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V 0.21 Digital Signal Processing Vref 0 Time Analog signal (time varying, continuous) Analog-to- Digital Converter (ADC) 0x030, 0x4A, 0x12, 0xAF, etc.

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Presentation on theme: "V 0.21 Digital Signal Processing Vref 0 Time Analog signal (time varying, continuous) Analog-to- Digital Converter (ADC) 0x030, 0x4A, 0x12, 0xAF, etc."— Presentation transcript:

1 V 0.21 Digital Signal Processing Vref 0 Time Analog signal (time varying, continuous) Analog-to- Digital Converter (ADC) 0x030, 0x4A, 0x12, 0xAF, etc. Incoming samples  Processor performs computation 0x0B3, 0x23, 0xCF, 0x78, etc. Outgoing samples 0 Time Vref new waveform Digital- to-Analog Converter (DAC)

2 V 0.22 Applications Audio –Speech recognition –special effects (reverb, noise cancellation, etc) Video –Filtering –Special effects –Compression Data logging

3 V 0.23 Vocabulary ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter) – converts an analog signal (voltage/current) to a digital value DAC (Digital-to-Analog Converter) – converts a digital value to an analog value (voltage/current) Sample period – for ADC, time between each conversion –Typically, samples are taken at a fixed rate Vref (Reference Voltage) – analog signal varies between 0 and Vref, or between +/- Vref Resolution – number of bits used for conversion (8 bits, 10 bits, 12 bits, 16 bits, etc). Conversion Time – the time it takes for a analog-to-digital conversion

4 V 0.24 Digital-to-Analog Conversion For a particular binary code, output a voltage between 0 and Vref DAC D[7:0] Vout Vref Assume a DAC that uses an unsigned binary input code, with 0 < Vout < Vref. Then D= 0000 0000 Vout = 0V D= 0000 0001 Vout = Vref(1/256 ) (one LSB) D = 0000 0010 Vout = Vref(2/256)... D = 1111 1111 Vout = Vref(255/256) (full scale)

5 V 0.25 DAC Output Plot 0123 1/256 Vref Input code 2/256 Vref 3/256 Vref 4/256 Vref Vout Output signal increases in 1 LSB increments.

6 V 0.26 Typical DAC Output From

7 V 0.27 DAC Architecture Operational Amplifier can be used to sum voltages. From

8 V 0.28 DAC Architecture (cont) Note ratios of resistors This is a binary code From

9 V 0.29 DAC Architecture (cont) A 3-bit DAC, called an R/2 N R DAC. Resistors are scaled by powers of 2 (this is hard to do in practice). From

10 V 0.210 Another View Resistance values are still R, 2R, 4R From

11 V 0.211 R/2R DAC Via circuit analysis, can prove this is an equivalent circuit. Now only need resistances of R, 2R – this is easy to do. This is the most common DAC architecture. From

12 V 0.212 Commercial DACs Either voltage or current DACs –Current DACs require an external operational amplifier to convert to voltage Precision up to 16-bits Key timing parameter is settling time - amount of time it takes to produce a stable output voltage once the input code has changed We will use an 8-bit voltage DAC with an I2C interface from Maxim semiconductor

13 V 0.213 DAC Application Vertical Deflection Horizontal Deflection Electron Beams (Red, Green Blue) Phosper Grid Cathode DAC 8 8 8 Red Green Blue R G B High speed video DACs produce RGB signals for color CRT

14 V 0.214 A 1-bit ADC Vref + - Vin R R Vref/2 Vout=Vdd is Vin > Vref/2 Vdd analog signal Vout=0 if Vin < Vref/2 digital signal comparator

15 V 0.215 A 2-bit ADC + - + - + - R R R R Vin 1/4Vref 1/2Vref 3/4Vref C B A A B C D1 D0 ------------- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 (other codes don’t cares) D[1:0] Encoding logic

16 V 0.216 ADC Architectures The previous architectures are called Flash ADCs –Fastest possible conversion time –Requires the most transistors of any architecture –N-bit converter requires 2 N -1 comparators. –Commercially available flash converters up to 12 bits. –Conversion done in one clock cycle Successive approximation ADCs –Use only one comparator –Take one clock cycle per bit –High precision (16-bit converters are available)

