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BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE (BI) FOR ITSM UDAY BIRAJDAR 1 © 2010 World Wide Remedy Users Group. All Rights Reserved. WWRUG.COM.

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Presentation on theme: "BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE (BI) FOR ITSM UDAY BIRAJDAR 1 © 2010 World Wide Remedy Users Group. All Rights Reserved. WWRUG.COM."— Presentation transcript:

1 BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE (BI) FOR ITSM UDAY BIRAJDAR 1 © 2010 World Wide Remedy Users Group. All Rights Reserved. WWRUG.COM

2 Outline © 2010 World Wide Remedy Users Group. All Rights Reserved. 2  BI for ITSM – Need  Phases in BI project for ITSM  BI terminology  Capabilities a BI for ITSM solution should have  Example reports  Vyom Labs BI for ITSM – services and solution demo  About Vyom Labs

3 Need of BI For ITSM  CXO Systems surveyed 1400 CIOs. Key findings included:  IT executives spend more than a day per week gathering performance information  The frequency with which CIOs gather information related to different functions does not correlate well with the importance of those functions.  The majority of information is received via multiple channels and needs to be collated bottom up. The following graphs are taken from the report: 3 © 2010 World Wide Remedy Users Group. All Rights Reserved.

4 Competing Based On BI 4 © 2010 World Wide Remedy Users Group. All Rights Reserved.

5 BI For ITSM Project  Phases  Requirements gathering  Approach  Top- Down  Bottom-Up  Prioritize based on organization and IT objectives  Choosing the tool  Choose the tool which has In-built KPIs, Reports And Dashboards For ITSM  Design Solution  Data Integration, Reports, Dashboards, Access rights  Deployment  Installation, Testing, Training  Continual Improvement  Interpret Information, Identify Improvement Areas, Start New Cycle 5 © 2010 World Wide Remedy Users Group. All Rights Reserved.

6 BI Terminology  Metrics, KPI  Reports, Ad-hoc Reports  Dimension and Measure, Drill Down Reports, Dashboards  Metrics  Metrics refer to the quantitative, periodic assessment of a process, system or function  Metrics provided in ITIL books are basic one and they need to be applied and expanded within the context of each organization before it can be effective  Examples – Number of incidents, Number of failed changes 6 © 2010 World Wide Remedy Users Group. All Rights Reserved.

7 BI Terminology  KPI  A KPI refers to a specific, agreed level of performance that will be used to measure the effectiveness of an organization or process  KPIs should be chosen based on organization goal  Example  Organization goal can be “Improve Key Business Application Availability  KPIs in that case can be – response time, number of failed changes, MTTR, SLA associated with Key Business Applications and it’s components 7 © 2010 World Wide Remedy Users Group. All Rights Reserved.

8 BI For ITSM Solution  BI For ITSM Solution Should Provide  In built static and drill down reports based on good practices  ITIL, COBIT, ISO 20000  Ability to build Ad-hoc reports easily  Dashboard for higher level executives  Built-in Integration with multiple data sources including data from multiple ITSM/BSM vendor solutions  Combined reports from multiple data sources  Data model to accommodate current and future needs of reports and dashboards  Granularity of access controls  Scheduling and distribution of reports 8 © 2010 World Wide Remedy Users Group. All Rights Reserved.

9 Example Reports  Service Call Resolution – Location-wise Report  Purpose: List of Total service calls resolved, Total resolved within SLA, Total resolved outside SLA, SLA%, average SLA Time, Average time taken  Output : Summary and Drill-down with count of calls based on location and assigned workgroup  Category-wise Incident resolution report  Purpose: Summary of incidents resolved as per category for a selected location, category and date range  Output: Summary and Drill-down of information based on Incident category, location and date range  Number of emergency changes across customers  Purpose: summary of emergency changes across different customers. The company has different vendor change management tools for different customers  Output: Summary and Drill-down of information on emergency changes across different customers 9 © 2010 World Wide Remedy Users Group. All Rights Reserved.

10 Vyom Labs BI For ITSM : Services & Solution Demo  BI For ITSM – Vyom Labs Services  Services for BMC’s SAP/BO based solution And Vyom Labs Oracle BI based solution  Broad range of services  Requirements gathering  Top-down, Bottom-Up  Leveraging ITIL, ISO 20000, COBIT Expertise  Solution Design  Custom reports development  Ongoing support  Training  Results interpretation and continual improvement  BI For ITSM – Vyom Labs Solution  Developed on oracle BI (OBIEE) platform  Jumpstart solution  Support for multiple data sources including different BSM/ITSM solutions including BMC Solutions  Inbuilt best practices reports, dashboard and drill down reports in single console  Dimensional database, faster performance 10 © 2010 World Wide Remedy Users Group. All Rights Reserved.

11 Vyom Labs BI For ITSM Services And Solution Demo  Demo… 11 © 2010 World Wide Remedy Users Group. All Rights Reserved.

12 Conclusion  IT Executives spend good amount of time per week gathering performance reports  Based on traditional reports one may be able to deduce what is happening and not why certain thing is happening  BI solution for ITSM can save time and increase effectiveness of IT Executives  Good BI solution for ITSM with best practices reports built-in, first rollout based on priorities, PDCA cycles can give good results 12 © 2010 World Wide Remedy Users Group. All Rights Reserved.

13 Question/Discussions 13 .. © 2010 World Wide Remedy Users Group. All Rights Reserved.

14 Thank You Vyom Labs Pvt. Ltd. BSM Solutions & Services || ITIL Consulting & Training Aditi Samruddhi, Baner, Pune-411045, India. Email: Web Site: 14 © 2010 World Wide Remedy Users Group. All Rights Reserved.

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