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Sridhar Devarapalli, Director of Product Management, NetScaler

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1 Sridhar Devarapalli, Director of Product Management, NetScaler
Scale & Optimize OpenStack with Citrix Poll Audience for reason for attending. Products and thank them for being a customer Aaron Delp Sr. Director Technical Marketing, Cloud Platforms Sridhar Devarapalli, Director of Product Management, NetScaler

2 Agenda Evolving IT Role Citrix / OpenStack Integration XenServer
xenserver-core Demonstration NetScaler LBaaS/Neutron Demonstration NS Control Center Integration CloudPortal Business Manager OpenStack Connector Demonstration I'm Aaron and this is Sridhar. The role of IT Operations is evolving and OpenStack is at the forefront of this evolution. We want to prove to you the benefits and potential value of OpenStack and Citrix installations. We're here today to convince you of this commitment to OpenStack through integration across our product portfolio. We're going to accomplish this by by answering the following questions: 1. What are we doing at the hypervisor level with XenServer and how does that benefit you? 2. What actions are we taking with our industry leading NetScaler products and what value does that provide? 3. And finally, what are we doing for multiple clouds and services with CloudPortal Business Manager and how does that lower both user and operator time to service? Let's set expectations. We're going to talk to you for the next 40 minutes but we also have three product demonstrations to help solidify some of the concepts we will be presenting today. With that out of the way, let's move on to give you a quick frame of reference of where we see the industry today.

3 Evolving Role of IT Operations
Consumer IT Group IT Organization acting as a Provider and Broker IT Operations is about more than just traditional workloads. Operations and development are evolving into Private, Hybrid, and Public Cloud based on workloads. Today, the workload typically defines the location. Because of this shift, IT Operations now has to both provide AND broker services Cloud Hybrid Cloud Private Cloud Public Cloud Traditional Workloads

ITaaS Infrastructure Apps Workloads Services AUTOMATED Multi- Service/Cloud Broker Public & Private DaaS SaaS PaaS STaaS IaaS Cloud Orchestration Private IaaS App & Desktop Virtualization IT OPERATIONS Server Virtualization Where are you in this model? On the bottom left we have traditional IT organizations serving storage, compute, and network. As we move up (on the left), the Ops is moving from manual services to Automated services. On the bottom as we move to the right more offerings are exposed to the actual line of business users. As we move to the right, we need a way to both provide and broker these services. Storage, Compute, Network MANUAL VIRTUALIZATION CLOUD IT ONLY USER SELF SERVICE VISIBILITY TO LINE OF BUSINESS

5 Citrix Cloud Deployments
INFRA- STRUCTURE DEV & TEST DISASTER RECOVERY BYO PLATFORM APPS & DESKTOPS MOBILE APPS YOUR SERVICE Cloud Broker CloudPortal Business Manager Orchestration OpenStack Network Services XenServer Virtualization NetScaler How does this evolution cross reference to OpenStack and Citrix products? On the bottom are physical components of which NetScaler hardware is one. On the next layer we have Network services (LBaaS, FW, VPN, etc.) as well as virtualization. These areas are covered both a combination of both NetScaler and the XenServer hypervisor. At the Orchestration layer we have OpenStack and at the Broker level we have CloudPortal Business Manager. Where and how do these products integrate with each other either today or in the future? Networking Storage Compute NetScaler

6 OpenStack and Citrix CloudPortal - Service Offering Management Horizon
NetScaler- LBaaS Neutron Glance Swift Nova Cinder Ceilometer Heat In Red are the various OpenStack projects today. The XenServer hypervisor provides compute services to Nova. This works today and we will demonstrate shortly. NetScaler is offering LBaaS as a plug into Neutron and this is both physical and virtual NS products. Lastly we have CloudPortal. CloudPortal allows us to broker and manage multiple services and service offerings in one consolidated package. Keystone XenServer - Hypervisor

7 XenServer

8 Market Momentum 1 Million + downloads of Free XenServer 300,000+ customers > 50% of Fortune 500 Powering the worlds largest clouds

