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Real-time Digital Signal Processing with the TMS320C6x

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1 Real-time Digital Signal Processing with the TMS320C6x
Lecture 7 Real-time Digital Signal Processing with the TMS320C6x Dr. Konstantinos Tatas

2 Outline Digital Signal Processing Basics
ADC and sampling Aliasing Discrete-time signals Digital Filtering FFT Effects of finite fixed-point wordlength Efficient DSP application implementation on TMS320C6x processors FIR filter implementation IIR filter implementation

3 Digital Signal Processing Basics
A basic DSP system is composed of: An ADC providing digital samples of an analog input A Digital Processing system (μP/ASIC/FPGA) A DAC converting processed samples to analog output Real-time signal processing: All processing operation must be complete between two consecutive samples

4 ADC and Sampling An ADC performs the following:
Quantization Binary Coding Sampling rate must be at least twice as much as the highest frequency component of the analog input signal

5 Aliasing When sampling at a rate of fs samples/s, if k is any positive or negative integer, it’s impossible to distinguish between the sampled values of a sinewave of f0 Hz and a sinewave of (f0+kfs) Hz.

6 Discrete-time signals
A continuous signal input is denoted x(t) A discrete-time signal is denoted x(n), where n = 0, 1, 2, … Therefore a discrete time signal is just a collection of samples obtained at regular intervals (sampling frequency)

7 Common Digital Sequences
Unit-step sequence: Unit-impulse sequence:

8 The z transform Discrete equivalent of the Laplace transform

9 z-transform properties
Linear Shift theorem Note:

10 Transfer Function z-transform of the output/z transfer of the input
Pole-zero form

11 Pole-zero plot

12 System Stability Position of the poles affects system stability
The position of zeroes does not

13 Example 1 A system is described by the following equation:
y(n)=0.5x(n) + 0.2x(n-1) + 0.1y(n-1) Plot the system’s transfer function on the z plane Is the system stable? Plot the system’s unit step response Plot the system’s unit impulse response

14 The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
Discrete equivalent of the continuous Fourier Transform A mathematical procedure used to determine the harmonic, or frequency, content of a discrete signal sequence

15 The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
FFT is not an approximation of the DFT, it gives precisely the same result

16 Digital Filtering In signal processing, the function of a filter is to remove unwanted parts of the signal, such as random noise, or to extract useful parts of the signal, such as the components lying within a certain frequency range Analog Filter: Input: electrical voltage or current which is the direct analogue of a physical quantity (sensor output) Components: resistors, capacitors and op amps Output: Filtered electrical voltage or current Applications: noise reduction, video signal enhancement, graphic equalisers Digital Filter: Input: Digitized samples of analog input (requires ADC) Components: Digital processor (PC/DSP/ASIC/FPGA) Output: Filtered samples (requires DAC)

17 Averaging Filter

18 Ideal Filter Frequency Response

19 Realistic vs. Ideal Filter Response

20 FIR filtering Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters use past input samples only Example: y(n)=0.1x(n)+0.25x(n-1)+0.2x(n-2) Z-transform: Y(z)=0.1X(z)+0.25X(z)z^(-1)+0.2X(z)(z^-2) Transfer function: H(z)=Y(z)/X(z)= z^(-1)+0.2(z^-2) No poles, just zeroes. FIR is stable

21 FIR filter design Inverse DFT of H(m)

22 FIR Filter Implementation

23 Example 2 A filter is described by the following equation:
y(n)=0.5x(n) + 1x(n-1) + 0.5x(n-2), with initial condition y(-1) = 0 What kind of filter is it? Plot the filter’s transfer function on the z plane Is the filter stable? Plot the filter’s unit step response Plot the filter’s unit impulse response

24 IIR Filtering Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters use past outputs together with past inputs

25 IIR Filter Implementation
y(n)=b(0)x(n)+b(1)x(n-1)+b(2)x(n-2)+b(3)x(n-3) + a(0)y(n)+a(1)y(n-1)+a(2)y(n-2)+a(3)y(n-3)

26 FIR - IIR filter comparison
Simpler to design Inherently stable Can be designed to have linear phase Require lower bit precision IIR Need less taps (memory, multiplications) Can simulate analog filters

27 Example 3 A filter is described by the following equation:
y(n)=0.5x(n) + 0.2x(n-1) + 0.5y(n-1) + 0.2y(n-2), with initial condition y(-1)=y(-2) = 0 What kind of filter is it? Plot the filter’s transfer function on the z plane Is the filter stable? Plot the filter’s unit step response Plot the filter’s unit impulse response

28 Software and Hardware Implementation of FIR filters

29 Fixed-Point Binary Representation
Representation of a number with integer and fractional part: This is denoted as Qnm representation The binary point is implied It will affect the accuracy (dynamic range and precision) of the number Purely a programmer’s convention and has no relationship with the hardware.

