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PRODUCT/ SERVICE COMPARISON Making Purchasing Decisions.

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Presentation on theme: "PRODUCT/ SERVICE COMPARISON Making Purchasing Decisions."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRODUCT/ SERVICE COMPARISON Making Purchasing Decisions

2 Definition and Explanation Examination of the features of a number of products or services to decide which one to purchase Results of the investigation of various brands to find the best one to purchase.

3 Purpose Investigate and either choose the best product or service for your audience or allow your audience to choose.

4 Prewriting Choose the product or service to research. Select a minimum of four brands/models of that product/service. –Ex. If investigating automobiles for additions to company fleet, examine at least four makes/models.

5 Criteria/Features/Wishlist List of criteria to apply to each of the 4+ examples. Criteria can come from you or audience. List appears in introduction and should be specific. –Instead of an item like “fuel economy,” give the EPA figures: 35 city and 40 highway. List format adds visual variety to your memo.

6 Format Memo format Mandatory elements –TO: – FROM: – DATE: – SUBJECT: Introduction, body, conclusion sections with appropriate headings

7 Introduction Background information about need for purchase List of criteria –Indicate importance of each criterion Rank order Asterisk after mandatory criteria

8 Paragraphs 1 Organization: Block or alternating method –Matrix pattern: best/cheapest to worst/most expensive –ex. Block: physical therapy schools W. VaUMABDukeShen $3,926no testsGREDMV DMV $9,088no DMV$13,000 AHPATDMV$18kGRE

9 Paragraphs 2 Alternating method –ex. Therapy schools –tuitionareatests –$4k wvashen=yumab=none –$9k umabwva=ywva=ahpat –$13k shenumab=yshen=gre –$18k dukeduke=nduke=gre Student comparison example 1

10 Table 2nd organization: comparison table, not paragraphs Items and features along x and y axes Fill in grid with specific information or y/n Student comparison example 2Student comparison example 2 Nam es/fe atur es UM AB WV A She n Duk e $9k4k13k18k DMVyyyn testsnahp at gre

11 Choice With paragraphs in the body, the conclusion is short. With the table, the conclusion is long. You choose = tell audience choice and reasons for it Audience chooses = you remind audience of major pros and cons for each item Giving the audience several choices is also acceptable.

12 Topic Handout Guidelines

13 Product Comparison Exercise Comparison Exercise Instructions

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