9 Strong Technical Foundation
The strategy change will be introduced to the market in two primary ways: Moving Xen to the Linux Foundation – April 15, 2013 At the Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit in San Francisco, CA, we will be announcing that Citrix has moved the code base to the Linux Foundation. This move means that the Linux Foundation (home of the Linux Kernel and many core OSS projects) will accept and provide a governing body for the future development of the Xen code base as a member led project. Citrix will be joined by an elite list of industry supporters who have pledged money, engineering resource and time to help manage the core Xen hypervisor. (See FAQ ) Open Sourcing XenServer – June 2013 If you’ve been around for a while, you know that XenServer has gone through many stages of openness over time, with deliverables of Free XenServer and XCP (Xen Cloud Platform) available for a few years. Confusion over packages, lack of true open source community and limited user/developer commitment have all had an adverse effect on the perception of XenServer in the marketplace. In June of this year we will begin the first stages of reinvigorating the XenServer project by open sourcing all of the XenServer code and making available a freely downloadable fully open source version of XenServer as the primary deliverable, replacing XCP and Free XenServer. (see FAQ)

10 XenServer – Before Open Sourcing
Key: Proprietary System integration and packaging OSS XenServer.iso XAPI toolstack Misc extra packages HA blob Domain 0 Linux distribution Linux kernel qemu Pre-June 2013: Based on open-source projects but some components and the integration into a system closed-source. Even the open-source components are not generally developed in an open-source manner. This slide shows high-level view of some of the main components in XenServer. And it shows the status of XenServer from an OSS perspective before we made this Open Sourcing announcement – i.e. in a 6.1 world. <describe components a bit> One thing you’ll notice is that most components are already open source. That’s partly because XenServer has always been based on open source foundations – Xen and Linux. And partly because we’ve been gradually open sourcing more and more components since the acquisition of XenSource in Xapi and storage manager in 2009 as part of XCP. The green ones are the components that are open source already (i.e. before this announcement), and the purple ones are those that are currently proprietary But the purple components that are currently proprietary are still important. They mean that XS is not a fully open source product today – there are still bits of code that we do not release and keep private. And they are also some pretty important components – the PV Drivers in particular are a key integration point for many of our ecosystem partners. By keeping them proprietary we make life more difficult than it need be for them. ** describe NDAs required etc. ** ** Lots of interest in PV drivers. Multiple ecosystem partners and a very large cloud provider. All use our PV drivers and work with us on their development. Can’t wait to get this all out into open source. A lot easier for everyone. XenCenter Xen hypervisor Windows PV Drivers

11 Xen Project hypervisor
XenServer – After Open Sourcing Key: Proprietary System integration and packaging OSS XenServer.iso XAPI toolstack Misc extra packages HA blob Domain 0 Linux distribution Linux kernel qemu After June 2013: remaining components open-sourced. Move towards more open development for existing components based on open-source code (e.g. patch queues in public, more upstreaming of XenServer-specific patches) So with this announcement. Here’s what changes. All goes green. Everything open source. PV drivers/tools, XenCenter and HA all get OSS licenses on them and we release the source code. Now that’s a cool and useful thing. It means that people will get visibility into our entire product, can see every integration point; it’ll make it easier to build things on top of XS as a result. But in many ways this is not a massive change; and in many ways it’s not the biggest change about what we’re announcing today. So what else have we got. Previously Open Source components made into a system in a closed source way, now XS all OSS components and moving towards making the way they are integrated into the system open XenCenter Xen Project hypervisor Windows PV Drivers

12 Xen Project hypervisor
XenServer – Future XenServer.iso System integration and packaging RPMs RPMs XAPI toolstack Misc extra packages HA CentOS Domain 0 Linux distribution XenCenter XenServer (near) future: clean up packaging with new open-source build tools to make XenServer be truly a set of packages on top of an off-the-shelf Linux distribution. However keep the ISO “shrink-wrapped” distribution model to preserve the turn-key experience. So with this announcement. Here’s what changes. All goes green. Everything open source. PV drivers/tools, XenCenter and HA all get OSS licenses on them and we release the source code. Now that’s a cool and useful thing. It means that people will get visibility into our entire product, can see every integration point; it’ll make it easier to build things on top of XS as a result. But in many ways this is not a massive change; and in many ways it’s not the biggest change about what we’re announcing today. So what else have we got. Layers instead of blob – Easier for community to make XS changes (ISO is built using the new tools) – back end changes to build process Linux kernel qemu Windows PV Drivers Xen Project hypervisor

