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Etiology Primary hypertension 95% of all cases Secondary hypertension – 5% of all cases – Chronic renal disease – most common White coat hypertension –

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Presentation on theme: "Etiology Primary hypertension 95% of all cases Secondary hypertension – 5% of all cases – Chronic renal disease – most common White coat hypertension –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Etiology Primary hypertension 95% of all cases Secondary hypertension – 5% of all cases – Chronic renal disease – most common White coat hypertension – Common? – Caused by  vascular resistance – Harmless??

2 Causes of secondary hypertension: Renal: Chronic parenchymal diseases (3-5%). Renal artery stenosis (1-2%).

3 Causes of secondary hypertension: Endocrinal: – Primary hyper aldosteronism< 0.3%. – Pheochromocytoma <0.3%. – Hypo or hyperthyroidism. – Cushing syndrome.

4 Causes of secondary hypertension: Aortic coartication. Drug induced. Pregnancy.

5 Aim of evaluation: Establishment of diagnoses. Assessment of CV risk. Evaluation of TOD. Diagnoses of secondary hypertension.

6 Patient Evaluation Hypertension Smoking Obesity Physical inactivity Dyslipidemia Diabetes Assess lifestyle and identify other CV risk factors or concomitant disorders:

7 Assess lifestyle and identify other CV risk factors or concomitant disorders Microalbuminuria or GFR < 60 ml/min Age – Males > 55 yrs – Females > 65 yrs Family history of CVD – Males < 55 yrs – Females < 65 yrs

8 Patient Evaluation Sleep Apnea Drug-induced Chronic kidney disease Primary aldosteronism Renal vascular disease Reveal identifiable causes of hypertension:

9 Chronic steroid therapy and Cushing’s syndrome Pheochromocytoma Coarctation of the aorta Thyroid or parathyroid disorders

10 Patient Evaluation Heart – LVH or CHF – Angina or prior MI – Prior coronary revascularization Brain – Stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA) Assess the presence or absence of target organ damage and CVD

11 Chronic kidney disease Peripheral arterial disease Retinopathy

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