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Pillar 4a Information management
18/03/2015 Pillar 4a Information management IM Toolkit project Introduction Presentation of structure of the presentation: Background of IM project Nutrition IM Toolkit conceptual framework Proposed categories Group work Information Management
1.Background of IM project
18/03/2015 1.Background of IM project First part of presentation based on IM project Background and Objectives Expected Outcomes Progress so far Information Management | 1. Background of IM project Information Management
Background and Objectives
18/03/2015 Background and Objectives Current IM system functional but requires improvement to meet the needs RRT members build on existing IMO Some tools have been developed: GNC website Gaps in global standards guidance and systems to support IM at country and global level GNC strategic plan : IM/KM strategic area of priority GNC IM toolkit Strengthen GNC capacity to support National Cluster’s IM functions Existing IM system and initiatives Needs for improved IM system was raised in several meetings since 2011 Gaps: Global standards; guidance and system to support IM at country and global level no prioritization and vetting system to control information sharing No guideline for what are the best mechanisms or platforms for sharing the different types of information Strategic Plan ( ) identifies Information and Knowledge Management (IM/KM) as one of four strategic areas of priority for Including development, review and dissemination of the GNC IM Toolkit, and guidance on its use Objective: “strengthen the capacity of the Global Nutrition Cluster to support national cluster information management functions by developing and reviewing the GNC IM Toolkit, including guidance on its use, and by developing an IM training package” Information Management | 1. Background of IM project Information Management
Information Management | 1. Background of IM project
18/03/2015 Expected Outcomes Desk Review Recommendations on how to develop the toolkit Development of the toolkit Development of a training package for the IMOs Desk review: to answer the following key questions What are the main IM tools used at country level? What is the quality of the tools used? What is the feasibility for scaling up the use of these tools? What type tools have been successfully integrated (policy and practice)? Toolkit based on recommendations + countries experience Training package for IMO in nutrition. Complementary to the JIMT Information Management | 1. Background of IM project Information Management
Information Management | 1. Background of IM project
18/03/2015 Progress so far Literature review and interviews Recommendations: Conceptual framework Adapt & create tools and guidance Use external resources (OCHA; IASC; WASH IM Toolkit...) Develop and keep up to date a data base with all tools available Outcomes: Tools data base Literature review: Background info on IM: OCHA and IASC requirements GNC IM strategy developed in oct 2014 for GNC existing tools and systems from the website Other sector’s IM toolkits (WASH; Protection; Education) Interviews: IM task force for expectations GNC CT: highlighted the need for a CF that would explain the critical need for information to be properly managed in emergency NCC not contacted: It was decided that country clusters would be involved once consensus is reached on the conceptual framework, the structure of the toolkit and therefore the type of tools to develop Recommendations: conceptual framework that explains: why IM is so critical in humanitarian settings?; the role of all stakeholders and the information flow; and the structure of the toolkit Adapt existing relevant tools and develop the missing ones according to country experience + guidance for each tool Use ext resources AND ensure specificities of nutrition are taken into consideration Tools Data base 1. to support the development of the toolkit and 2. in the future to follow up of the tools (date of last update; contact person that developed the tool; link to source; basic explanation of what is the tool…) Information Management | 1. Background of IM project Information Management
2. Nutrition IM Toolkit Conceptual framework
18/03/2015 2. Nutrition IM Toolkit Conceptual framework Context and Concepts HPC Timelines for rapid onsets and protracted crisis What is Information management Why is it so important Role and Responsibilities Objectives Information Management | 2. Nutrition IM Toolkit Conceptual framework Information Management
Context and Concepts 2005 The cluster approach
18/03/2015 Context and Concepts Emergencies Rapid Onset Vs Protracted crises 2005 The cluster approach To enhance the quality of humanitarian approach 2011 The Transformative agenda Leadership; Coordination and Accountability Cluster Activation Under-nutrition Context: 2005 Cluster approach to enhance quality of humanitarian approach 2011 Transformative agenda = set of actions to transform the way humanitarian community respond to emergencies 3 key areas: leadership coordination and accountability Key element of transformative agenda: System wide emergency activation L3 Based on Scale Complexity Urgency Lack of existing national response and coordination capacities Existing response mechanisms no longer address the humanitarian needs We are in the context of emergencies: and emergencies can be either Rapid onsets Vs protracted crises (or both) The type of emergency has an influence on the needs of the population the timeline and the way the humanitarian community responds (ex: Sudan; Syria; Philippines..) Sudan the conflict endangers a population already affected by high rates of acute malnutrition. In Syria, the conflict has massive consequences on infant and young child feeding practices and child survival and development. In the Philippines, after the typhoon Haiyan, the level of destruction left some people in a total incapacity to feed themselves or their children. To ask Sudan, Syria and Philippines one sentence for each situation that reflects the different type of emergencies and the impact on nutrition. Nutritional emergency: no specific definition, but thresholds usually based on levels of AM (i.e : WHO thresholds.) the focus on anthropometric and mortality underplays the role of IYCF or MND… Nutritional emergency MND IYCF Information Management | 2. Nutrition IM Toolkit Conceptual framework Information Management
