporting documents or vouchers by 15 th October. To register with the General Secretary soon after the District is formed.

30 DISTRICT BRANCH COMMITTEES To co-ordinate and monitor Branch activities in the District. To ensure complete organisation of all members in all the Branches in the District. To ensure strict control and fair distribution of funds to the Branches. The District Chairman, District Secretary, District Treasurer and any other member of the District Committee shall be signatories to the District Account. To ensure high standard of discipline among Branch Officials and members in the District.

31 ANNUAL Conference Composition National Executive Council, District and Branch Committees and Women’s Committees Functions To receive and consider reports from Branches and Districts. To receive and consider the General Secretary's report on the activities of the Union for the current year. To receive, consider and approve the audited financial report for the year under review. To hear and decide on any appeals. To consider and approve the nominated candidate(s) co-opted into the National Executive Council. The Conference shall have the power to alter, rescind any of these articles. To conduct by-elections for any vacant post in the event of the Conference disapproving the nominated candidate(s) co-opted into the National Executive Council. The Conference shall have the power to send away from the Conference any delegate(s) not conforming with any of these Articles.

32 District Women’s Committee Composition District Women’s Chairperson District Women’s Vice Chairperson District Secretary 2 Committee Members

33 Branch Committees To ensure complete organisation of workers in the Branch. To attend to disputes and settle grievances. To ensure that there is good employee/employer relationship and Health and Safety Committees at places of work. To conduct general meetings as often as possible. To ensure and maintain high standard of discipline among all Union Members and Officials. To maintain an up-to-date register of the members. Where a Branch maintains an Account, an annual statement shall be submitted to Head Office with supporting documents/vouchers by 15 th October.

34 Branch Women’s Committee Composition Branch Chairperson Branch Vice Chairperson Branch Secretary 2 Committee Members

35 Rank and File Composition All employees in the financial institutions where ZUFIAW has Recognition Agreements who do not hold union position.




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