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Decriminalised Parking Enforcement ‘Delivery Progress Report’ Transportation & Asset Management Environment & Regeneration Scrutiny Committee 31 January.

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Presentation on theme: "Decriminalised Parking Enforcement ‘Delivery Progress Report’ Transportation & Asset Management Environment & Regeneration Scrutiny Committee 31 January."— Presentation transcript:

1 Decriminalised Parking Enforcement ‘Delivery Progress Report’ Transportation & Asset Management Environment & Regeneration Scrutiny Committee 31 January 2008

2 Decriminalised Parking Enforcement Progress Delivery Report Final Preparations – Key Focus Areas 1. Formal SPA Application 2.Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) Review 3. W.P.P.P. – Constitutional Arrangements & SLA 4. Information/Consultation Strategy 5. DPE Enforcement Team 6. IT Systems 7. Traffic Management Act (2004) – Implementation

3 Decriminalised Parking Enforcement Progress Delivery Report 1.Formal SPA Application  Formal SPA Application submitted (August 2007)  Response has been received from WAG  Processing application in accordance with Wrexham’s preferred delivery date (01 March 2008).  Following requests from WAG, we have clarified some minor issues relating to the application.  WAG will prepare the ‘Designation Order’ granting decriminalised parking enforcement powers to WCBC on 01 March.  TRO review confirmation  In accordance with the application procedures outlined in the guidance on DPE. Wrexham have submitted confirmation to WAG that all parking related TRO’s will be modified to be consistent with parking decriminalisation by the commencement date of the 01 March 2008.

4 Decriminalised Parking Enforcement Progress Delivery Report 2. TRO Review  Accuracy Check (On-track) ITEMTASKSTATUS 1 Catalogue of all existing TRO’s transferred to specialist software (ParkMAP) Complete 2Site survey of all ‘parking’ related TRO’sComplete 3 A series of necessary amendment orders to conform to the change in legislation i.e. 1984 Road Traffic Regulation Act to Road Traffic Act 1991 Complete 4Comparison of site survey to TRO catalogue (ParkMAP)Complete 5Remedial works to site (Signs & Lines) Near Completion 6 Amendment and consolidation of final TRO to tie in with implementation date (01 March 2008) Near Completion

5 Decriminalised Parking Enforcement Progress Delivery Report 3. Wales Penalty Processing Partnership  Constitutional Arrangements  Current partners include Denbighshire, Gwynedd and Ynys Mon.  An officer working group has been established and is made up of one nominated officer from each partner Authority.  The working group meet on a quarterly basis and consider all aspects relating to the management and operation of the WPPP.  The initial proposal was for governance of the partnership under the strategic regional body ‘Taith’  A number of concerns have been raised: - governance under Taith may restrict the future expansion of the partnership. - Taith is a strategic body and this is an operational matter.  WLGA are assisting with the production of the SLA and constitutional arrangements. Officers are currently seeking clarification on the final proposals for an overseeing body.

6 Decriminalised Parking Enforcement Progress Delivery Report 3. Wales Penalty Processing Partnership............. (Continued)  Service Level Agreement (SLA)  Denbighshire, Gwynedd and Anglesey are currently seeking approval of the SLA through their respective Member committee structures.  The SLA has been formulated following significant work and development between all member authorities. The main proposals that are supported by officers include:  1. All financial issues and implications are based upon the performance of individual authorities i.e. No. of PCN issued. This reflects the investment each authority has made in establishing and running the partnership.  2. Voting rights for individual partners are again based upon their performance  3. Any partner wishing to withdraw from the partnership may do so with three months notice provided this does not result in the operation of the partnership becoming financially unviable. In this situation a period of 12 months is proposed.