Humanitarian Programme Cycle
18/03/2015 Humanitarian Programme Cycle HPC 5 elements coordinated Needs assessment and analysis Strategic response planning Resource mobilization Implementation and monitoring Operational review and evaluation Incorporates response for sudden onset to on-going responses HPC Key element of Transformative agenda HPC is another key element of TA It serves as a guide for all crises. It is designed to revitalise the way in which humanitarian actors coordinate responses to meet the needs of people affected by disasters and conflicts Coordinated series of actions to prepare; manage deliver humanitarian intervention. It consists of five elements coordinated in a seamless manner, with one step logically building on the previous and leading to the next The HPC does not distinguish rapid / slow onset emergencies. They incorporate response to sudden-onset emergencies within an on-going response framework and, in doing so, offer a unified approach to all forms of emergency response At the heart of the HPC are the 2 enablers are coordination and Information management Information Management | 2. Nutrition IM Toolkit Conceptual framework Information Management
What is Information Management?
18/03/2015 What is Information Management? Humanitarian information management is the systematic process of collecting, collating, storing, processing, verifying, and analysing data and information, and disseminating relevant information to humanitarian stakeholders. IM cycle Information management underpins each phase of the HPC and helps connect phases by carrying enriched information from one to another. If the HPC is to run smoothly, information managers need to coordinate closely, particularly at the inter-sectorial level. Link with Knowledge management: Information collected through IM system contributes to producing knowledge. Information can be described as knowledge when it is transferred and used by an individual or team. Knowledge gained can be used to generate new information Information Management | 2. Nutrition IM Toolkit Conceptual framework Information Management
Information Management | 2. Nutrition IM Toolkit Conceptual framework
18/03/2015 Why is IM so important? Information management support effective humanitarian response in emergencies Developing systems and tools To capture key indicators in under-nutrition, IYCF, MND; To assess programme coverage and quality To enable effective coordination and link the different phases of HPC IM improves the capacity of stakeholders for analysis and decision making through strengthened collection, processing, interpretation and dissemination of information at the intra and inter-cluster level. Information is in this sense the foundation on which decision-making for a coordinated and effective response is based. To ensure that relevant information related to a humanitarian emergency is provided to the right person at the right time in a usable form to facilitate situational understanding and decision-making Information Management | 2. Nutrition IM Toolkit Conceptual framework Information Management
Nutrition situation: AM/CM/IYCF/MND
18/03/2015 Information needs Coordination Pre crisis Needs Capacities Response monitoring Rapid Onset Slow Onset Reminder of the key phases of the HPC: Needs assessment and analysis; Strategic response planning; Resource mobilization; Implementation and monitoring; Operational review and evaluation Rapid and slow onsets time frames Type of information needed above the diagram Nutrition specific information below the diagram. Need to agree on What are the specific type of information we need in nutrition When along the HPC The IM toolkit will propose tools and systems on how to Collect store analyse Report Share Information (according to the IM cycle) And this will enable the NCC to fulfil their functions (next slide) Nutrition situation: AM/CM/IYCF/MND Guidance and policies Nutrition assessments: AM/IYCF/MND Key indicators Joint assessments Nutrition surveys: SMART; IYCF; MN Quality of data Quality of intervention Coverage Gap analysis Activity report Key indicators monitoring Capacity building preparedness Visualisation and dissemination Nutrition cluster Information Management
Roles and Responsibilities
18/03/2015 Roles and Responsibilities CLA Cluster functions: Support service delivery Inform strategic decision making Planning and strategy development Advocacy Monitoring and reporting implementation of cluster strategy Contingency planning / Preparedness / capacity building Government IMO PARTNERS Cluster functions At the country level, the aim is to strengthen response through predictability, accountability, and partnership by ensuring better prioritization and defining roles and responsibilities of humanitarian organizations. Information management and analysis are key in this regard. Consequently, the core functions of a cluster at the country-level are: Supporting service delivery Informing strategic decision-making of the HC/HCT for the humanitarian response Planning and strategy development Advocacy Monitoring and reporting the implementation of the cluster strategy and results; recommending corrective action where necessary Contingency planning/preparedness/capacity building in situations where there is a high risk of recurring or significant new disaster and where sufficient capacity exists within the cluster CLA: to ensure IM capacity and systems are in place Partners: are expected to share information and to engage in the process of developing/adapting and then reporting into agreed IM system Government: key partners: IM systems should build on existing systems IMO: responsible to facilitate and guide the cluster and cluster lead agency towards a reliable and predictable response through the provision of evidence based strategic and operational information (i.e.: nutrition sector coverage and programming results). Information Management | 2. Nutrition IM Toolkit Conceptual framework Information Management
