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Implementation of the EFQM Excellence Model in the ICBS Galit Ben Aharon.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementation of the EFQM Excellence Model in the ICBS Galit Ben Aharon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementation of the EFQM Excellence Model in the ICBS Galit Ben Aharon

2 Israel Central Bureau of Statistics Background In 2001 the Civil Service Commission in Israel decided to adopt the EFQM Excellence Model. The vision: “ More units in the public sector should undertake the initiative to implement the Excellence model, evaluate themselves and adopt an organizational culture of constant improvement”

3 Israel Central Bureau of Statistics The EFQM Model Criteria

4 Israel Central Bureau of Statistics Fundamental concepts

5 Israel Central Bureau of Statistics Implementing the EFQM Model at the ICBS A steering committee for Quality and Excellence. A decade ago the ICBS decided to apply the EFQM model. Some internal decisions: –Each department was defined as an organizational unit. –Every year another department would join the process. –Every two years each department would repeat the self- assessment. –The process would be conducted by certified consultants.

6 Israel Central Bureau of Statistics Self-assessment

7 The stages of implementing the model Presenting the model to the employees Conducting a self-assessment among the management Training the staff members who will conduct the self- assessment Expanding the scope of self-assessment among additional staff members Processing the findings by establishing a consensus Presenting the findings to the management Holding executive meetings to prioritize the issues that need improvements

8 Israel Central Bureau of Statistics Benefits and Improvements Service Level Agreement (SLA) Vision Portal (Internal functional web page) Satisfaction surveys Documentation (follow up of working processes) Transparency and Sharing knowledge Integration of new employees Recognition of employees Contribution to the community

9 Israel Central Bureau of Statistics Improvement teams Bank of questions Process for planning a new survey Process for producing MUC (Micro data Under Contract) Organizing and centralizing Bureau procedures and rules Resource efficiency and green office

10 Israel Central Bureau of Statistics Challenges and Difficulties Partial implementation of the process Until now, focusing on organizational aspects rather then statistical quality In some cases providing a local solution rather than a systemic response Difficulties in changing some of the issues that need improvement

11 Israel Central Bureau of Statistics Future plans Implement the EFQM model in units that have not joined the process yet, and conduct repeat self-assessments. Adopt the principles of the European Statistics Code of Practice along with the Quality Assurance Framework.

12 Israel Central Bureau of Statistics danke schoen

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