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Published byBathsheba Poole Modified over 9 years ago
Annual Progress Conference 29-30 April 2014, Malta COST Domain - Biomedicine and Molecular Biosciences (BMBS) TD-1002 European network on applications of Atomic Force Microscopy to NanoMedicine and Life Sciences
Once more, everything is here!
TD-1002 The main objective of the COST Action is to further develop and transfer the biophysical achievements of Atomic Force Microscopy to NanoMedicine and clinical research. Is AFM useful in a clinical environment? If yes, when, where, and how?
TD-1002 Evolution: In Krakow, on September 2012, MC decided to favor organizing specific Workshops under WG control.
TD-1002 5 Imagerie High Resolution Imaging of Single Molecules Dynamic Force Spectroscopy (DFS) Cellular Mechanics
TD-1002 6 24 COST countries AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, EL, ES, FI, FR, HR, HU, IE, IL, IT, LT, LU, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, SRB, TR, UK Chair of the Action: Prof. Pierre PAROTProf. Pierre PAROT (FR) Vice Chair of the Action: Prof. Hans OBERLEITHNERProf. Hans OBERLEITHNER (DE) DC Rapporteurs: Prof Pavle ANDJUSProf Pavle ANDJUS (RS) DC Rapporteurs: Prof Spiros H. ANASTASIADISProf Spiros H. ANASTASIADIS (EL) Science officer of the Action: Dr Giuseppe LUGANO Administrative officer of the Action: Ms Svetlana VOINOVA
TD-1002 Meetings 2010 Kickoff Meeting Brussels, December 10 (LO: Magdalena Radwanska) 2011 WG Meeting Paris, May 10-13 (LO: Pierre Parot) 2011 MC Meeting August 23 // AFMBioMed Conference Paris 2011 (LO: Simon Scheuring) 2012 WG Meeting Linz February 3-4 // Linz Workshop 2012 (LO: Peter Hinterdorfer) 2012 MC Meeting Cracow September 14 (LO: Magorzata Lekka) 2012 Workshop Standardization Madrid, 18-19 October ( LO: Ricardo Garcia) 2012 Workshop NanoToxicology Bucarest, 12-13 November (LO: Marius Enachescu) BM0903 TD1206 BM0903TD1206 2013 Workshop Standardization II Enschede, 21-22 March, (LO: Peter Schön) 2013 Worshop Education Genoa Camogli, 15-16 April (LO: Massimo Vassalli and Alessandro Podesta) 2013 Workshop Nanoparticules Dijon, 3-4 July, (LO: Eric Lewnieska) 2013 MC & Workshop AFM for Drug Design Dubrovnik, 26-27 September (LO: Vesna Svetlicic & Zoran Madic) 2014 Workshop Standardization Viterbo, 20-22 March, (L.O. Salvatore Cannistraro) 2014 Workshop Standardization Belvaux, 1-3 July, (Jean-Nicolas Audinot) join meeting with TD1204 Modelling Nanomaterial Toxicity ( MODENA ) 2014 MC & Workshop Standardization Cambridge, 223-25 September, (L.O. Robert Henderson) 2014 Final COST Action Meeting Paris, 28 November (L.O. Pierre Parot) Schools 2011 Marcoule Summer School, August 30 – September 2; 26 trainees (LO: Jean-Luc Pellequer) 2012 Cracow Summer School, September 2012 (LO: Magorzata Lekka) 2013 Marcoule Summer School, 1-6 September 2013 (LO: Michael Odorico) 2014 Lille Summer School, 25-29 August (L.O. Frank Lafont)
