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Janet Hunter Regulation and Scrutiny in Rented Housing Conference of the Isles | The Everglades Hotel | 29 Nov 13.

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Presentation on theme: "Janet Hunter Regulation and Scrutiny in Rented Housing Conference of the Isles | The Everglades Hotel | 29 Nov 13."— Presentation transcript:

1 Janet Hunter Regulation and Scrutiny in Rented Housing Conference of the Isles | The Everglades Hotel | 29 Nov 13

2 Facing the Future

3 “ Housing is a fundamental human need and plays a significant role in shaping our lives and communities” (Nelson McCausland, Minister for Social Development)

4 “A viable housing system depends upon efficient and effective regulation” Boards Tenants/service users Wider public/taxpayers Investors/potential lenders

5 (Nelson McCausland, Minister for Social Development) “I want the best possible solutions for Northern Ireland”

6 “Everyone should have a decent, safe and affordable home including those who rent their home from a private landlord” 17% housing stock in NI Larger than social rented sector Housing Benefit costs £250 million per annum 2 out of 3 HRS enquiries


8 “…starting from the viewpoint of the people affected by the rules. The consumers…can tell us whether they are working how they are meant to” 234,000 tenants 1 out of 3 occupied homes in NI are rented

9 “Society is judged by how it treats its’ most vulnerable” 20,000 households per annum present as homeless in NI Preference vs. needs

10 Means of Involvement

11 A journey Brand NI Single domain regulator Involve users

12 Features –design principles? Function – objectives? Form – options? Focus – economic or consumer? Framework – institutional status?

13 The “Right” Touch?

14 Thank You for listening Janet Hunter E: T: 028 90245640 Achieving Excellence Through Tenant Involvement Thursday 12 December: The Mac, Belfast For more information visit

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