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Jung il LEE for KIMS collaboration Sejong University

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Presentation on theme: "Jung il LEE for KIMS collaboration Sejong University"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jung il LEE for KIMS collaboration Sejong University
A measurement of nuclear recoil with Am-Be neutron source in CsI(Tl) crystal Jung il LEE for KIMS collaboration Sejong University

2 Motivation 암흑물질 탐색 실험을 위한 핵 되튐측정. Previous measurement with
mono-energetic neutron beam in accelerator. WIMP-nucleus recoil study with neutron-nucleus recoil. Studies on Pulse Shape Discrimination (PSD). 중성자 소스(Am-Be)를 이용하여 지속적이고, 체계적인 연구 가능.

3 Previous test with neutron beam at KIGAM
Results of pulse shape discrimination 6keV< E <7keV E=2.62MeV

4 KIMS Am-Be neutron source의 특성
9Be(α,n)12C : 수 MeV neutrons α + 9Be -> 12C*(12C)+ n 12C + γ(4.4MeV) 300 mCi Am-Be source 재활용 (NETEC)  1.1 x 1010 Bq  total 7 x 105n/sec 예상 (70 neutrons/106 alphas)  수백 neutrons/sec hit 3cmX3cm crystal  limited by slow decay time of CsI(Tl) We can use it to study recoil signal systematically.

5 Experimental setup at SNU
Source + 20cm Liquid Scintillation Counter (LSC) 5cm Pb shielding 10cm Borated Paraffin 2cm Fe shielding and structure 46o CsI BC501a 34cm 37cm 29cm n LSC Am-Be 90o 17.4o

6 Electronics diagram detector2 CsI down detector1 detector3 up
Linear fan In/out Pre AMP Oct.DFD CF8000 Oct.CFD DF8000 D.G.G Dicrimi nator Oct. CFD trigger or Osc.ext Adc.partial Adc.full LSC Oct CFD DGG Tdc.stop Adc.gate Tdc.start Osc ch1 Osc ch2 Adc Dlming

7 (Am-Be neutron source) BC501A from source
Gamma gamma neutron Partial charge Full charge

8 Timing spectra : T(BC501A) – T(LSC)
gamma n

9 60Co calibration spectrum
60Co timing Am-Be timing n gamma

10 Neutron energy spectrum of Am-Be source

11 Calculation of neutron energy spectrum
Lower than the total energy spectrum due to 4.4 MeV gamma coincidence requirement counts En (MeV)

12 Calculation of Nuclear recoil
10MeV 5MeV θ E0 ER m M 1MeV 17 46 90

13 Neutron & gamma separation
Preliminary data with low statistics with only 17 degree Neutron Detector PID neutron Bc501a gamma Timing(BC501a-LSC) PID=(partial charge-55)/fullcharge

14 Pulse shape discrimination of CsI(Tl)
137Cs source Compton signals Am-Be neutron source signals Results : 137Cs mean= Sigma=0.5 Neutron (recoil) mean= Sigma=0.675 Neutron Recoil signal is shorter than gamma signal !!

15 137Cs gamma-recoil Discrimination
2~6keV 6~10keV 10~14keV

16 Conclusion & future Demonstrated using Am-Be soure to study recoil with 4.4 MeV gamma tagging. The pulse shape discrimination is shown for nuclear recoil events with short decay time. Plan 1: increase # of neutron detector (~ 10) Plan 2 : measure En accurately from Am-Be Plan 3 : measure the quenching factor of CsI(Tl). Plan 4 : Use the setup for general recoil measurements



19 Gamma-recoil discrimination

20 Cs137 gamma-recoil discrimination

21 60Co source data 2 gamma coincidence
T(BC501A) – T(LSC) 60Co Full vs partial graph Sigma=1.95ns Quenching Factor (=Emeas / Erecoil)를 측정하기 위하여는 약 1 ns 의 Resolution 필요

22 Gamma-recoil discrimination

23 Neutron energy spectrum of 239Pu/Be source

24 Pulse shape discrimination of CsI(Tl)
Cs137 mean= Sigma=0.5 Neutron (recoil) mean= Sigma=0.675 Gamma= sigma=0.525

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