7 Decriminalised Parking Enforcement Progress Delivery Report 4. Consultation Strategy  The ‘trigger’ for the roll out of the communication strategy will be the presentation to Members by RTA Associates following this update report.  Press Releases (Local Newspapers)  Leaflet drop to all households in the County Borough.  Council’s Digital TV pages, Internet, Connect Magazine  Consultation with interested groups (i.e Town Centre Forum) 5. DPE Enforcement Team  Recruitment of additional PA’s and Admin staff is now complete.  Comprehensive induction and training programme is programmed for February including a formal ‘City & Guilds’ qualification’. This will include a period shadowing neighbouring authorities attendants.  Final preparations are being made to the enforcement strategy and beats. These will be reactive and change to reflect illegal parking intelligence.  The new accommodation in the Peoples Market for the Parking Attendants is now complete. Feb 2008 Programmed

8 Decriminalised Parking Enforcement Progress Delivery Report 6. IT Systems  All the necessary hardware equipment needed to enforce parking restrictions (i.e. handheld devices, cameras etc) has been procured.  All the necessary I.T. systems will undergo vigorous testing in the weeks leading up to implementation.  Officers from the W.P.P.P have already been through this process with Gwynedd and Anglesey and do not therefore anticipate any major problems.

9 Decriminalised Parking Enforcement Progress Delivery Report 6. Traffic Management Act 2004  WAG’s proposed timetable for implementation of Part 6 of the TMA (i.e. Civil Parking Enforcement) in Wales is 31 st March 2008.  On the 30 th October 2007, WAG issued draft operational guidance for consultation. The closing date for responses was 10 th January 08.  On the 17 th December 07, representatives from each of the North Wales Authorities met in Bangor to discuss the proposed introduction of TMA and agree a joint response to the consultation exercise.  The joint response expressed a number of concerns relating to: - the short consultation period - the proposed implementation timescale of 31st March 2008 - WAGS failure to uphold their promise to deliver a series of consultation workshops during the consultation period. - a number of technical oversights by WAG relating to the proposed methods of transfer to the new legislation. - the negative financial impacts (i.e. differential charges)

10 Decriminalised Parking Enforcement Progress Delivery Report 6. Traffic Management Act 2004............. (Continued)  TMA Conference Wales – 23 Jan 08, Caer Beris Manor, Builth Wells. Attendees:WAG, Welsh Local Authorities, British Parking Associates (BPA), NPAS, parking consultants and parking service providers.  WAG confirmed that they are still looking to introduce Part 6 of the TMA 2004 (i.e. Civil Parking Enforcement) on the 31 st March 2008.  Welsh Authorities highlighted to WAG a number of concerns:  Confusion regarding the conversion of TRO’s from the 1991 Road Traffic Act to the Traffic Management Act 2004.  Financial implications regarding the proposed introduction of differential parking charges  Delay in the publication of the updated operational guidance on Civil Parking Enforcement (anticipated March 2008)  WAG officials promised to take these issues back to the Assembly for consideration.

11 Decriminalised Parking Enforcement Progress Delivery Report 6. Traffic Management Act 2004............. (Continued)  Differential Parking Charges – Implications for Wrexham.  Under CPE, it is proposed to introduce differential penalty charges dependant upon severity of contraventions.  This will impact upon the financial business case for Wrexham.  As the consultation papers stand, two charging bands are proposed, £70 – £50 and £60 – £40.  To introduce differential charging, a resolution of the Council on the proposed band is required.  Implications of both bands have been assessed against the financial model. Even with the higher band £70 - £50, an estimated £9,000 loss in operating income is predicted. This reduces the financial viability to break even point.  When the differential rates are published by WAG, it is proposed to report to Exec board recommending adoption of the higher band rate (£70 - £50).

12 Decriminalised Parking Enforcement Progress Delivery Report Recommendations 1. Note the work undertaken by officers to date. 2.Support the delegation of powers to the CTAMO to facilitate all aspects of the management and control of parking enforcement in the County Borough. 3.Support the adoption of the higher band (£70 - £50) differential charge rate under the TMA 2004 (Part 6 – Civil Parking Enforcement). 4.To report annually to Members on the operation and financial aspects of the ‘Parking Service’ in Wrexham. 5.Officers seek clarity over the proposed constitutional arrangements of the W.P.P.P. and prepare a report on this and the proposed SLA for consideration and approval by the Executive Board.

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