13 Xen Project hypervisor
xenserver-core – Dev snapshot XenServer.iso System integration and packaging RPMs RPMs XAPI toolstack Misc extra packages HA CentOS XenCenter Your existing Linux distribution XenServer (near) future: clean up packaging with new open-source build tools to make XenServer be truly a set of packages on top of an off-the-shelf Linux distribution. However keep the ISO “shrink-wrapped” distribution model to preserve the turn-key experience. Let’s go back to the XenServer component diagram and talk about something else which is available right now, xenserver-core. We’ve invested a lot of effort recently in making sure xenserver-core works as well as XenServer under OpenStack – and we’re going to show you a demo in just a moment – but first let’s talk about exactly what it is. We know that a lot of virtualisation customers love the stability and feature set of XenServer, and we know that developers would love to use XenServer on their development machines – but in the past that would have meant reinstalling their machine to get XenServer installed on the bare metal. Following through on the Open Sourcing strategy, we decided to make it possible to take your existing CentOS distribution – say CentOS – and use it as the base of a system which will end up looking like XenServer. Of course, we decided not to only make xenserver-core work on CentOS, but a key goal was to also make it work on any RPM or DEB based distribution too. Linux kernel qemu Windows PV Drivers Xen Project hypervisor

14 xenserver-core and OpenStack Demo
Show XenCenter connected to two machines. Use the host console in XenCenter to run “uname -a” on each host, showing that one is CentOS and one is Ubuntu. Note that there is a VM already started named “migrate_test” and then move to the console window to migrate it. Start pinging the VM Enter the following command, replacing <OtherServer> with the name of the server that the VM is not on nova live-migration --block-migrate migrate_test <OtherServer> Watch XenCenter for a few moments – showing the migration occuring. During this time, any of the following could be done – depending on how long the migrate happens. Describe that the hypervisor is copying the disk and memory across to the other hypervisor Check that the VM is still pinging Show “nova list” shows “migrate_test” as in the “migrating” state Once the migration has completed, verify with “nova list” that the VM is now in the “ACTIVE” state

15 Demo Highlights Each hypervisor is a standard Linux distribution (CentOS 6.4 and Ubuntu 13.04) with the xenserver-core packages installed Xen Storage Motion for live migration between CentOS and Ubuntu hypervisors Both OpenStack and XenCenter communicate with the hypervisors using Xapi   * Each hypervisor is a standard Linux distribution (CentOS 6.4 and     Ubuntu 13.04) with the xenserver-core packages installed   * Xen Storage Motion for live migration between CentOS and Ubuntu hypervisors   * Both OpenStack and XenCenter communicate with the hypervisors using Xapi We will demonstrate that the hypervisors are standard Linux distributions by logging into them and displaying the contents of /etc/redhat-release or /etc/lsb-release, and showing the various processes running.   We will demonstrate that the migration is a live migration by running XenCenter and showing the VM bouncing back and forth. Using XenCenter also demonstrates that the hypervisors speak standard Xapi.

16 XenServer and OpenStack Value
XenServer (Production) – Proven, stable, production hypervisor you can depend on to provide virtualization services to Nova xenserver-core (Dev/Test) – Easier installation on existing Linux distributions. XenServer benefits to existing XS users Ability to migrate workloads bi-directionally from XenServer to xenserver-core coming in the future

17 NetScaler LBaaS Tech Preview NetScaler Control Center Tech Preview

18 What is NetScaler Availability Performance Offload Security NetScaler enhances the deliver of your customers web applications across four principle dimensions (click). These include Availability, Performance, Offload, and Security; all built on a common IT interface and providing an excellent ROI. Within each feature category there are numerous techniques (CLICK) delivered by NetScaler and I will elaborate on each. Customers gain: 100% application availability via our world-class L4-L7 load balancing capabilities and intelligent service health monitoring features Accelerated application performance by 5x through static and dynamic content caching and compression An average of 60% in application infrastructure savings through connection pooling and offloading SSL processing from servers; this is especially important for Web 2.0 applications End-to-end application security with integrated Access Gateway Enterprise for secure remote access and an application firewall for protection against application layer attacks NetScaler has been powering Enterprise and Ecommerce infrastructure since 2002. 18

