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Tackling Health Inequalities Locally Dr Paul Edmondson-Jones Portsmouth City Teaching PCT Portsmouth City Council Thursday 25 th September 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Tackling Health Inequalities Locally Dr Paul Edmondson-Jones Portsmouth City Teaching PCT Portsmouth City Council Thursday 25 th September 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tackling Health Inequalities Locally Dr Paul Edmondson-Jones Portsmouth City Teaching PCT Portsmouth City Council Thursday 25 th September 2008


3 A Map of Portsmouth Source: Department for Communities and Local Government Index of Multiple Deprivation 2007 Of the 123 SOAs in Portsmouth City, 24 are in the 20% most deprived in England Of the 14 electoral wards in Portsmouth City, 7 have SOAs in the 20% most deprived in England

4 Health Inequalities in Portsmouth


6 Life Story of Janet and John

7 Demography Source: Hants County Council Small Area Population Forecasts Charles DickensDrayton & Farlington

8 Births to Young Mothers 2000-04 ( under 20) Source: Child Health Surveillance System (ad-hoc) Charles Dickens % of births 19.8% Drayton & Farlington % of births 2.6%

9 Births to Young Mothers 2000-04 Source: Child Health Surveillance System (ad-hoc)

10 Infant Mortality (under 1 year old) Charles Dickens Rate / 1000 live births 4.85 Drayton & Farlington Rate / 1000 live births 0.2 Source: ONS Public Health Mortality File

11 Childhood Vaccination Uptake Rate Charles Dickens 93.8% Drayton & Farlington 96.5% (highest) Source: Child Health Surveillance System Primary Vaccinations MMR Vaccinations Charles Dickens 90.4% Drayton & Farlington 85.4% (lowest)

12 Children aged 0-15 years dependent on families with workless benefits, April 2007 Source: Departent of Work and Pensions June 2008. Rate per 1,000 children aged 0-15yrs Drayton & Farlington numbersrates 80 36 Charles Dickens numbersrates 1570 471

13 Dental Caries 2006 by school Source: British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry, Epidemiological Surveys of 5 year old children, 2006 Charles Dickens Somers Park Primary School DMFT Score 4.23 (highest) Drayton & Farlington Solent Infant School DMFT Score 0.78 (lowest)

14 Dental Caries trends Source: British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry, Epidemiological Surveys of 5 year old children, 2006

15 Childhood Accident Admissions (0-5 years) Source: HealthCare Purchaser System Charles Dickens at home 41 in the street 2 Drayton & Farlington at home 5 in the street 0

16 Looked After Children Source: Portsmouth Unitary Authority Social Services Looked After Children overlaid on % of children aged <16 years in low-income families

17 Teenage Conceptions 2002-2004 Source: ONS Teenage Pregnancy Unit. rates per 1000 females aged 15-17 yrs Charles Dickens numbers 89 Rates99 Drayton & Farlington numbers 13 Rates 19

18 Screening Uptake Rates Source: PPSA Drayton & Farlington Breast72.15 Cervical82.40 Charles Dickens Breast60.06 Cervical63.97

19 Lifestyle & Risk factors Source: various sources Drayton & Farlington % of smokers >18 13% % 4 wk quitters63% NOT eating 5 a day55% Binge drinking16% Insufficient or no eX 57% Obese adults 6% Charles Dickens % of smokers >1843% % 4 wk quitters44% NOT eating 5 a day70% Binge drinking23% Insufficient or no Ex 83% Obese adults 27%


21 Health Inequalities in Portsmouth

22 Know Your Gap I keep six honest serving-men (They taught me all I knew) Their names are What and Why and When And How and Where and Who Rudyard Kipling

23 MalesFemales Breakdown of Life Expectancy Gap by disease group and gender Portsmouth City teaching Primary Care Trust

24 MalesFemales Breakdown of Life Expectancy Gap by age group and gender Portsmouth City teaching Primary Care Trust


26 Take action to help

27 Male Life Expectancy at Birth 1991/03 – 2009/11

28 Female Life Expectancy at Birth 1991/03 – 2009/11

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