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Open Source Software and the Government’s ICT Strategy 2 nd June 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Open Source Software and the Government’s ICT Strategy 2 nd June 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open Source Software and the Government’s ICT Strategy 2 nd June 2014

2 Need for Government ICT Strategy ICT prior to last election... –Big, complicated and risky IT projects, dominated by a few suppliers. –Too much bespoke development, and wasteful duplication of effort. –Systems not interoperable or integrated. –Long delivery timescales, so long that responsibilities and organisation changed before implementation. Published pan-Government strategy March 2011

3 Aims of Government ICT Strategy Reduce waste –use more open and standardised and hence more competitive solutions Common infrastructure and procurement Drive for public services to be delivered digitally. Pan-government governance.

4 How this is impacting the Public Sector Regional PSN Networks (Local Gov/Blue light) –(e.g. Staffs, West Mids) Migration of key government services –JANET 6 (Education) –N4 (Health) –Replacement of ASPIRE contract (HMRC) –Replacement of Grapevine contract (MOD)

5 Reducing Waste Avoid commissioning bespoke projects, and use open source software where possible. Develop open source skills in-house, rather than be dependent upon big companies. Drive towards smaller, more agile suppliers to create a more competitive marketplace.

6 Common ICT Infrastructure Mandate open platforms Adopt a flexible and standardised approach, examples –PSN –G-Cloud Ensure interoperability between platforms. Enable better resource consolidation.

7 Open Source Examples Linux (Operating System) Moodle and Mahara (LMS and e-portfolio) Open Office Wordpress (web authoring) Asterisk (VoIP/SIP) Sugar CRM Shibboleth (Federated Access Management)

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