19 Increase performance on demand
Cloud Increase performance on demand Reduce the number of appliances in a single multi- tenant platform Seamlessly expand capacity Deploy new services with agility Enterprise Cloud The largest and most successful cloud providers have already discovered that the Cloud is only as powerful as the underlying network infrastructure. Not surprisingly, these cloud leaders have embraced ‘cloud-first’ network architectures to drive real business and IT differentiation. These next-gen networks powering clouds must address four top-of-mind characteristics: • Elasticity: How do I increase the performance of the network that I already have, without having to start over by purchasing new hardware every time traffic increases? • Simplicity: How do I eliminate appliance sprawl throughout my data center by consolidating large numbers of individually managed appliances into a single platform? • Expandability: Can I scale my total network capacity incrementally – one appliance at a time – so that I can start small, but grow forever? Agility: Can I rapidly deploy new services on-demand, without worrying about lead-time and provisioning complexity?

20 Revolutionary Scale Scale Scale Elasticity Simplicity Scale
up Elasticity Scale in Simplicity So huge opportunity and we are poised to be #1 here and grow explosively with the market How? We have already been doing many of this for a few years now and continue to innovate going forward in Cloud NWs. Far ahead of our peers First, in Below the Cloud, we are coming out with a new fundamental architecture for NetScaler called as TriScale – this embodies all the key characteristics of Scale needed in Cloud Networks. The ability to Scale Up, Scale In and Scale Out NetScaler introduced TriScale technology, the only architecture to deliver the scale for next generation data centers. It delivers a new, innovative technology that ensures the network always has the capacity and performance to handle the demands of even the most intensive applications. It provides enterprises and service providers an innovative, unique and superior strategy for scaling their cloud network infrastructure and of course it fulfills the promise of cloud architectures by enabling networks to: Scale UP performance on demand with its unique elasticity Scale OUT capacity for seamless expansion Scale IN consolidation to preserve simplicity Let’s now take a look at each of these in turn. Scale out Expandability

21 Introducing NetScaler TriScaleTM Technology
Elasticity with Pay-As-You-Grow Scale Up So huge opportunity and we are poised to be #1 here and grow explosively with the market How? We have already been doing many of this for a few years now and continue to innovate going forward in Cloud NWs. Far ahead of our peers First, in Below the Cloud, we are coming out with a new fundamental architecture for NetScaler called as TriScale – this embodies all the key characteristics of Scale needed in Cloud Networks. The ability to Scale Up, Scale In and Scale Out Scale In Scale Out

22 NetScaler Platforms Paygrow 100 Gbps 50 Gbps 30 Gbps
MPX/SDX 22040 to 22120 40Gbps – 120Gbps* 500k (2k) SSL TPS 80 Instances* NEBS Available Paygrow All platforms can be license upgraded across their supported ranges. 100 Gbps 50 Gbps MPX/SDX 8Gbps – 42Gbps 9k – 45k (2k) SSL 20 Instances NEBS Available 30 Gbps NetScaler Performance 10 Gbps MPX 3Gbps – 15Gbps FIPS Available MPX/SDX 2Gbps – 6Gbps 4k – 6k (2k) SSL 5 Gbps VPX 10Mbps – 3Gbps 1 Gbps MPX 500Mbps-1 Gbps Single-tenant Next GenPlatforms Multi-tenant Capable 1 5 20 80 FIPS Platforms Maximum Tenants per Platform * Roadmap, Q3’2013 – subject to change

23 Introducing NetScaler TriScaleTM Technology
Simplicity with Many-In-One SDX Elasticity with Pay-As-You-Grow Scale Up So huge opportunity and we are poised to be #1 here and grow explosively with the market How? We have already been doing many of this for a few years now and continue to innovate going forward in Cloud NWs. Far ahead of our peers First, in Below the Cloud, we are coming out with a new fundamental architecture for NetScaler called as TriScale – this embodies all the key characteristics of Scale needed in Cloud Networks. The ability to Scale Up, Scale In and Scale Out Scale In Scale Out

24 NetScaler VPX VPX Innovation Available on Amazon Web Services (AWS)
VPX = MPX Same Build, Same Features

25 NetScaler SDX Complete appliance instance per tenant
Complete CPU, memory, and SSL isolation Independent entity spaces Independent versioning Independent maintenance schedule Complete Network Isolation No performance degradation

26 Now open for 3rd party services
3rd Party Support SDX Now open for 3rd party services As everyone already knows, the vision of SDX is to serve as an open service delivery platform for consolidating network and application services, thereby eventually taking on the role of bringing in application intelligence and application awareness into traditional networks as well as emerging SDN networks.

