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JOHN CHAPMAN Chair, Internet2 Middle East Regional Interest Group DECEMBER 11, 2014 Moving Towards a GLOBAL NETWORK ARCHITECTURE.

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Presentation on theme: "JOHN CHAPMAN Chair, Internet2 Middle East Regional Interest Group DECEMBER 11, 2014 Moving Towards a GLOBAL NETWORK ARCHITECTURE."— Presentation transcript:

1 JOHN CHAPMAN Chair, Internet2 Middle East Regional Interest Group DECEMBER 11, 2014 Moving Towards a GLOBAL NETWORK ARCHITECTURE

2 GNA 2 Refining and Evolving the Global Network Architecture GNA Vision: To describe an inclusive, collaborative Next Gen intercontinental R&E network infrastructure with a 5 to 10 year horizon Initial document by Xing Li (CERNET) James Williams (Internet2)

3 GNA 3 So what started work on the GNA? Global REN CEO Forum Initiative: Internet2 CERNET NORDUnet Janet Goal: Seamless global ”services” delivery for users in R&E Limited global NREN strategy coordination existed prior to 2012 Initiative by Internet2, CERNET, NORDUnet and Janet to organize strategic dialogue Initial participant selection based on R&E stats, smaller group, ”G20” model Limited global NREN strategy coordination existed prior to 2012 Initiative by Internet2, CERNET, NORDUnet and Janet to organize strategic dialogue Initial participant selection based on R&E stats, smaller group, ”G20” model Addressing Common Challenges

4 GNA 4 Two groups established in May 2013 GNA Co-chairs:James Williams – Internet2 Erik-Jan Bos - NORDUnet Architecture group Executive action team Output:Dec 2013 CEO forum paper July 2014 FAQ and update Chair: Peter Elford - AARNET

5 GNA Evolution – not a new network 5 The GNA and the Global Network (GNet) are less about a physical network and more about defining a framework for national networks and exchange points to participate in a global network. The GNet will be a collaboration or federation of existing networks/exchange points. The GNA will be the framework or set of rules that organizations agree to follow to participate in the GNet.

6 GNA 6 GNA – GNA – Architecture Group Direction  High-level, focused on long-term goals (5-10 yr)  Looking at infrastructure and research trends, not just at technologies  Develop three areas (Operations + Security; Technology +Topology; Services)  Use ANA-100G as a pathfinder project  Coordinating funding in smart ways via EAT  High-level, focused on long-term goals (5-10 yr)  Looking at infrastructure and research trends, not just at technologies  Develop three areas (Operations + Security; Technology +Topology; Services)  Use ANA-100G as a pathfinder project  Coordinating funding in smart ways via EAT

7 GNA 7 GNA – infrastructure approach Greenfield approach... but leveraging:  Existing and planned subsea cables  Research and big science installations  Advanced R&E networks & their BCPs  Existing and planned subsea cables  Research and big science installations  Advanced R&E networks & their BCPs Yielding...  Powerful network substrate:  Overlay networks  Powerful network substrate:  Overlay networks  fat pipes  GREX (Global R&E eXchange)  Provisioning and operational tools & systems

8 GNA 8 GNA – implementation  Slow start (low hanging fruit first)  Gradual phasing in  No-one left behind – national, regional, global consultation  Slow start (low hanging fruit first)  Gradual phasing in  No-one left behind – national, regional, global consultation Physical infrastructure: no big bang scenario Transport substrate: progressive automation  First: Manual (horizon: 5 years) – e.g. GN3plus SA2+GLIF+SDN work important  Later: Automatic (horizon: 10 years)  First: Manual (horizon: 5 years) – e.g. GN3plus SA2+GLIF+SDN work important  Later: Automatic (horizon: 10 years)

9 9 GNA – artist’s impression Credit – Mian Usman (DANTE)

10 Engage the community 10 Engage other networking efforts: Involve other efforts and ideas such as the developing ESnet international network, the NSF IREN planning and the EC Horizon 2020 efforts. And, of course, developments in the ME (eg. Fujairah AGE-OX, etc.) Formally engage the community: At CANS At the Internet2 Global Summit At the TNC meeting At APAN At SIG meetings….

11 GNA 11 ANA-100G : GNA pathfinder

12 GNA 12 ANA-200G : GNA pathfinder – production ready Q4 2014 WIX GXP

13 How to participate!!! 13 We need your participation and feedback. The framework we are developing will only be as good as the intellectual input creating it. For the GNA: You need a strong technical area of expertise (senior network architects) You need to be able to commit to working on GNA activities, attending GNA video conferences and a yearly(?) GNA face-to-face. You need a commitment of your time and financial support from your CEO. You need agreement from your NREN, as you will be representing your NREN.

14 How to participate!!! 14 Contact: Edward Moynihan, Director Global Programs Talk with me between sessions. I am happy to answer questions with the knowledge I have. Web resources: technical-group/

15 [ 15 ] What will the GLOBAL Research and Education Community Do Next!?

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