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Prepared for presentation at the Open Meeting of the Meeting of the Global Environmental Change Research Community, Rio de Janeiro, 6-8 October, 2001 by.

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Presentation on theme: "Prepared for presentation at the Open Meeting of the Meeting of the Global Environmental Change Research Community, Rio de Janeiro, 6-8 October, 2001 by."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepared for presentation at the Open Meeting of the Meeting of the Global Environmental Change Research Community, Rio de Janeiro, 6-8 October, 2001 by Professor Uno Svedin, Sweden Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning, (Formas) and University of Linköping, Sweden From Duke University to Rio Uno Svedin, 2001-10-03

2 1995 Duke university, USA  IIASA, Austria 1999 Shonan Village, Japan 2001Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Broadening in:  geographical scope  cultures involved  academic specialities  actor space  analytical points of view More than a Geographical Journey Uno Svedin, 2001-10-03

3 From Rio 1992 ToRio 2001 Pre:Johanesburg 2002 Global Reach – AND: * regionalisation * local impact of globalisation * complexification * diversification of power The Time Horizon including preparation 7-8 years Uno Svedin, 2001-10-03 Scale Time

4  Rio 1992 has penetrated large number of national policies (e.g. Agenda 21)  Communities are more ”Sustainability oriented”  Major international conventions  The interaction beteween MACRO and MICRO is not sufficiently approached and known  The science-policy link is still incomplete  No forceful transfer has happened yet of resources (econonmic, RaD capacities etc.) from North to South What has happened Uno Svedin, 2001-10-03 What has not happened yet

5 Integration The MACRO-MICRO connection The perspectives of the developing world The science-policy relation Moving ahead – the time dimension Uno Svedin, 2001-10-03 12345

6  Connecting still unconnected domains of knowledge  Weaving disconnected perspectives together  The link natural science – social science/humanities  New interest in systemic issues ( eg resilience) Revisited Facing the needs and the intellectual challenges  the range: multi-disciplinary to transdisciplinary  facing more facets of complexity in orderly ways  living up to holistic challenges accepting the need to act Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning ( Formas) and University of Linköping, Sweden Integration Uno Svedin, 2001-10-03

7  Facing globalisation in a world of local existence  The move from global level aggregates only – to regional understanding as the basis for modelling  Governance as expressing a multilayed institutional and power reality  The role of lifestyles of individuals in a world of market sensitivity The MACRO-MICRO connection Uno Svedin, 2001-10-03

8  The way how to pose the issues  The challenge of the importance of practice  The challenge of the ”western society” ideal of knowledge production  A new critical touch facing what was taken for granted  A new sense of normative urge (”Knowledge as tool for transformation”) and  We are all developing - in different ways The perspectives of the developing world Uno Svedin, 2001-10-03

9  there is a gap  to understand the differences in the logic of the two sides  to appreciate a common task  to find practical means and institutional forms to face the challenges The Science-Policy relation Bridging the gap Uno Svedin, 2001-10-03

10  probing the historical past  perceiving the waves of the megatrends  understanding the role of technological dynamics  facing the sphere of risks  aknowledge the role of vision Moving Ahead – The Time Dimension Uno Svedin, 2001-10-03

11  to probe further the MACRO-MICRO links in a globalized world  to find improved forms to integrate different sorts of knowledge  to serve the creation of new goals by mobilisation of the critical capacity of science  to learn how to live in partnership with the policy world without beeing absorbed  to widen the connectivity between science and a broder realm of actors (eg the business community)  to serve a democratic development by providing analytical perspectives of future choices  to provide a frame for world dialogue Uno Svedin Seven challenges for human dimensions research Uno Svedin, 2001-10-03

12 Dimensions The Analytical to probe complexity The Historical to create a perspective The Aestetic to find what appeals The Normative signposts for the future The Critical probing present assumptions of power Uno Svedin, 2001-10-03

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