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Granting Information Session February 23, 2015. Our mission is to help improve: Community living and the quality of life for our citizens and for visitors.

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Presentation on theme: "Granting Information Session February 23, 2015. Our mission is to help improve: Community living and the quality of life for our citizens and for visitors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Granting Information Session February 23, 2015

2 Our mission is to help improve: Community living and the quality of life for our citizens and for visitors to the Kenora & LOW Region. We work with donors to create permanent Endowment Funds for the benefit of charities in our Region. Funds created today will generate grants to charities FOREVER. Granting Information Session

3 Investment Manager: Jarislowsky Fraser Limited Custodian: RBC Dexia Investor Services Financial Institution: Copperfin Credit Union Financial Advisor: BDO Canada LLP Auditors: MNP LLP We work with professional advisors such as lawyers, chartered accountants and financial planners to maximize donors tax savings Our Professional Advisors

4 Sponsors Peter Kirby, LLB Granting Information Session

5 Grassy Narrows Kenora Wauzhushk Onigum Minaki Redditt Sioux Narrows Nestor Falls Whitefish Bay Shoal Lake #40 The Dalles Wabaseemoong NW Angle #33 and #37 Onigaming Iskatewizaagegan #39

6 Overview of Community Foundations of Canada 1921 First Canadian community foundation established in Winnipeg Manitoba 2014 Assets of $550 million 2014 More than 191 community foundations across Canada › $3.8 BILLION IN ASSETS NATION WIDE › GIVEN $158 MILLION IN LOCAL GRANTS ACROSS CANADA IN 2013 › THE FASTEST GROWING FORM OF PHILANTHROPY! 2004 Kenora and Lake of the Woods Regional Community Foundation established with first gift of $10,000 Granting Information Session

7 Kenora and LOW Regional Community Foundation Granting Information Session 2004 Kenora and Lake of the Woods Regional Community Foundation established with first gift of $10,000 2014 10 th Anniversary, $4.1 million in Endowed Funds, $1.4 million in grants distributed, 1 staff member and over100 active volunteers 2012 Community Foundation reaches cumulative grants of $1 million to area charities

8 2014 10 Hour Giving Challenge $75,000 Raised for Our Endowments Volunteers, sponsors, donors and grant recipients join in the celebrations Wauzhushk Onigum Foundation and Golden Eagle Charitable Bingo Hall made a $25,000 gift Granting Information Session

9 Grant Totals 2004-2014 $1.4 Million

10 Awareness of Granting Documents. Review online Grant Application Process. Offer assistance at our office. To highlight the importance of submitting all Post Grant Reports. The Presentation will be posted to our website, under Goals of Today’s Presentation

11 Granting Information Session Feel free to contact our office to come in and apply at our workstation!

12 Granting Information Session The Kenora and Lake of the Woods Regional Community Foundation is restricted by the Income Tax Act to make grants only to organizations that are Registered Charities (RC). Non – profit organizations (NPO) who do not have a charitable registration number can only apply through a RC with which they have a formalized partnership (through a written agreement), a history of collaboration, and a similar mission and vision. Written Agreement Between a Registered Charity and a Non-Profit Organization

13 Grant Application Guidelines and Process Please review the following guidelines before submitting a grant application To the Kenora and Lake of the Woods Regional Community Foundation: Only registered charities are eligible for grants from the Kenora and Lake of the Woods Regional Community Foundation. ( Non- profit organizations that do not have a charitable registration number, but would like to apply for a grant, please refer to “Confirmation of a Written Agreement between a Registered Charity and a Non profit Organization). Your charitable registration number is a nine-digit number followed by RR 00001. Please note: Applicants should be aware that meeting the eligibility criteria allows them to apply to the Community Foundation. It does not, however, guarantee that they will receive a grant. If your organization does not receive a grant, it may not be a reflection of the merit of the project, but on the funds available at the Foundation for the current year. Granting Information Session

14 GRANT AGREEMENT The Kenora and Lake of the Woods Regional Community Foundation is pleased to make a grant to your organization. The grant from the Foundation is for the explicit purpose(s) described below and is subject to your acceptance of the following conditions. To acknowledge your agreement to accept the grant, please return a signed copy of the agreement to the Foundation.

15 Granting Information Session








23 Thank, you! Your Grant Application was submitted and received. We look forward to reviewing your information and wish you the best of luck with your endeavour. Have questions or need to speak with someone? Contact Us TodayContact Us Today

24 Granting Information Session

25 Recognition Certificate to be Displayed by Applicants The Kenora & Lake of the Woods Regional Community Foundation is proud to support this organization with a grant that will improve community living for citizens and visitors to Kenora and the Lake of the Woods Region. Building Forever Together


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