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Defining ‘Best Practice’ in PGT Dr Janet De Wilde Assistant Director, Head of STEM, HEA 08.05.2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Defining ‘Best Practice’ in PGT Dr Janet De Wilde Assistant Director, Head of STEM, HEA 08.05.2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Defining ‘Best Practice’ in PGT Dr Janet De Wilde Assistant Director, Head of STEM, HEA 08.05.2014

2 STEM and the Global Economy

3 Knowledge economy Comprises skills, experiences and knowledge. The highly skilled, experienced and knowledgeable ‘human resource’ is the main contributor to economy. They contribute to the economy in terms of new ideas and soft skills, particularly in the service sector. Innovation-led economy In innovation-led economy the ‘human resource’ is able to create more jobs for others, contributing and creating opportunities for themselves as well as others. 3 Which Economy?

4 4 Top Ten Skills Employers Want Reference - CIHE report: Graduate Employability – The Employers View

5 Postgraduate 3.64 One of the most powerful levers for improving productivity will be higher level skills. Postgraduate or level 5 Skills … These higher level skills are key to driver of innovation, entrepreneurship, management, leadership and R&D. 5 Leitch Review: World Class Skills 2006 n 2006

6 SAAPADSA+A Analytical Thinking Skills52406392% Subject specialist Knowledge463414980% Research/ Technical Skills334618379% New ideas, help innovate245024374% Maturity1539331254% Future leadership potential163444650% Guaranteed High quality graduates624521830% 6 SA = STRONGLY AGREE; A = AGREE; PA = PARTLY AGREE; D = DISAGREE CIHE: Talent Fishing 2010 What is the value of recruiting staff with Masters Qualifications

7 Communication Team working Integrity Intellectual ability Confidence Creativity 7 Skills to drive innovation

8 Student Experience Passenger Pioneer Passive

9 9 Lectures and private study Students taught and tested Exceptional Pedagogies???

10 Traditional: Postgraduate projects Students learn –Experiment design –Data gathering –Data analysis –Report Writing

11 ‘Smith Report’ (2010), One Step Beyond: Making the most of postgraduate education sector Higher Education Commission report (2012), Postgraduate Education British Academy (July 2012), Postgraduate funding: the neglected dimension 1994 Group (2012), The Postgraduate Crisis NUS proposals (2012), Steps towards a fairer system of Postgraduate funding in England ‘Milburn report’ (October 2012) University Challenge: How Higher Education Can Advance Social Mobility Sutton trust report on social mobility (February 2013), The Postgraduate Premium Researching Postgraduate education 11

12 Report by P. Wakeling & G. Hampden-Thompson Focus on national, institutional and individual differences Focus on f/t UK- and EU-domiciled first degree grads who completed in 2009-10 and 2010-11 Uses HESA data about their studies, background and activities after graduation (DLHE). HEA Publication: Transition to higher degrees across the UK 12

13 13 What influences student satisfaction? Impact of learning experience on overall satisfaction Multiple regression of National Student Survey 2011 dataset

14 Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey YearHEIsResponsesRate 20093014 42117.7% 20107632 63814.8% 20118038 75617.8% 20128354 64024.7% 20138958 67926.0% Participation in PTES, 2009-2013 14 104 institutions participated at least once in the last two years

15 PTES currently focuses on: Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey Teaching and learningSkills and personal development Assessment and feedbackCareer and prof. development DissertationExperience vs. expectations Organisation and managementMotivations Learning resources[Institution specific] 15

16 PTES 2013: published in October 2013 16

17 17 PTES 2013

18 18 Profile by discipline

19 More research and information required Especially in a STEM discipline context 19 What is needed?

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