27 TriScale lays the foundation of Software Defined Networking
Simplicity with Many-In –One SDX Elasticity with Pay-As-You-Grow Scale Up So huge opportunity and we are poised to be #1 here and grow explosively with the market How? We have already been doing many of this for a few years now and continue to innovate going forward in Cloud NWs. Far ahead of our peers First, in Below the Cloud, we are coming out with a new fundamental architecture for NetScaler called as TriScale – this embodies all the key characteristics of Scale needed in Cloud Networks. The ability to Scale Up, Scale In and Scale Out Scale In Expandability with Add-and-Go Clustering Scale Out

28 Clustering Virtual Appliance Hardware Appliance Very Manageable
1 App Very Fast NetScaler VPX Virtual Appliance Hardware Appliance Many Apps Very Manageable App App App App App App App App App App App App App App App App App App Multi-tenant Appliance App App App App App App App App App App App App App App App App True Clustering: Data and Management Plane Achieve Scale: Management + Performance Any Form-factor: Cluster VPX, MPX, or SDX

29 TriScale lays the foundation of Software Defined Networking
“40:1 footprint reduction. No Compromises.” “Grow capacity upto 5x. No New Hardware.” Simplicity with Many-In –One SDX Elasticity with Pay-As-You-Grow Scale Up “Megabits to Terabits. Zero Downtime.” So huge opportunity and we are poised to be #1 here and grow explosively with the market How? We have already been doing many of this for a few years now and continue to innovate going forward in Cloud NWs. Far ahead of our peers First, in Below the Cloud, we are coming out with a new fundamental architecture for NetScaler called as TriScale – this embodies all the key characteristics of Scale needed in Cloud Networks. The ability to Scale Up, Scale In and Scale Out Scale In Expandability with Add-and-Go Clustering Scale Out

30 Bringing Application-Awareness to SDN
1 Leverage “existing” App control real estate (e.g. NetScaler, ByteMobile) Application Model 2 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - WAN Opt ADC Data Cloud Bridging Firewall Mobility 1 Orchestration Application Control 2 “Top Down” app-centric design of new networks Visibility …. 4 3 3 Integrate app awareness into L2-3 SDN Controllers 1 - 2 - 3 - <click>Let us start with the application. The physical and virtual infrastructure – the compute, storage and the network. It is there to satisfy the needs of the application. <click>In the network – think of “programmable elements” – the things that can be controlled, and the control functions that control them. <click>At layers 2-3 – the switching and routing layers of the network – the programmable elements are the physical and virtual switches. And the control function is provided using either vendor specific, proprietary fabric control schemes, or via some emerging controller-specialists such as Nicira. This is where the SDN conversations have focused so far. We call it a “bottom up” focus, because at these layers, far removed from the application, the control functions mostly concern themselves with connectivity and transport – “who can talk to whom”. We believe that these SDN approaches are incomplete. <click>Because there is an big class of service delivery functions – the “network services” that operate close to the application, at layers These include things like application delivery controllers such as NetScaler, firewalls and IDS/IPS systems worrying about things like PCI compliance, identity services, application optimization, data scaling and others. These are all programmable elements at L4-7. They are governed by software-defined policies. In fact a big investment in todays application networking infrastructure involves the precise tailoring of these policies to satisfy the application’s requirements. <click>And just like at L23, there is a well-defined control function – something that manages all of the application networking policies. NetScaler has traditionally served as a natural control point of the network. Now, at Citrix, the NetScaler SDX line of service delivery controllers provide a platform to accomplish this task for all network services. These controllers take advantage of a broad range of acceleration, virtualization, consolidation technologies to build a platform for control of L4-7 application networking services. <click>So around the application, you now have L2-3, L4-7, compute and storage and they are all “software-definable”. To move these cogs in precise coordination, you require a whole-cloud orchestration solution. That is when, you realize the full potential behind all these software-defined capabilities. <click>And finally, there is a new opportunity – to make the L23 SDNs application aware – the L4-7 is already application aware – and there is a potential to take advantage of L23 software-programmability to further tune the network to the application’s need. This L2-7 tuned network is an “enlightened network” Physical Switches Virtual Switches Network Control Cisco 1000V Nicira Big Switch … 4 Holistic orchestration across L2-7 Programmable Elements Control

