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Certification Program May 2011 Certified Nutrition Manager CNM.

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1 Certification Program May 2011 Certified Nutrition Manager CNM

2 History Certified Nutrition Manager Designation Canadian Council of Professional Certification (CCPC) Application and Renewal Process CCPC Stamp Costs The Importance of Being Certified Closing Remarks Certification Overview Empowering members. Creating leaders. Building professional excellence.

3 CSNM previously provided a Certification program and it has been under review for a number of years. Currently we have approximately 50 Certified Nutrition Managers (CNM). Through member surveys and feedback, it has been determined that our members feel it is important to have a professional designation and be provided with an opportunity to become Certified. Certification History Empowering members. Creating leaders. Building professional excellence.

4 CNM is an approved designation for our Certified members and is in the process of being trademarked. Only Certified Nutrition Managers can use the CNM designation behind their names. Certified Nutrition Managers are members who have met established criteria and earned the Certification designation. Jane Brown, CNM Certification Designation Empowering members. Creating leaders. Building professional excellence.

5 The Canadian Council of Professional Certification or CCPC Global, is a Canadian certifying body. They were established for the purpose of recognizing the accomplishments of professionals working in their specific disciplines. The CCPC certifies a variety professional fields such as: –Certified Professional Managers, CPM –Certified Spiritual Directors, CSD –Certified Community Service Workers, CCSW –Certified Nutrition Managers, CNM Certification Program Empowering members. Creating leaders. Building professional excellence.

6 CCPC provides recognition of the accomplishments of professionals who have reached a high level of expertise. They endeavour to help promote high standards within Canadian and International professional communities. CCPC provides the opportunity for Active CSNM members to be certified - a recognized CNM will have to demonstrate that they have met established standards as outlined. Certification Program Empowering members. Creating leaders. Building professional excellence.

7 A detailed CNM Manual has been developed which outlines application requirements including:  Education requirements in Core Competency areas  Work experience - a minimum of 4000 paid hours must be achieved prior to applying for certification  Professional responsibilities  Following the CSNM Code of Ethics  Current resume  CCPC ‘Consent to Release Information’  Supervisor Evaluation  Specific format - Professional reference letters  Proof of ‘Active’ membership in CSNM No exam is required Application Process Empowering members. Creating leaders. Building professional excellence.

8 Certified Nutrition Manager Certificate Upon application approval, you will receive a certificate showing your official certification date and status. Certified Members Empowering members. Creating leaders. Building professional excellence.

9 Annual Renewal Receipt and Perforated Card. After each annual renewal, you will receive a receipt with a perforated card showing your certification in good standing for the coming year. Certification Empowering members. Creating leaders. Building professional excellence.

10 CCPC Stamp. Use this stamp on your business cards, resume or in places that promote your certification status. Certified Members Empowering members. Creating leaders. Building professional excellence.

11 Initial application fee is $380 per applicant To keep your certification in good standing, upon the annual anniversary date of your certification application, you are required to: –Provide documented proof of achievement of your 16 Continuing Education (CE) points and proof of your ‘Active’ CSNM membership –Annual Certification renewal fee is $115 Certification Costs Empowering members. Creating leaders. Building professional excellence.

12 Increased confidence on the part of the people you serve. Our goal is that CNM’s will be recognized nationally for our Nutrition Management professionalism. With appropriate credentials, you are supporting your profession and are better positioned to improve career potential - giving you recognition and increased opportunity for advancement and higher pay scales. The Importance of being Certified? Empowering members. Creating leaders. Building professional excellence.

13 Being CNM certified is a chance to advance and grow your career by achieving and upholding the highest standards for Nutrition Managers in food safety, management, basic health and nutrition. CNM designation is an opportunity for promotion, as well as career and industry growth. You will hold the highest level of certification available in the Nutrition Management field. The Importance of being Certified? Empowering members. Creating leaders. Building professional excellence.

14 CSNM Board would like to encourage all eligible members to become Certified. Our goal is to obtain 75% Certification of our ‘Active’ membership by 2015. Empowering members. Creating leaders. Building professional excellence. Closing Remarks Empowering members. Creating leaders. Building professional excellence.

15 Empowering members. Creating leaders. Building professional excellence Questions E-Mail:

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