TD-1002 8 From Croatia to France, Dr Galja Pletikapić, Rudjer Bokovic; Institute, Zagreb(HR) STSM Topic: Characterization of nanoparticles using AFM Reference From Italy to France, Prof. Anna Rita Bizzarri, University of Tuscia,01100 Viterbo(IT) STSM Topic: DFS standardisation From France to Croatia, STSM Applicant: Dr Christian Godon, CEA, Bagnols sur Cèze STSM Topic: Standarization of nanoparticles From France to Italy, STSM Applicant: Mr Jean-Marie TEULON,CEA,30200 BAGNOLS SUR CEZE Cedex(FR), STSM Topic: DFS standardisation From France to Switzerland) STSM Applicant: Dr Ludovic Roussille,U1006 INSERM / Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille (FR), STSM Topic: Combined AFM and TERS measurements of biological membranes From Russian Federation to Denmark STSM Applicant: Mr George Shevelev,Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine, Novosibirsk (RU), STSM Topic: AFM investigation of forse and thermodynamic parametras of native and mutanted double stranded DNA From Italy to United Kingdom STSM Applicant: Dr Massimiliano Papi,Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Roma (IT), STSM Topic: Development of the Atomic Force Microscopy for Ophthalmic Diagnosis
TD-1002 9 STSM
TD-1002 Outputs from the Networking Workshop Dijon July 2013 Standardization: Imaging single molecules and single particules; Force Spectroscopy Workshop/MC Dubrovnik September 2013 AFM for Drug Discovery / Standardization Mechanics and Education Joint PCMDDD-3 & COST Action TD 1002 session Invited Lectures Ratnesh Lal, Srinivasan Ramachandran, Fernando Teran Arce, Preston Landon, University of California San Diego, USA, AFM Nanoimaging and nanomechanics for nanomedicine Robert Henderson, University of Cambridge, UK, G-quadruplex DNA and DNA origami: Insights from atomic force microscopy
TD-1002 TOPICS * High resolution Imaging (unknown proteins) * Cell Mechanics (gel, cells) * Force Spectroscopy (antibody antigene interaction) * Nanoparticules (UP or sea water) 11 Added value of networking vs burning EU money!
TD-1002 The Dubrovnik procedure: how to standardize measuring mechanical properties of soft samples in AFM Jens Schäpe 1, Tomas Luque 2, Holger Doschke 1, Hermann Schillers 3, Mike Wälte 3, Juan José Uriarte 2, Noelia Campillo 2, Georgios PA Michanetzis 4, Justyna Gostek 5, Andra Dumitru 6, Elena T. Herruzo 6, Pierre Parot 7, Massimiliano Galluzzi 8, Alessandro Podesta8, Simon Scheuring9, Yannis Missirlis4, Ricardo Garcia6, Michael Odorico 7, Malgorzata Lekka 5, Felix Rico 9, Jean-Luc Pellequer 7, Hans Oberleithner 3, Daniel Navajas 2, Manfred Radmacher 1 1 Institute of Biophysics, University Bremen, 28359 Bremen, Germany 2 Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia, University of Barcelona, and CIBER Enfermedades Respiratorias, 08028 Barcelona, Spain 3 Institute of Physiology II, University of Münster, 48149 Münster, Germany 4 Department of Mechanical Engineering & Aeronautics, University of Patras, 265 04 Patras, Greece 5 The Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 31-342 Cracow, Poland 6 Institute of Microelectronics Madrid, 28760 Tres Cantos, Madrid, Spain 7 CEA iBEB, Department of Biochemistry and Nuclear Toxicology, F-, 30207 Bagnols-sur-Cèze, France 8 CIMaINaDept. of Physics and CIMAINA, Università degli Studi di Milano,Università degli Studi di Milano, via Celoria 16, 20133 20133 Milano, Italy 9 U1006 INSERM, Aix-Marseille University, Parc Scientifique et Technologies de Luminy, 13009 Marseille, France submitted 12
TD-1002 13
TD-1002 14 During Year 3 we had a very good collaboration with the company NanoAndMore. They help us a lot providing free AFM tips allowing standardization experiments in several team involved in the Action.