17 V 0.217 Successive Approximation ADC First, set DAC to produce Vref/2. Output of Comparator is Q[N-1] (MSB) If MSB =1, then Vin between Vref and Vref/2, so set DAC to produce ¾ Vref. If MSB=0, then Vin between Vref/2 and 0, so set DAC to ½ Vref. Output of comparator is now Q[N-2]. Do this for each bit. Takes N cycles. Output is Q[N]. From

18 V 0.218 Commercial ADCs Key timing parameter is conversion time – how long does it take to produce a digital output once a conversion is started Up to 16-bit ADCs available Separated into fast/medium/low speed families –Serial interfaces common on medium/low speed ADCs For high-precision ADCs, challenge is keeping system noise from affecting conversion –Assume a 16-bit DAC, and a 4.1V reference, then 1 LSB = 4.1/2 16 = 62  V.

19 V 0.219 ADC, DAC Equations ADC: Vin = input voltage, Vref = reference voltage N = number of bits of precision Vin/ Vref * 2 N = output_code output_code/ 2 N * Vref = Vin 1 LSB = Vref/2 N DAC: Vout = output voltage, Vref = reference voltage, N = number of bits of precision Vout/ Vref * 2 N = input_code input_code/ 2 N * Vref = Vout 1 LSB = Vref/2 N Vin Vref output code N ADC Vout input code N DAC Vref

20 V 0.220 Sample ADC Computations If Vref = 5V, and the 10-bit A/D output code is 0x12A, what is the ADC input voltage? output_code/2 N * Vref = (0x12A)/2 10 * 5 V = 298/1024 * 5 V = 1.46 V (Vin) If Vref = 5V, and the upper 8 bits of the A/D output code is 0xA9, what is the ADC input voltage? output_code/2 N * Vref = (0xA9)/2 8 * 5 V = 169/256 * 5 V = 3.3 V (Vin) If Vref = 4V, and the A/D input voltage is 2.35 V, what is the ADC output code, upper 8-bits? Vin/ Vref * 2 N = 2.35 V/ 4 V * 2 8 =.5875 * 256 = 150.4 = 150 = 0x96

21 V 0.221 Sample DAC Computations If Vref = 5V, and the 8-bit input code is is 0x8A, what is the DAC output voltage? input_code/2 N * Vref = (0x8A)/2 8 * 5 V = 138/256 * 5 V = 2.70 V (Vout) If Vref = 4V, and the DAC output voltage is 1.25 V, what is the 8-bit input code? Vout/ Vref * 2 N = 1.25 V/4 V * 2 8 = 0.3125 * 256 = 80 = 0x50 (input_code)

22 V 0.222 PIC18 A/D PIC18F242 has onboard A/D –Successive approximation –10 bit resolution –Reference voltage can be Vdd or separate voltage –Multiple input (more than one input channel) –Time per bit(Tad) for conversion is either 2Tosc, 8Tosc, or 32 Tosc, where Tad cannot be less than 1.6 us (Tosc = 1/Fosc) Total conversion time is 10* Tad +Taq (acquisition) –Taq is approximately 20 us; acquisition time is the amount of time input capacitor requires to charge up to input voltage. –So a 20 Mhz Fosc, Tosc =.05 us, so 32Tosc = 1.6 us; conversion time = 10*1.6 us + 20 us = 36 us.

23 V 0.223 Input Pins Analog input channels (AN0,AN1, AN4) Can be analog input channels or Vref+/Vref-

24 V 0.224 A/D Block Diagram Channel select analog mux. Vref+/Vref- select

25 V 0.225 Acquisition Time Acquisition time is the time required for the analog input voltage to be sampled by the input capacitor. The sampling switch is CLOSED during this time. When the conversion begins, the sampling switch is OPENED and the input capacitor holds the input voltage while the conversion is done. This process is also called sample and hold.

26 V 0.226 Voltage References Stability of voltage reference is critical for high precision conversions. We will use Vdd as our voltage reference for convenience, but will be throwing away at least two bits of precision due to Vdd fluctations. Example Commercial voltage reference: 2.048v, 2.5v, 3v, 3.3v, 4.096v, 5v (Maxim 6029) 5V VddVref 4.096v Key parameter for a voltage is stability over temperature operating range. Need this to be less than ½ of a LSB value.

