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Progress in the Primary Curriculum Janet Lloyd June 2014.

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1 Progress in the Primary Curriculum Janet Lloyd June 2014

2 www.janetlloyd.netJanet Lloyd Network Learning a foreign language is a liberation from insularity

3 www.janetlloyd.netJanet Lloyd Network Aims What do we know about the new landscape for KS2 language learning? What does progression in KS2 look like? How can we creative in our primary progression Planning for progression across the whole school.

4 www.janetlloyd.netJanet Lloyd Network Language Learning in KS2: the landscape Make substantial progress in one language” Appropriate balance of spoken and written language Enable pupils to understand and communicate ideas,facts and feelings in speech and writing focused on familiar routine matters, using their knowledge of phonology, grammatical structures and vocabulary Lay foundations for further foreign language teaching at Key Stage 3

5 www.janetlloyd.netJanet Lloyd Network Leading to language learning in early KS3 build on the foundations of language learning laid at Key Stage 2, whether pupils continue with the same language or take up a new one. focus on developing the breadth and depth of pupils’ competence in listening, speaking, reading and writing, based on a sound foundation of core grammar and vocabulary.

6 www.janetlloyd.netJanet Lloyd Network How? What have you seen? What can be achieved? (Group discussion)

7 www.janetlloyd.netJanet Lloyd Network Progression in KS2…… Understand and respond to the spoken language (from authentic sources) Speaking with increasing confidence Understand and respond to the written language from authentic sources Can write at varying length,for different purposes and audiences Can write using the variety of grammatical structures they have learnt

8 www.janetlloyd.netJanet Lloyd Network Understand and respond to the spoken language (from authentic sources) Listening sticks Listen attentively..and show understanding Listen for sounds, rhymes and rhythms Listen attentively and understand more complex phrases and sentences Understand the main points and simple opinions in a spoken story, song or passage

9 www.janetlloyd.netJanet Lloyd Network Speaking with increasing confidence Bonjour song as a platform on which to build Radio volume / Listen ins / Quiz Quiz Swap/ Mirror speaks activity Totem poles – developing dialogue Dialogue developing to conversation (clip) Magic bag picture prompts (random challenge) Go for 8 question and answer challenge

10 www.janetlloyd.netJanet Lloyd Network Family raps- speaking and writing simple sentences

11 www.janetlloyd.netJanet Lloyd Network “Here’s Ruby ….!” Creating a conversation from questions and answer s

12 www.janetlloyd.netJanet Lloyd Network Understand and respond to the written language from authentic sources Mime what you see- core words Spy missions – imaginary photographers- simple text Physical dominoes games to reconstruct sentences- more complex sentences Me : the mystery person –exploring text types

13 www.janetlloyd.netJanet Lloyd Network The role of story in developing language skills

14 www.janetlloyd.netJanet Lloyd Network Can write at varying length,for different purposes and audiences Key words: Writing on backs Short sentences :Smoke signals Simple short text Messages in a bottle Encouraging accuracy :Draft tweets Extending sentences : Flower power Writing texts :working wall support Free writing in Present Tense: Who are you?

15 www.janetlloyd.netJanet Lloyd Network Fold out people Personal information

16 www.janetlloyd.netJanet Lloyd Network A message in a bottle

17 www.janetlloyd.netJanet Lloyd Network Writing Draft Tweets Emilie’s blog

18 www.janetlloyd.netJanet Lloyd Network Using intensifiers to make complex sentences

19 www.janetlloyd.netJanet Lloyd Network Qui est là? …A working wall Third person singular

20 www.janetlloyd.netJanet Lloyd Network Who are you?

21 www.janetlloyd.netJanet Lloyd Network Grammar Achieving over 4 years an understanding of basic grammar Nouns Adjectives Verbs Adverbs Prepositions Pronouns

22 www.janetlloyd.netJanet Lloyd Network Can write using the variety of grammatical structures they have learnt Making grammar appropriate to the stage of the learner……. Noun collectors Fisherman’s trawl adjectives Fashion shows through the ages Robot verbs “Grammar stepping stones – the child’s voice “

23 www.janetlloyd.netJanet Lloyd Network Shared Learning Tools Discuss in groups how these tools could be used across four years of progression in learning Symbols and signs (Bonjour song) Totem pole dialogues to conversations Writing with a creative purpose Creative stimulus and outcome which involves the use of all 4 skills and basic grammar knowledge at each key stage

24 www.janetlloyd.netJanet Lloyd Network Year to Year Shared Tracking and Transition Tools Tracking progression Packing our suitcases at the end of the year Unpacking our suitcase and ready to move on Shared post box for questions, queries and celebrations

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