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©2012 International Medical Corps Janet Meyers IAWG Annual Meeting May, 2013 Kuala Lumpur Addressing High Maternal and Newborn Mortality through Support.

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Presentation on theme: "©2012 International Medical Corps Janet Meyers IAWG Annual Meeting May, 2013 Kuala Lumpur Addressing High Maternal and Newborn Mortality through Support."— Presentation transcript:

1 ©2012 International Medical Corps Janet Meyers IAWG Annual Meeting May, 2013 Kuala Lumpur Addressing High Maternal and Newborn Mortality through Support to Midwifery Training Institutions in South Sudan

2 ©2012 International Medical Corps Background Civil war resulted in significant HRH shortages particularly midwives Range of interim approaches to address gaps in skilled birth attendants 2010 – 96 community midwives (18 months training), 36 certified midwives (2 yrs training) and 19 registered midwives (3+ yrs training) MOH HSDP prioritizes skilled health personnel needs IMC and MOH with support from UNFPA and CIDA, re- established midwifery training programs in Kajo Keji and Wau

3 ©2012 International Medical Corps Enrolled Midwifery Training in Kajo Keji and Wau, South Sudan 5 year program (January 2012 to July 2016) to train 150 enrolled midwives and 80 bridge midwives – 230 enrolled midwives Students selected from 10 states (tracking sex disaggregated data)

4 ©2012 International Medical Corps Key Approaches: Curriculum and Collaboration Standardized curricula developed by MOH with support from UNFPA – 2.5 year training – 1 year for bridge training Support to 2 existing schools – NHTI and NMS Partnership and support from MOH, UNFPA, UNDP Coordination with AMREF

5 ©2012 International Medical Corps Key Approaches: Recruitment and Foundation Courses Student recruitment – MOH led – Representation from all States International trainers and transition to local trainers Preceptor training English class as part of foundations course in Wau County

6 ©2012 International Medical Corps Key approaches: Performance Based Skills lab ICM 7 competencies Continuous assessment test (CAT) Learning guide and checklists for clinical area Objective structured practical exam (OSPE)

7 ©2012 International Medical Corps Key Approaches: Performance Based (continued) Database to track individual performance MOH – Final Exam

8 ©2012 International Medical Corps Key Approaches: Deployment MOH Nursing and Midwifery Directorate Database Deployment strategy

9 ©2012 International Medical Corps Key Approaches: Partnerships MOUs with hospitals for practicum sites Shared skills lab in Wau Chinese battalion for school farm – Wau Kenyan battalion for English classes – Wau

10 ©2012 International Medical Corps Challenges and Innovations Shortages of qualified trainers and hospital staff to mentor students  Response: UNV trainers supported by UNDP  Recruitment, on the job training and mentoring of South Sudanese trainers  Plan to train preceptors: hospital midwifery and nursing staff  Pilot peer assistant program in Wau while working to increase number of competent preceptors

11 ©2012 International Medical Corps Challenges and Innovations Insufficient supplies and medicines for training including practicum sites  Supplement essential supplies for infection prevention and advocate for improved supply chain management of essential RH medicines  MOU with private nursing school to use skills lab  MOU with private hospital for practicum site

12 ©2012 International Medical Corps Challenges and Innovations Insufficient case load for clinical experience  Expanded to additional hospitals  Mother – baby kits to encourage facility delivery

13 ©2012 International Medical Corps

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