27 V 0.227 PIC A/D Registers ADCON0, ADCON1 – configuration registers –ADCON1 used to configure port A for analog/digital inputs, voltage reference –ADCON0 used for clock selection, analog input selection, start/finish conversion status. ADRESH, ADRESL -10-bit results returns in two registers –10-bit result can be configured to be left or right justified. ADRESH : ADRESL DDDDDDDD DD 98765432 10000000 Left justified ADRESH : ADRESL DD DDDDDDDD 00000098 76543210 Right justified

28 V 0.228 MAXIM 517 DAC Not present on Max517, Vref instead. R/2R DAC I2C interface Personalizes device address

29 V 0.229 Max517 I2C Transaction First byte: Device address Second Byte: DAC command byte Third Byte: output byte to DAC

30 V 0.230 Device Address Format For Max517, bits [7:3] = 01011 If AD1:AD0 tied to gnd then address is: 01011000 = 0x58

31 V 0.231 Command Format Only command byte we will use for Max517 will be 00000000 = 0x00 as this does a write to DAC0.

32 V 0.232 Timing Max517 DAC has a 6 us settling time. Requires 3 bytes over I2C bus to write a new value. At 400Khz, one bit time = 2.5 us. Each byte is 8 bits + 1 ACK. So 27 bits * 2.5 us = 67.5 us not counting software overhead. So we are limited by I2C bus speed, not by the DAC settling time.

33 V 0.233 Testing the ADC and DAC PIC RC4/SDI/SDA Maxim 517 OUT1 This diagram assumes that 10K pullups are already on the SCL/SDA lines from the previous lab. RC3/SCK/SCL OUT0 Vdd AD1 AD0 If you have trouble distinguishing which 8-pin DIP in your parts kit is the MAX517, look for the Maxim symbol on the package. RA0/AN0 Vdd 10K Pot. Analog out, To multimeter or scope Analog input SDA SCL Read the voltage from the potentiometer via the PIC A/D, write this digital value to the DAC. The DAC output voltage should match the potentiometer voltage.

34 V 0.234 Potentiometer Vdd A variable resistor. Tie outer two legs to Vdd/GND. Voltage on middle leg will vary between Vdd/GND as potentiometer is adjusted, changing the position of the wiper on the resistor.

35 V 0.235 dactest.c /* A/D Setup */ /* all bits input */ TRISA = 0xFF; /* A0 analog input, others digital,right justification of result */ ADCON1 = 0x8E; /* sampling freq = Fsoc/32, channel 0 */ ADCON0 = 0x80; /* turn on ADC*/ bitset(ADCON0,0); printf("ADC is configured!!!"); pcrlf(); A/D Configuration

36 V 0.236 dactest.c (cont.) int adc_value; for(;;) { bitset(ADCON0, 2); /* start conversion */ /* wait for end of conversion */ while (bittst(ADCON0,2)); /* read result */ adc_value = 0; adc_value = adc_value | (ADRESH << 8); adc_value = adc_value | (ADRESL); printf("%x",adc_value); pcrlf(); dac_value = ((adc_value >> 2)) & 0x00ff; /* now write to DAC */ update_dac(dac_value); } Read from A/D, print Only write upper 8 bits to DAC This is a 10-bit value!!!

37 V 0.237 dactest.c (cont.) #define DAC 0x58 /* I2C DAC 01011000 */ void update_dac(unsigned char val) { i2c_WriteTo(DAC); i2c_PutByte(0x00); i2c_PutByte(val); i2c_Stop(); } device address byte DAC command byte DAC output byte

38 V 0.238 Modifications to dactst.c Modify dactest.c to provide four functions: Multiply by 2 Vnew = Vold << 1 Divide by 2 Vnew = Vold >> 1 Invert Vnew = Vref-Vold Clipped Vmax Vmin ‘if’ tests to check if Vold in range

39 V 0.239 What do you have to know? Vocabulary DAC R/2N architecture ADC Flash, Successive approximation architectures PIC A/D –How to configure –Acquisition, Conversion time –How to start do conversion, read result Max517 DAC usage

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