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The Upgraded and Expanded CARISMA Magnetometer Array: New Pi1 Substorm Science Capabilities I.J. Rae, Ian R. Mann (PI), K. Murphy, David K. Milling (PM),

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Presentation on theme: "The Upgraded and Expanded CARISMA Magnetometer Array: New Pi1 Substorm Science Capabilities I.J. Rae, Ian R. Mann (PI), K. Murphy, David K. Milling (PM),"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Upgraded and Expanded CARISMA Magnetometer Array: New Pi1 Substorm Science Capabilities I.J. Rae, Ian R. Mann (PI), K. Murphy, David K. Milling (PM), Andy Kale, Z.C. Kale, D. Wallis CARISMA Team, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Alberta.

2 Substorm Science: Pi1 Timing at Substorm Onset


4  The IMAGE-FUV auroral onset identified by Frey et al. [2004] at 05:44:23 UT in the southern hemisphere, mapped onto CGM coordinates. Over-plotted are the ULF onset contours (mapped into the southern hemisphere) which show the expansion of ULF power away from the GILL magnetometer. The ULF substorm onset is determined to be 05:40:48 UT (± 16s) [Murphy et al. (2008), submitted]

5 7 th March 2007: Pi1/2 Onset  Simultaneous magnetic onset on the ground at SNKQ and at geosynchronous with GOES 12 –Linking the equatorial magnetosphere to the ionosphere within technique resolution  Observations ~1MLT sector apart observe signatures delayed by two minutes  Clear, coherent propagation away from localised epicentre close to SNKQ  Downward FAC element subsequently forms in SNKQ meridian Rae et al. (2008b), submitted

6 ASI and Differenced Images False colour real and 3s differenced images ~30s apart Beads prior to auroral break-up seen previously (e.g., Donovan et al., 2005; Liang et al., 2008) Pi1 onset occurs first at SNKQ Auroral beads occur first near SNKQ


8 5 th March 2008  Optical Onset ~06:03:45  Magnetic onset 06:04:20 +/- 16s  Not quite co-incident

9 5 th March 2008

10 5 th March 2008: Pi1/2 ULF wave power

11 Co-location of Pi1 & undulations Onset location within ~20s and station resolution

12 Compound Substorm Event II  Multiple brightenings prior to break-up  Ability to resolve ULF wave intensifications within compound events –at times! Rae et al. (2008a), accepted

13 Data Availability  1sample/s fluxgate standard data product (from 1 st April 2005) available from:  Induction coil and 8 samples/s fluxgate data product availabke on request from PI (  New Pc1 and Pc5 summary spectra plots products in development.  New Pi2 timing alogorithm and Pi2 onset archive in development.  Array information from  New AuroraWatch email alert service using CARISMA data launched at

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