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Presentation on theme: "ST. PETER’S CHURCH YATELEY DISCOVERIES & CHADDISBROOK HOUSE BUILDING PROJECT Fundraising Update No 4 – 7 th December Our vision……… Today………"— Presentation transcript:

1 ST. PETER’S CHURCH YATELEY DISCOVERIES & CHADDISBROOK HOUSE BUILDING PROJECT Fundraising Update No 4 – 7 th December Our vision……… Today………

2 How much have we raised so far? – A reminder Following a detailed tender process the project target figure is: £1,100,000 (inclusive of VAT) Land Fund total at start £365,000 Gift Day Donations and pledges £113,000 over 5 years Fundraising totals since May£6,500 Loans from members £20,000 Remaining total as at 7 December : £595,000 *** Thank you everyone for your generous support! *** ST. PETER’S CHURCH YATELEY DISCOVERIES & CHADDISBROOK HOUSE BUILDING PROJECT Fundraising Update No 4

3 Fundraising Heroes 29 Oct – The ladies who run the Coffee Shop, who ran a coffee and cards morning and raised £350 (to be shared with Ecuador) 31 Oct – The Mens Curry Night at Cinnamon Bay, which raised £150 21 Nov – Sheila and the Inspire ladies, plus all those who donated gifts for the auction and those who attended or bid – raising altogether over £800 Sarah Yetman who did a sponsored run raising £870 29 Nov – Meryl, Mary and Janet, those who ran stalls, the team of helpers, plus all of you who spent money at the Christmas Fair – raising altogether over £1400 All those who have hosted and attended a Perpetual lunch, or filled a coffee pot or have bought calendars. ST. PETER’S CHURCH YATELEY DISCOVERIES & CHADDISBROOK HOUSE BUILDING PROJECT Fundraising Update No 4

4 Events in 2015 OngoingPerpetual Lunches – have you hosted one yet? 31st JanQuiz Night 28 th FebLight classics concert by Vox Angelica 4 th MayYateley May Fair 16 th MayDiscoveries Fashion Show JuneSt Peter’s week – Flower Festival and other events ST. PETER’S CHURCH YATELEY DISCOVERIES & CHADDISBROOK HOUSE BUILDING PROJECT Fundraising Update No 4

5 How can you help? Please buy a calendar from Discoveries or the Coffee Shop if you have not already done so Don’t forget: Easy-Fundraising online shopping portal donates every purchase (£351 raised so far) We still need a letter writer to apply for grants Peter Moloney is looking for items to sell on Ebay on your behalf Use the Easy-Search Search Engine which donates every click Thank you for all your support so far; please continue on in 2015 ST. PETER’S CHURCH YATELEY DISCOVERIES & CHADDISBROOK HOUSE BUILDING PROJECT Fundraising Update No 4

6 How can you help? Also, don’t forget to: Tell us your ideas or suggestions for fundraising Share with us what you’ve done / how much you’ve raised Send in funds by cheque or via the link on the St Peter’s website, in both cases opting for Gift Aid, if applicable to you Sarah Quarterman rjq@waitrose.comMain church – lead Nick Norton Centre – lead Or speak to one of the fundraising team: Meryl BransonMary CharterMargaret Keane Geoff MartinPeter MoloneySheila Reed Janet Young ST. PETER’S CHURCH YATELEY DISCOVERIES & CHADDISBROOK HOUSE BUILDING PROJECT Fundraising Update No 4

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