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Forum Vietnam May, 2013.  Datalogic at a glance  Datalogic Vietnam ADC overview  Why Vietnam?  Milestones  Key Results  New products Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "Forum Vietnam May, 2013.  Datalogic at a glance  Datalogic Vietnam ADC overview  Why Vietnam?  Milestones  Key Results  New products Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forum Vietnam May, 2013

2  Datalogic at a glance  Datalogic Vietnam ADC overview  Why Vietnam?  Milestones  Key Results  New products Engineering Goals 2 Agenda

3 3  Founded in 1972 in Bologna, Italy by Romano Volta, and listed on the STAR Segment of the Italian Stock Exchange since 2001.  Global leader in Automatic Identification with a specific focus on Automatic Data Capture and Industrial Automation markets.  World-class total solutions provider in retail, manufacturing, and transportation & logistics industries and producer of bar code readers, data collection mobile computers and vision systems.  2012 Revenues at 462 M € (+8,6% vs 2011) of which 69% in the ADC Market and 23% in the Industrial Automation Market.  Over 2,400 employees – 350 in R&D.  Direct presence in 30 countries worldwide selling to +100 countries.  +1,000 partners worldwide. Datalogic at a glance

4 4 Datalogic Vietnam ADC Overview  Established: 8-Jan-2009  Factory land area: 2 Lots ~20,000m 2 each Building area: 10,000m 2 Production area occupied: 4,500m 2 1,750 m 2 office in 1 st floor for R&D  550 employees (Feb 2012)  Focus: Product Design and Test, Manufacturing, Fulfillment, and Service Repair (2012)

5 Datalogic Vietnam ADC Open Ceremony 5

6 6 Opening Ceremony – Meeting with S.E. Le Hoang Quan, Major of Ho Chi Minh City, July 10 th, 2009

7  50% of our components come from Asia.  Increase our penetration in Asia among our main goals.  Technological components such as customized displays and batteries not available in Europe.  Critical mass: improved efficiency thanks to the concentration of 80% of the production in one plant. 7 Background

8  Highest Global Growth Generators Index among the 11 major economies.  Vietnam focus on high mix – low volumes (we have around 600/700 codes).  Open culture with affinity to the Italian one: very good interpersonal relationship.  Incentives on production and investments and lower cost of labor compared to China.  No taxation for the first four years from profit realization and very low taxation afterwards (5% from 5th to 13th year, 10% for 14th and 15th year and then “ordinary tax rate”, currently = 25%). 8 Why Vietnam?

9 9

10 10 Why Vietnam?

11  2009: decision making, recruiting of a local General Manager (Mr Phat), location selection (High Tec Park HCMC).  2010: first production lines dedicated to less complicated products and test & assembly.  2011: introduction of others manufacturing lines, engineering services, planning and logistics.  2012: run at top revs. Total saving: -15% of total cost of goods sold (€ 12 M). 11 Milestones

12 2010 12

13 Today 13

14 14 Revenues

15 Headcount © 2012 Datalogic ADC, Inc. Confidential Proprietary Information 15 Direct4092412350 Indirect4371140148 Total83163552498 Average age: Direct : 26.8 year old Indirect : 34.2 year old 15

16 16 Production Efficiency

17 GD: Brad West GM: Phat Tran Deputy GM Phong Ho Production (CHUNG) PCBA ASSY FFC PP (HIEU) PLANNIN G PURCHASIN G Q&R + Logistics (CANG) Logistic (VINH) Warehouse Import/ export Q&R I/I Quality System Lab/ regulatory QC ME (Cang) AME Testing Process FC (NGUYEN) FA & IT (LE NA) FA IT HHS R&D (FABIO) Develop Testing HR & Admin (Supervisor: Trân) FRS R&D (supervisor: Nam SECRETARY Datalogic Vietnam ADC Organization 17

18 Mr Phat video 18

19 New Products Engineering 800m2, a big lab and, in term of numbers, the biggest Design Center in Datalogic ADC! Engineering resources in VN  eager to know, motivated, available for travelling abroad, skilled with practical abilities;  cost competitive (from 3/4 times less then in western countries). 19

20 New Products Engineering Goals  To bring into new products ideas, design and innovation from the hand and brains of Asian Engineers and a frontline on-site support for our Operations.  To be closer to the Asian Market and Asian Supply Chain starting from Design.  To continually improve SW quality.  To increase efficiency of R&D investments: having the right resources at the right cost for the right task. 20

21 New Products Engineering Organization Hired 39 staff (around 3-4% on the total assessed, in line with VN industry stats):  26.9 years old average; most graduated from top VN universities.  5 Working Teams.  5 Supervisors, 4 Team Leader.  Mostly focused on Embedded Software Development, Software Test, PCB Layout.  Good Skill Matrix and many achievements. 21

22 This presentation contains statements that are neither reported financial results nor other historical information. These statements are forward- looking statements. These forward-looking statements rely on a number of assumptions and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which are outside the control of Datalogic S.p.A., that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in or implied by such statements, such as future market conditions, currency fluctuations, the behavior of other market participants and the actions of governmental and state regulators © 2013 Datalogic S.p.A. - All rights reserved. Protected to the fullest extent under U.S. and international laws. Copying, or altering of this document is prohibited without express written consent from Datalogic S.p.A. Datalogic and the Datalogic logo are registered trademarks of Datalogic S.p.A. in many countries, including the U.S.A. and the E.U. All other brand and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Thank you 22 Datalogic S.p.A. Via Candini, 2 40012 Lippo di Calderara di Reno Bologna – Italy Tel. +39 051 3147011 Fax +39 051 3147205 E-mail

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