Information Management | 2. Nutrition IM Toolkit Conceptual framework
18/03/2015 Goal To provide tools and guidance to IMOs, Nutrition Country Clusters and partners to properly collect and manage data during emergencies to support effective coordination of the response Objectives of the toolkit: To provide tools and guidance for preparedness (include contingency and capacity building) To provide tools and guidance to assess the needs (for decision making) To provide tools and guidance to assess the capacities (planning and strategy development) To provide tools and guidance to monitor the response (service delivery; agreed timeframes formats; reports) To provide tools and guidance for coordination Transition: Wrap up of main points that lead to the different categories Transformative agenda: leadership coordination accountability HPC with its 5 coordinated elements to strengthen humanitarian response At the hear of the HPC coordination and IM Importance of IM to provide the right info at the right moment to the right person to enable NCC to fulfil their functions, go from one step of the HPC to another and ultimately support an effective humanitarian response All this with a proper involvement of stakeholders Effective IM = effective coordination = effective response Information Management | 2. Nutrition IM Toolkit Conceptual framework Information Management
Information Management | 3. IM Toolkit proposed categories
18/03/2015 Proposed categories Needs assessment and Analysis Strategic Response Plan Resource Mobilisation Implementation and Monitoring Operational review and evaluation Capacity Building; Guidance and useful links Knowledge management Third part of presentation: Proposed categories and outlines of the toolkit linked to HPC + 2 additional and linked to core cluster functions Categories and subcategories A. Needs assessment and analysis A1. Information and data A2. Emergency response preparedness A3. Needs assessment and analysis B. Strategic response plan C. Resource mobilisation D. Implementation & monitoring D1. General templates and tools D2. Monitoring and evaluation D3. Reporting and communication E. Operational review and evaluation F. Capacity building; Guidance & useful links G. Knowledge management Information Management | 3. IM Toolkit proposed categories Information Management
A. Needs Assessment and Analysis
18/03/2015 A. Needs Assessment and Analysis Cluster function: Support service delivery Inform strategic decision making Planning and strategy development Advocacy 6. Preparedness A1. Information and data COD & FOD 3Ws/4Ws Metadata How to ensure quality of data? Inter-sector matrix A2. Emergency response preparedness Risk Profiling Minimum and advanced preparedness actions A3. Needs assessment and analysis A1 = type of information used in Nutrition Common operational data and fundamental operational data (COD and FOD for IMO) 3W/4W: recommended templates, what information to include, how and when to update and ensure that it includes all projects Metadata and guidance on how to review the quality of secondary data Inter-sector matrix and information from other clusters (where to find useful information) A2 = Information Management | 3. IM Toolkit proposed categories Information Management
A. Needs Assessment and analysis
18/03/2015 A. Needs Assessment and analysis A3. Needs assessment and analysis Evidence; humanitarian needs overview Assessments (MIRA; rapid nutrition; surveys i.e.: SMART) Severity ranking; prioritisation of needs (Dashboards) Qualitative data analysis Key indicators; question banks; methods for collection Capacity mapping caseload This will support cluster functions 2, 3 and 4. In this sub-category, tools, templates and guidance on assessment methods, reports dissemination and databases, type of information to include in assessments databases and what outputs should be produced to facilitate decision making. NB: Indicators will be linked to the Humanitarian indicator’s registry Attention, keep in mind that the tools we speak here are tools to collect – store – analyse – report – share To enable effective coordination i.e.: all tool for SMART should not appear here, links to recommended methods yes And survey databases where we can collate all results to enable analysis. Information Management | 3. IM Toolkit proposed categories Information Management
B. Strategic Response plan
18/03/2015 B. Strategic Response plan Country strategy Cluster plans (objectives; activities and projects) Tools to support decision making for strategic objectives; indicators and targets Tools and guidance on how to develop an M&E framework Cluster function: Inform strategic decision making Planning and strategy development This section will support cluster function 2 and 3. It will provide guidance and tools to ensure the cluster have access to up-to-date information to establish needs and develop response plan. There will be tools to calculate the caseload according to the population profile and prioritisation tools to inform response locations. Usually the IMO is responsible for the generation of these documents in collaboration with partners and coordination mechanism. NB: The M&E framework should be developed simultaneously with the SRP (even if reported on later) with a strong involvement of IMOs in order to ensure alignment of the 2 distinct but linked documents. (The guidance will include what indicators to select; how indicators should be monitored; engage with partners; define roles and responsibilities, timeframe…) Information Management | 3. IM Toolkit proposed categories Information Management