16 * Atomic force microscopy characterization of silver nanoparticles interactions with marine diatom cells and extracellular polymeric substance. G. Pletikapić, V. Žutić, I. Vinković Vrček, V. Svetličić, J. Mol. Recognit., (2012), DOI: 10.1002/jmr.2177. * Polymer Networks Produced by Marine Diatoms in the Northern Adriatic Sea. V. Svetličić, V. Žutić, T. Mišić Radić, G. Pletikapić, A. Hozić Zimmermann, and R. Urbani, Marine Drugs, 9 (2011) 666-679. * Quantitative Nanomechanical Mapping of Marine Diatom in Seawater Using Peak Force Tapping AFM G. Pletikapić, A. Berquand, T. Mišić Radić, and V. Svetličić, Journal of Phycology, 48 (2012) 174–185. * Adhesive-free colloidal probes for nanoscale force measurements: Production and characterization. Indrieri, M.; Podesta, A.; Bongiorno, G.; Marchesi, D.; Milani, P., Review of Scientific Instruments 2011, 82 (2), 023708-11. * Fluorescence and atomic force microscopy imaging of wall teichoic acids in Lactobacillus plantarum. Andre, Deghorain, va Swam, Kleerebezem, Hols and Dufrêne, ACS Chem. Biol., 6 (2011) 366-376. * Effect of Antimicrobial Peptide-Amide: Indolicin on Biological Membranes. Végh, Nagy, Balint, Kerényi, Rakhely, Varo and Szegletes, Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, Vol 2011 (2011) ID 670589, 6 pages doi: 10.1155/2011/670589. * Forces guiding assembly of light-harvesting complex 2 in native membranes. Lu-Ning Liu, Katia Duquesne, Filipp Oesterhelt, James N. Sturgis, and Simon Scheuring, PNAS, June 7, 2011, 108 (23) 9455–9459. * Two barriers for sodium in vascular endothelium? H.Oberleithner, Annals of Medicine (2012), DOI : 10.3109/07853890.2011.653397, Mini Review * Nanomechanics and Sodium Permeability of Endothelial Surface Layer Modulated by Hawthorn Extract WS 1442. W. Peters, V. Drueppel, K. Kusche-Vihrog, C. Schubert, H. Oberleithner, PloS ONE, 2012, 7 (1) e29972.
TD-1002 Nanomechanical characterization of eye lens cells and the effect of cytoskeletal drugs WG1 and WG4 17 Cytoskeletal drugs: no effect on cell elasticity Nanoparticles and the environment Ag NPs and marine diatoms WG4 Ag NP aggregtion in SW Ag NPs: diatom cell wall penetration
TD-1002 18 Over 200 scientists participated to Action activities (female 28%, Early Stage Researcher 35%) 6 workshops on Standardization (5), Education (1) 4 active groups of labs involved in 4 topics of AFM in biology: High resolution, Mechanobiology, Force Spectroscopy, Nanotoxicology First Summer School 2011: 26 trainees, 12 instructors Second Summer School 2012: 24 trainees, 11 instructors Third Summer School 2013: 24 trainees, 10 instructors 6 STSM in 2013 FACTS
TD-1002 19 {from COST office} The tangible outputs are preferred. Please, notice that correct use of COST tools (e.g. well organized meetings) per se is NOT a tangible output, but indeed a tool to achieve your results. COST aims at supporting Cooperation in Science and Technology Cooperation: Joint operation or action COST does not fund research itself, but provides support for networking activities carried out within COST. Leading a COST Action: an APORIA COST Action: Just burning EU money!
TD-1002 20 LABORATORY In this room Please endeavour to emulate the first five letters and not the last seven. Thank you Clearly, we can not spend 4 years talking. Even in the best places in Europe.
TD-1002 21 How is it possible to solve this issue? -1- Convincing people that United we stand, divided we fall. (in French: L’union fait la force). Most of the teams involved in a COST Action are not rich. Despite their interest in COST Action, most people are not willing to invest their own money in a collective and anonymous project. No personal credit. In science if you rare not the first you are nobody! Most of the team expect they will not spend their own funds but at the contrary are hoping to receive money for the join project. During my talk at the kickoff meeting, I explained that …..100 000 € : 40 = 2500 €
-2- Giving the minimum for ACTING! Most of the participants are experimenters NOT theorists. For instance to perform experiments decided during a WG meeting, at least they need samples or chemicals, especially when they want to improve standardization by performing the same experiment in different laboratories. We strongly suggest to dedicate 10 - 15% of the total annual budget to allow this kind of expenses. This should be consider not as funding research (NO SALARIES, NO INVESTMENT which represent more than 80% of research activity) but helping people involved in a COST Action to do something else than just burning EU money and obtain relevant results.
TD-1002 23 Third COST Action TD 1002 Summer School Marcoule, France 1-6 September 2013 24 trainees 6 Lecturers 5 Trainers young (almost) and excellent gender balance! The Education Site, Leader: Alessandro Podesta, IT
TD-1002 24 Website activity from March 2012 to March 2013
TD-1002 25
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