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1 Communication Styles Nevada Department of Corrections.

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1 1 Communication Styles Nevada Department of Corrections

2 2 Getting To Know You Find three things your group has in common with each other. Note: The three things you have in common need to be beyond the obvious such as: –Attending this training class –Working for the department, etc.

3 3 Based on a drawing by American Psychologist Joseph Jastow (1899). The Mind’s Eye. Popular Science Monthly, 54, 299-312.

4 4

5 5 As a group, discuss your perspectives of the pictures Note the similarities and differences Based on a drawing by American Psychologist Joseph Jastow (1899). The Mind’s Eye. Popular Science Monthly, 54, 299- 312.

6 6 Keirsey Temperament Sorter II You will have 10 minutes to complete the assessment.

7 7 Extravert & Introvert Your Source Of Energy

8 8 Sensing & Intuitive How You Deal With Information

9 9 Thinkers & Feelers How You Make Decisions

10 10 Judgers & Perceivers How You Prefer To Live


12 12 Temperament Elements SP (Artisan), SJ (Guardian), NF (Idealist), NT (Rationals) 1.How we gather information (Sensing or INtuitive) 1.How we prefer to evaluate the data (Thinker or Feeler) 2.What we do with the the information (Judger or Perceiver)

13 13 Artisans (SP) Gathers Information Focused on End Results Risk Taker Doer vs. Planner Operator Negotiator Characteristics Lifestyle Live in the PresentProblem Solver Social Role SOURCE: Keirsey, David. Please Understand Me II. Prometheus Nemesis Book Co. 1998

14 14 Artisan’s Slogan: “When all else fails, read the directions.” Famous Artisans Include: Franklin Roosevelt, Bob Dylan, Barbara Streisand, Elizabeth Taylor, Madonna & Elvis Pressley Source: Excerpt from Kroeger, Otto and Thuesen, Janet M. Type Talk At Work. Dell Publishing. 1992. Pg. 59

15 15 Guardians (SJ) Follow Rules and Procedures Attentive to Details Serve and Protect Planner vs. Doer Socializer Strategist Characteristics Lifestyle Reflects on the Past Stabilizer Social Role SOURCE: Keirsey, David. Please Understand Me II. Prometheus Nemesis Book Co. 1998

16 16 Guardian’s Slogan: “Don’t fix what ain’t broke” Famous Guardians Include: Harry Truman, Queen Elizabeth I & II, Mother Teresa, Colin Powell, George Washington and Jimmy Stewart Source: Excerpt from Kroeger, Otto and Thuesen, Janet M. Type Talk At Work. Dell Publishing. 1992. Pg. 58

17 17 Idealists (NF) Follow Their Instincts Friendly and Compassionate Value Relationships Search for Identity Catalyst Harmonizer Characteristics Lifestyle Live in the Future Energizer Social Role SOURCE: Keirsey, David. Please Understand Me II. Prometheus Nemesis Book Co. 1998

18 18 Idealist Slogan: “Hi, I’m an NF, and I’m here to help.” Famous Idealists Include: Albert Schweitzer, Princess Diana and Mohandas Gandhi Source: Excerpt from Kroeger, Otto and Thuesen, Janet M. Type Talk At Work. Dell Publishing. 1992. Pg. 55

19 19 Rationals (NT) Logical and Skeptical Analytical and Systematic “Whys” of the Universe Demanding Architect of Systems Builder Characteristics Lifestyle Objective Inventor Social Role SOURCE: Keirsey, David. Please Understand Me II. Prometheus Nemesis Book Co. 1998 Visionary

20 20 Rational’s Slogan: “Change for the sake of change produces learning, even if the only thing we learned is that we shouldn’t have changed.” Famous Rationals Include: Albert Einstein, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Bill Gates, Margaret Thatcher and Mark Twain Source: Excerpt from Kroeger, Otto and Thuesen, Janet M. Type Talk At Work. Dell Publishing. 1992. Pg. 57

21 21 Temperament View of Policies: NF: Will offer to help others understand and follow the policy. Strong desire to offer their assistance. NT: Will question why the policy is in place and challenge it to understand its significance. SJ: Although, they may not agree with a policy, they will follow the policy and expect others to adhere to it as well. SP: Will follow the policy as they see fit and ask for forgiveness later if necessary.

22 22 Temperament Activity 1.Identify two strengths and two challenges of your temperament and record them in your handout.

23 23 Summary Be conscious of your style preferences and how it may impact others Adapt your style preferences when necessary Utilize style preferences to strengthen your work group

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