31 NetScaler Control Center
Automated, on-demand configuration of new ADC services Single pane of glass for centralized visibility. Multi-tenant management platform for both cloud providers and tenants Supports all NetScaler platforms Extensible to multiple cloud platforms NetScaler Control Center VMware NetScaler ADCaaS p VDC NCC Cloud Adaptors


33 Demo – NetScaler LBaaS with Neutron

34 Tech Preview – Cloud Portal Business Manager

35 Cloud admins broker and deliver IT and cloud services
CloudPortal Business Manager Authentication and role based authorization Self-Service Public/ 3rd Party Web, SaaS apps Users and Customers Discovery IT Managed Cloud Broker Service Catalog Public/ 3rd Party Clouds Billing Developers and Cloud Admins What exactly do we mean by broker and deliver IT and cloud services. As you can see in the middle there are a number of characteristics provided by a managed cloud broker today. Characteristics such as (name them). What if we want multiple clouds services from the same broker. Remember I said earlier about fitting the workload to the location. This is where that comes into play. CPBM gives us the ability to interface with multiple private and public clouds as well as SaaS applications or PaaS platforms. We do this through the concept of a connector. A connector is a bridge between the broker and the service. CPBM has many different connectors with more on the way. Charge back Private Cloud

36 CPBM Connector for OpenStack
Integration based on OpenStack Grizzly (Nova, Cinder, Ceilometer, Horizon) Experimental Reference Connector OS Distribution: Ubuntu Server (Raring Ringtail) Service Catalog Usage collection and billing (VM, volume, image storage, network bytes sent/received) Single-sign-on to OpenStack Horizon UI to manage resources Subscription and resource provisioning (VM, volume) Considerations for dotNext Version of CPBM connector for OpenStack (for Havana) Enhancements to Ceilometer integration Support for Heat Keystone integration Self-service account and user provisioning Support is for Ubuntu Server (Raring Ringtail), which includes OpenStack Grizzly.

37 Demo – Cloud Portal Business Manager

38 CloudPortal and OpenStack Value
Reduce IT Operations complexity through aggregation of multiple cloud providers “App store” like user experience with service catalog subscriptions and provisioned service offerings Enhanced user experience with integrated CPBM and Horizon SSO (Single Sign On) user experience Better visibility into customer and organization usage Tracking - Chargeback/Showback

39 Objectives for Cloud Remove IT as a service delivery critical path
Self Service Remove IT as a service delivery critical path Management Automation Reduce IT operational costs Workforce Leverage Workload Standardization Consistent application and service deployment Usage Metering Visibility into user and line of business usage Empower users to “serve themselves”— removing IT from the critical path of the service delivery Automate previously labour intensive tasks, helping to reduce IT operation costs and deliver faster Reduces complexity and variability by using standard workloads which ensures consistency with each application and service deployment Retains visibility into resource allocation and line of business usage on a real-time level Increased server/admin ratio and delivers benefits of scale— even if deployed globally Centralized Management Manage complete infrastructure, regardless of scale Capital Leverage Smarter Virtualization Drive reduced capital requirements

40 Questions?

41 Summary The role of IT is evolving
Citrix and OpenStack will meet this new Operations model by combining: xen-server core under Nova for compute NetScaler LBaaS with Neutron Netscaler Control Center Integration Portal and service consolidation with OpenStack and CloudPortal Business Manager

42 Visit the Citrix booth! Allowing Tenants to control the security of their VMs in the cloud – Collaborative demo with Intel showing the Mystery Hill concept with XenServer OpenStack virtual appliance for XenServer Multi-tenant deployment of LBaaS through OpenStack Neutron, powered by both NetScaler multi-tenant appliance (SDX) as well as virtual appliance (VPX) NetScaler Control Center as the orchestration platform for provisioning new NetScaler ADC services and for providing centralized visibility of the operational status of the services CPBM Demo and more information on cloud services aggregation


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