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Marge Koepping, MN, FNP, BC-ADM, CDE Warm Springs Model Diabetes Program Warm Springs SDPI Diabetes Prevention Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Marge Koepping, MN, FNP, BC-ADM, CDE Warm Springs Model Diabetes Program Warm Springs SDPI Diabetes Prevention Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marge Koepping, MN, FNP, BC-ADM, CDE Warm Springs Model Diabetes Program Warm Springs SDPI Diabetes Prevention Program

2 We didn’t have much involvement in the beginning of IPC –I…. There were a lot of similarities between IPC-1 and starting the DPP…. We are increasing our involvement with them now at the beginning of IPC-2 in order to share our knowledge and our passion….

3 The Aim of the Chronic Care Initiative and the IPC-II collaborative is to: support community and individual wellness and strength reduce the prevalence and impact of chronic conditions

4 Diabetes Program and SDPI programs have expertise in both building community and individual wellness and strength and reducing the prevalence and impact of chronic disease and…we learned how to do this within the culture of the specific community we work in!



7 How to implement a preventive strategy …. identify an at risk population, not only in the clinic but also in the community. obtain commitment to life style change develop interventions that are meaningful to the participant and the community provide self-management support over time




11 We learned how to create relationships with patients that put the patient in the driver’s seat.

12 Knowledge is power… Knowledge put into practice is medicine…. Knowledge put into practice in a way that is meaningful to the patient or the community is powerful medicine….

13 What if lifestyle modification, community engagement and motivational techniques were considered a powerful new kind of medicine? Would we ask our pharmacy to carry it so our practitioners could order it? How would we market it?

14 Indication: Preventital® has been shown in clincial trials to be highly effective in the first line prevention or delay of onset of type 2 diabetes in patients exhibiting impaired glucose metabolism. Although the primary indication is for prevention or delay of onset, Preventital® was also found effective in preventing the onset of complications in those already diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Currently seeking approval for the treatment and prevention of other chronic disease states such as prevention of cardiovascular disease, prevention and treatment of depression, treatment of exercise intolerance related to CHF and asthma, and prevention of complications due to Type 2 diabetes. Dosing and Administration: Apply moderate physical activity for 30 minutes daily for a total minimum dose of 150 minutes per week. Maximum dose has not been determined. Apply customized fat gram reduction based on patient’s current weight TID with meals. Close contact with lifestyle coach should be continued at periodic intervals to ensure continued response to this agent. Side Effects: Regular use of this medicine may result in weight loss, reduction in LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. May raise HDL. May also cause lowering of BP necessitating a decrease in dosing of antihypertensive agents. May cause increased self esteem necessitating a decrease or discontinuation of antidepressant medication. Patients using this medication have been known to decrease use of primary care clinics, emergency rooms, and hospitals.

15 WARNING: Patients taking this medicine may experience euphoria, increased self esteem and self efficacy. If such a reaction occurs please screen other members of the patients family as effects may rapidly spread to others. Infections of whole communities have been known to occur. Should this occur in your community it may cause patients to decrease their use of primary care clinics, emergency rooms, hospitals and pharmacies and may even lead to widespread wellbeing. Use caution if administered by personnel with passion and commitment.


17 Ask to be on your clinic’s IPC-II team. Share how to put the patient in charge of their health Share DPP outcomes with primary care teams… Ask primary care teams to get involved in SDPI Share contacts and resources, what works in your specific community and what doesn’t. Share what you know about how to create relationships with the community…. Ask to put Preventital® in your clinic’s pharmacy!


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