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Developing phyloinformatic tools for an evolutionary understanding of molecular biodiversity Fran ç ois Lutzoni Duke University Department of Biology Durham,

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1 Developing phyloinformatic tools for an evolutionary understanding of molecular biodiversity Fran ç ois Lutzoni Duke University Department of Biology Durham, North Carolina USA



4 WHERE ARE WE IN ASSEMBLING THE FUNGAL TREE OF LIFE? % of published trees Total # published trees examined 1-locus2-locus3-locus4-locusTotal 560 publications reporting 595 fungal phylogenetic trees: # loci, # species, # orders (Martin Grube, Elizabeth Baloch, Betsy Arnold) Lutzoni et al., 2004, American Journal of Botany

5 Summary of survey 83.9% of fungal phylogenies are based exclusively on sequences from the ribosomal RNA tandem repeats. Few studies have focused on resolving relationships among orders of Fungi 354 of 595 trees examined (59.5%) conveyed relationships within single orders Although the number of species included in published trees has generally increased over time, most studies have included fewer than 100 species, with an overall mean of 34.2 ± 2.3 species/study (range: 3–1155 species)

6 Constraints on progress Lack of coordination toward a common goal - poor overlap among genes

7 Taxon sampling 2) A total of 13,467 GenBank sequences were considered 1) What are the loci that have been sequenced for the highest number of fungal species and appropriate for resolving deep relationhsips within the Fungi? nucSSU and nucLSU rDNA 3) 1010 unique taxa had both sequences available Taxonomic name associated with the sequence 4) Taxa excluded: < 600 bp Many errors in GenBank “definition line” 3) Unpublished sequences added from various projects and AFTOL Total of 573 taxa

8 Taxon sampling (part 2) 2) nucSSU+nucLSU+mitSSU = 253 taxa (but only Asco- and Basidiomycota) 1) What is the next locus that has been sequenced for the highest number of the 573 species selected and appropriate for resolving deep relationhsips within the Fungi? mitSSU rDNA, RPB2 3) nucSSU+nucLSU+RPB2 = 161 taxa (only Asco- and Basiomycota) 4) nucSSU+nucLSU+mitSSU+RPB2 = 103 taxa (only Asco- and Basiomycota)

9 Constraints on progress Lack of coordination toward a common goal - poor overlap among genes - sampling bias toward macro fungi

10 Two-locus Bayesian MCMCMC tree nucSSU+nucLSU 558 species, 430 genera, 68 orders, 5 phyla Ascomycota Basidiomycota Glomeromycota Zygomycota Chytridiomycota

11 Constraints on progress Lack of coordination toward a common goal - poor overlap among genes - sampling bias toward macro fungi Analytical and bioinformatic advancements in systematic biology were almost exclusively in alignment algorithms, contig assembly and visualization, and in phylogenetics



14 PROPOSAL:: *1500 species of fungi for 8 loci (≈ 10 kb) in 4 years! 6 nuclear loci:nucSSU rDNA, nucLSU rDNA, ITS rDNA, RPB1, RPB2, EF-1  2 mitochondrial loci: mitSSU rDNA, ATP6 *Ultrastructural features common to all fungi New data and compilation of all existing data Starting date: January 1, 2003 National Science Foundation Assembling the Tree of Life AToL See for more

15 David Hibbett (Clark University): 400 Basidiomycota François Lutzoni (Duke University): 400 Lichen-forming Ascomycota et al. & Bioinformatics David McLaughlin (University of Minnesota): Subcellular characters Joseph Spatafora (Oregon State University): 400 Ascomycota Rytas Vilgalys (Duke University): 300 Chrytridiomycota, Glomeromycota & Zygomycota “ASSEMBLING THE FUNGAL TREE OF LIFE” (AFToL)

16 One proposal from the entire mycological community “ASSEMBLING THE FUNGAL TREE OF LIFE” (AFToL) 113 collaborators from 23 countries Strong bioinformatic & computational biology component Preceded by an NSF Network Coordination grant “DEEP HYPHA”


18 AFTOL Duke Clark Oregon State U of Minnesota RPB1 - RPB2 EF1  - ATP6 - mitSSU rDNA nucLSU - SSU - ITS rDNA 1500 species morphological data (SPB, nuclear division,...)

19 Source Information of DNA Samples DNA SAMPLE Voucher info Culture info Frozen material info Providers of material/collaborators Morpho & Ultrastructural info Team: Clark U Duke L Lab Duke V lab OSU UofM Expected phylum

20 Entry in DB of source information of DNA + (voucher, cultures, frozen sample, DNA, etc...) + team providing the material + morphological/ultrastructural info + expected phylym sequencing Automated sequencer Raw sequences output Server #1 Clark UDuke LDuke V When sequencing Completed Locus 3 alignLocus 2 alignLocus 1 align Server #2 BLAST (in house) Initiate NJ bootstrap analyses for set of taxa common to more than one locus NJ analysis of gene 1 For taxa in common between DS2 and DS3 NJ analysis of gene 1 For taxa in common between DS2 and DS4 NJ analysis of gene 2 For taxa in common between DS3 and DS2 NJ analysis of gene 2 For taxa in common between DS3 and DS4 NJ analysis of gene 3 For taxa in common between DS4 and DS2 NJ analysis of gene 3 For taxa in common between DS4 and DS2 Congruence test OSU UofM Blast check point Basidiomycete? No Phred & Phrap assembler Yes GenBank Weekly







27 WWW based interface to AFTOL database Secure access for registered users only Possibility to enter, retrieve and change data Each author views and modifies only his/her own data Dynamic web page construction using Zope


29 Kauff, Cox & Lutzoni, Systematic Biology (in press)

30 Future goals of AFToL and interplay with Barcode Continue developing WASABI / export to other projects Less taxa more genes (25 genes for 160 taxa) Because phylogenies will need multiple loci fungal diversity cannot be covered Because the focus of the Barcode initiative is identification and is based only on a single short locus it has the potential to cover all fungal diversity AFToL and Barcode initiatives can mutually benefit

31 Why ITS for Fungi? Easy to amplify and sequence Mixture of highly conserved (5.8S) and variable sites (ITS 1 and 2) [change definition of DNA barcode] Most broadly used marker for systematic and ecological studies of fungi at the species level The majority of the fungal diversity is unknown Highest overlap with other genes (AFToL) Alignment issues across a broad phylogenetic spectrum can be dealt with

32 > 95%

33 Betsy Arnold, University of Arizona, Tucson Jolanta Miadlikowska, Duke University ≈ 65 000 fungal species Estimated ≈ 1.5 million species Part of this diversity is known (herbaria)

34 Highest overlap with other genes (AFToL) Beyond a single marker inventory of life What are the putative ecological/physiological roles? What are the most closely related taxa? = phylogenies ≠ similarity Reconstruction of trait evolution on comprehensive phylogenies Branch lengths are important and trees not significantly worse than the optimal tree are needed = Bayesian MCMC searches More genes needed (nucSSU, nucLSU, RPB1, RPB2, mitSSU)

35 Most endophytes & endolichenic fungi are Ascomycota. Beyond this level, specificity is an open question. Parasitism vs. mutualism? Horizontal vs. vertical transmission?



38 Acknowledgments Betsy Arnold, University of Arizona at Tucson Cymon Cox, British Museum, England Frank Kauff, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany Jolanta Miadlikowska, Duke University National Science Foundation

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