C. Resource Mobilisation
18/03/2015 C. Resource Mobilisation Financial tracking services (OCHA) Guidance on tools for allocation of CHF (+ monitoring) Pooled funds Financial analysis template CMAM costing tool Cluster function 1. Supporting service delivery 4. Advocacy 5. Monitoring and reporting implementation This category will support cluster function 1, 4 and 5. Tools and templates will be proposed to identify financial opportunities and funding gaps. And guidance to monitor the use of allocated funds. Information Management | 3. IM Toolkit proposed categories Information Management
D. Implementation and Monitoring
18/03/2015 D. Implementation and Monitoring D1. General templates and tools Administrative documents, TOR for IMO; CC; SAG; TWG… Cluster performance monitoring Hand over; meeting management Shared drives; information storage D2. Monitoring and evaluation Measure quality and impact; reporting tools Humanitarian response monitoring framework Partners reporting templates BMS code violation template; reporting tools D3. Reporting and communication Cluster function Support service delivery Inform strategic decision making Planning and strategy development Advocacy NB: - Measure quality impact and reporting tools: Coverage surveys guidance and tools CMN Humanitarian response monitoring framework: periodic monitoring report and humanitarian dashboard Same comments the for A. needs assessment and analysis: Attention, keep in mind that the tools we speak here are tools to collect – store – analyse – report – share To enable effective coordination i.e.: all tool for coverage surveys should not appear here, links to recommended methods yes And survey databases where we can collate all results to enable analysis identify gaps and share results are to be here Information Management | 3. IM Toolkit proposed categories Information Management
D. Implementation and Monitoring
18/03/2015 D. Implementation and Monitoring D3. Reporting and communication Response monitoring tool Dashboards, bulletins, graphics, GIS maps Gaps analysis (including capacity mapping updates) Websites Communication model Cluster function: Support service delivery Inform strategic decision making Planning and strategy development Advocacy This subcategory will support cluster functions 1, 2, 3 and 4. Tools and guidance will help the IMO to ensure partners report their achievements, how to avoid duplication in reports, define reporting tools and partner’s engagement. How to improve the quality of reporting and ensure partners know how and when to report… GIS stands for? Information Management | 3. IM Toolkit proposed categories Information Management
E. Operational review and evaluation
18/03/2015 E. Operational review and evaluation Cluster function 5. Monitoring and reporting the implementation of cluster strategy and results 6. Contingency and preparedness Operational peer review Interagency humanitarian evaluation Specific nutrition evaluation Information Management | 3. IM Toolkit proposed categories Information Management
F. Capacity Building, Guidance and useful links
18/03/2015 F. Capacity Building, Guidance and useful links Cluster function Support service delivery Monitoring and reporting 6. Contingency, capacity building Technical guidance Training packages links briefs to global projects Implementation Standards Assessment guidance This category will support the cluster function 6. Guidance, up-to-date training packages and links will be proposed to ensure all sources for capacity building are available at country level. Information Management | 3. IM Toolkit proposed categories Information Management
G. Knowledge Management
18/03/2015 G. Knowledge Management Cluster function Support service delivery Inform strategic decision-making Planning and strategy development Advocacy Monitoring and reporting Contingency, preparedness, capacity building KM case studies Lessons learnt and experience sharing Example of tools from country clusters This category will be dedicated to the Knowledge management products developed at global and country level. Case studies examples and experience sharing documents will collected here by theme and country. Information Management | 3. IM Toolkit proposed categories Information Management
Questions? Collect Emergencies Information management
18/03/2015 Questions? Collect Emergencies Information management Rapid and slow onset emergencies Share Knowledge management Cluster functions Coordination Nutrition emergency IM cycle HPC Does that make sense? The concepts and the CF? a better understanding on what IM entails and what this means for Nutrition and the broad areas of the toolkit along the HPC and cluster functions and why those are important Reporting Transformative agenda Quality Analysis Communication Information Management Information Management
Information Management | 4. Group Work
18/03/2015 Group Work A. Looking at the time line 1/ What information is needed in nutrition ? 2/ When do we need each information? B. Review the toolkit categories Relevance; example of tools; Do all categories meet the needs and fulfil the gaps (what gaps are missing?) Finally, group work for feed back on the categories feedback on whether the concept makes sense, whether they agree with the suggested areas, what are the gaps and suggestions from them Information Management | 4. Group Work Information Management
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