30 Examples x = b Q0.15 => x= 2^(-1) + 2^(-4) + 2^(-11)+2^(-12) Q1.14 => x= 2^0 + 2^(−3) + 2^(−10) + 2^(−11) Q2.13 => x = 2^1 + 2^(−2) + 2^(−9) + 2^(−10) Q7.8 => x = ? Q12.3 => x = ?

Quantization Errors ADC Coefficients Truncation Rounding Data Overflow

32 ADC Quantization Error
ADC converts an analog signal x(t) into a digital signal x(n), through sampling, quantization and encoding Assuming x(n) is interpreted as the Q15 fractional number such that −1 ≤ x(n) < 1 dynamic range of fractional numbers is 2. Since the quantizer employs B bits, the number of quantization levels available is 2B The spacing between two successive quantization levels is Δ = 2/2^B = 2^(1-B) Therefore the quantization error is |e(n)|≤Δ/2

33 Coefficient Quantization Error
Effects on FIR filters Location of zeroes changes Therefore, frequency response changes Effects on IIR filters Location of poles and zeroes change Could move poles outside of unit circle, leading to unstable implementations

34 Roundoff error

35 Overflow error signals and coefficients normalized in the range of −1 to 1 for fixed-point arithmetic, the sum of two B-bit numbers may fall outside the range of −1 to 1. Severely distorts the signal Overflow handling Saturation arithmetic “Clips” the signal, although better than overflow Should only be used to guarantee no overflow, but should not be the only solution Scaling of signals and coefficients

36 Coefficient representation
Fractional 2’s complement (Q) representation is used To avoid overflow, often scaling down by a power of two factor (S) (right shift) is used. The scaling factor is given by the equation: S=Imax(|h(0)|+|h(1)|+|h(2)|+…) Furthermore, filter coefficient larger than 1, cause overflow and are scaled down further by a factor B, in order to be less than 1

37 Example 1 Given the FIR filter Solution:
y(n)=0.1x(n)+0.25x(n-1)+0.2x(n-2) Assuming the input range occupies ¼ of the full range Develop the DSP implementation equations in Q-15 format. What is the coefficient quantization error? Solution: S=1/4((|h(0)|+|h(1)|+|h(2)|) = ¼( )=3.25/4 Overflow cannot occur, no input (S) scaling required No coefficents > 1, no coefficient (B) scaling required

38 Example 2 Given the FIR filter Solution:
y(n)=0.8x(n)+3x(n-1)+0.6x(n-2) Assuming the input range occupies ¼ of the full range Develop the DSP implementation equations in Q-15 format. What is the coefficient quantization error? Solution: S=1/4((|h(0)|+|h(1)|+|h(2)|) = ¼( )=4.4/4 = 1.1 Therefore: S=2 Largest coefficient: h(1) = 3, therefore B=4 ys(n)=0.2xs(n)+0.75xs(n-1)+0.15xs(n-2)

39 Simple FIR Hardware implementation
VHDL 4-tap filter entity ENTITY my_fir is Port (clk, rst: in std_logic; sample_in: in std_logic_vector(length-1 downto 0); sample_out: out std_logic_vector(length-1 downto 0) ); END ENTITY my_fir;

40 Example (continued) VHDL 4-tap filter architecture
ARCHITECTURE rtl of my_fir is type taps is array 0 to 3 of std_logic_vector(length-1 downto 0); Signal h: taps_type; Signal x_p1, x_p2, x_p3: std_logic_vector(length-1 downto 0); --past samples Signal y: std_logic_vector(2*length-1 downto 0); Begin Process (clk, rst) If rst=‘1’ then x_p1 <= (others => ‘0’); x_p2 <= (others => ‘0’); x_p3 <= (others => ‘0’); Elsif rising_edge(clk) then x_p1 <= sample_in; --delay registers x_p2 <= x_p1; x_p3 <= x_p2; End if; End process; y <= sample_in*h(0)+x_p1*h(1)+x_p2*h(2)+x_p3*h(3); Sample_out <= y(2*length-1 downto length); End;

41 FIR Software Implementation
int yn=0; //filter output initialization short xdly[N+1]; //input delay samples array interrupt void c_int11() //ISR { short i; yn=0; short h[N] = { //coefficients }; xdly[0]=input_sample(); for (i=0; i<N; i++) yn += (h[i]*xdly[i]); for (i=N-1; i>0; i--) xdly[i] = xdly[i-1]; output_sample(yn >> 15); //filter output return; //return from ISR }

42 IIR C implementation int yn=0; //filter output initialization
short xdly[N+1]; //input delay samples array Short ydly[M]; //output delay array interrupt void c_int11() //ISR { short i; yn=0; short a[N] = { //coefficients }; short b[M] = { //coefficients }; xdly[0]=input_sample(); for (i=0; i<N; i++) yn += (a[i]*xdly[i]); for (i=0; i<M; i++) yn += (b[i]*ydly[i]); for (i=N-1; i>0; i--) xdly[i] = xdly[i-1]; ydly[0] = yn >> 15; for (i=M-1; i>0; i--) ydly[i] = ydly[i-1]; output_sample(yn >> 15); //filter output return; //return from ISR }

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