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Cash Flow Problems are 5 Types Invest and Earn –solve with NPV, maybe IRR or tweeked IRR or ERR All Cost Investment Alternatives –develop cash flows for.

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Presentation on theme: "Cash Flow Problems are 5 Types Invest and Earn –solve with NPV, maybe IRR or tweeked IRR or ERR All Cost Investment Alternatives –develop cash flows for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cash Flow Problems are 5 Types Invest and Earn –solve with NPV, maybe IRR or tweeked IRR or ERR All Cost Investment Alternatives –develop cash flows for alternatives –subtract other choices from favorite choice –Evaluate comparison problem using an invest and earn technique - especially NPV –Run a basket-ball elimination tournament to pick the best

2 Five Types of Cash Flow Problems Incremental Investment Problem –Write cash flow for basic investment –Write cash flow with the add on being evaluated –Subtract the basic cash flow from the one with the add on - get a cash flow for value of the add on –Do an NPV or IRR/ERR/Tweeked IRR on the new cash flow

3 Five Types of Cash Flow Problems Competing Investments Problem –Is no one right answer –Have to choose what strategy you are using to pursue wealth and then choose your analysis technique Last Type of Problem is the Unit Cost Problem

4 Unit Cost Problems It costs a certain amount to produce a unit of something your business handles Cost to get equipment to produce something is divided into two types of costs –Ownership costs (have to buy the equipment) –Operating costs (have to run it) These costs are put on an annual basis and divided by units produced to get a cost/unit

5 Example Earnest does mine planning for Crader Mining Operating Costs –Each Truck uses $60,000 in diesel fuel –$10,000 in lubricants –$20,000 in repairs –$10,000 in tires –$40,000 for operator

6 Unit Cost Problem Total Operating Cost/Year –$60,000+$10,000+$20,000+$10,000+$40,000 = $140,000 / Year –Annual tonnage produced is 700,000 tons –Operating Cost/Unit is $140,000/700,000 = $0.2/ton Ownership consists of –Purchase –Taxes and Insurance –Tax Benefits

7 Purchase Cost In order to get cost per ton, ownership costs must be put on an annual basis so it can be divided by annual production Earnest’s trucks cost $700,000 each –Can make it a series of annual payments –Maybe in life it is - Maybe the share holders paid –Break it up as if it were annual payments at interest rate for loan of shareholders rate

8 Need the Life of Equipment or Loan Mining trucks are often 7 years Assume shareholders pay and want 15% rate of return A/P 0.15,7 = 0.2404 $700,000 * 0.2404 = $168,280 / Year

9 Depreciation Truck is used up by working it in production –Already said life was 7 years Simple Way to Depreciate is called “Straight Line” –Truck was worth $700,000 –Is used up over 7 years –$700,000 / 7 = $100,000 per year used up –Per unit cost analysis uses straight line

10 More Depreciation In practice things depreciate faster at first –New car dropping $2000 when drive it off the lot Other Depreciation Methods such as Sum of Years Digits –Income tax has schedule IRS developed called ACRS (Accelerated Cost Recovery Schedule) –Not going to cover right now

11 Depreciation and Tax Advantage Earnest’s trucks can be depreciated on Federal and State Income Tax –Government taxes business income just like yours –Government allows you to deduct from your income If self employed you can deduct business expenses Only pay tax on what you actually cleared –Crader Mining has to buy trucks - it’s a business expense taken by depreciation

12 The Tax Advantage Straight Line Depreciation give $100,000/year Crader will deduct $100,000 from their reported earnings –Saves them money on taxes - should be considered in per unit cost some analysis are done before taxes some are done after taxes –Large businesses pay was about 36% Federal and 3% state - now 32% Federal 3% State

13 Calculating Tax Advantage $100,000 deduction –35% tax rate –$100,000 * 0.35 = $35,000 –$35,000 in income tax that don’t have to pay

14 Property Tax and Insurance Property Tax is about 2%, Insurance is about 2% Problem is 2% of what? Insurance and Property Tax are on the value of the property - which is changing We need an annual cost but its different every year Use what is called “Average Annual Investment”

15 Depreciation and Average Annual Investment $700,000 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Initial Value for Tax and Insurance $600,000 in Year 2 $500,000 in Year 3 $100,000 in Year 7 Note that average value is not middle value of $350,000 which occurs at time 3.5 years (taxes and insurance are based on value at the beginning of the year) ($700,000 + 600,000 + $500,000 + $400,000 + $300,000+ $200,000 + 100,000)/7 = $400,000 General Formula (n+1)/2n * Initial Value = Average Annual Investment

16 Apply (7 + 1)/ (2*7) * $700,000 = $400,000 Average Annual Investment Taxes Are 2% of Average Annual Investment $400,000 * 0.02 = $8,000 Insurance is 2% of Average Annual Investment $400,000 * 0.02 = $8,000

17 Summing Annual Ownership Cost $168,400 / year from purchase $16,000 /year in taxes and insurance -$35,000 / year in tax savings $149,400 / year in Ownership Cost $149,400 / 700,000 tons / year = $0.2134

18 Finishing the Problem Ownership Cost/ton = 21.34 cents Operating Cost/ton = 20.00 cents Total Cost per ton to move rock with the haul truck is 41.34 cents/ton Most Engineering Applications can do a per unit cost the same way –Often an analysis of choice in trying to justify or explain new equipment purchases

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