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kumudha Intraoperative Hypertension Reader in Anaesthesiology Kanyakumari Government Medical College.

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2 kumudha Intraoperative Hypertension Reader in Anaesthesiology Kanyakumari Government Medical College

3 kumudha Definition Hypertension: Diastolic pressure greater than 90-95 mm Hg or systolic pressure greater than 140 – 160mm Hg Borderline hypertension: Diastolic BP 85-89 mm Hg or systolic pressure of 140 – 159 mm Hg Accelerated / Severe : – Diastolic BP in excess of 110 – 115 mm Hg. Malignant hypertension: – More than 200 / 140 mm Hg, associated with papilloedema and frequently encephalopathy. Dr. Kumudha Lingaraj M.D. D.A

4 kumudha Hypertension Why Important ? Common disorder High risk factor for cardiovascular diseases End organ damage – Heart Brain & Kidney Alteration in cerebral & renal blood flow

5 kumudha Etiology of Intraoperative hypertension Preexisting causes Undiagnosed or poorly controlled hypertension, pregnancy induced hypertension. Increased sympathetic tone Inadequate analgesia, inadequate anesthesia, Hypoxemia, Airway manipulation like laryngoscopy, extubation etc, Hypercapnia Drug overdose Adrenaline, epinephrine, ketamine, and ergometrine Others Hypervolemia, Aortic cross clamping, Phaeochromocytoma, and malignant hyperthermia

6 kumudha Etiology of Hypertension Intubation hypertension Inadequate anesthesia Hypercapnia Hypoxemia Pharmacological adjuvants Phaeochromocytoma Surgical procedures Bladder distension Extubation hypertension PIH

7 kumudha Intubation hypertension Laryngoscopy & intubation are known causes of hypertension It is severe if laryngoscopy is prolonged Can be minimized by pre administration of lignocaine.

8 kumudha Etiology of Hypertension Intubation hypertension Inadequate anesthesia Hypercapnia Hypoxemia Pharmacological adjuvants

9 kumudha Inadequate anaesthesia Stimulation during inadequate anaesthesia The depth of anaesthesia can be monitored by BIS Tachycardia, sweating, grimacing, tears and movement indicate inadequate anesthesia Beware of empty vaporizers

10 kumudha Etiology of Hypertension Intubation hypertension Inadequate anesthesia Hypercapnia Hypoxemia Pharmacological adjuvants

11 kumudha Hypercapnia Increased sympathetic stimulation causes hypertension Watch out for: inadequate tidal volume Depleted soda lime Disconnection of circuits Inadequate fresh gas flow Malignant hyperthermia and thyrotoxicosis Exogenous admn of carbondioxide during laproscopic procedures

12 kumudha Etiology of Hypertension Intubation hypertension Inadequate anesthesia Hypercapnia Hypoxemia Pharmacological adjuvants

13 kumudha Hypoxemia Hypoxia increases cardiac output In severe hypoxia the systolic blood pressure is raised Severe systolic hypertension is a very late sign of hypoxemia and indicate complete circulatory collapse.

14 kumudha Etiology of Hypertension Intubation hypertension Inadequate anesthesia Hypercapnia Hypoxemia Pharmacological adjuvants

15 kumudha Pharmacological adjuvants Inotropic & vasoconstrictor agents Local anesthetic solutions containing adrenaline if injected intravenously Nasal packing Medication errors

16 kumudha Etiology of Hypertension Intubation hypertension Inadequate anesthesia Hypercapnia Hypoxemia Pharmacological adjuvants Surgical procedures

17 kumudha Surgical procedures Aortic cross clamping Aortic valve replacement Carotid endarterectomy PDA ligation

18 kumudha Management Preanesthetic evaluation Perioperative risk reduction Premedication Balanced anesthesia Proper monitoring Parenteral medications

19 kumudha Preanesthetic evaluation History Physical examination Adequacy of blood pressure control

20 kumudha Perioperative risk reduction Effective control of blood pressure Anti Hypertensive drug therapy Hydration Choice of anesthetic agent Adequate analgesia Miscellaneous

21 AgentDosageOnsetDuration Nitroprusside0.5 – 10 ug/kg/min30-60sec1-5 mins Nitroglycerine0.5 – 10 ug/kg/min1 min3 – 5mins Esmolol0.5mg/kg in 1 min 50 – 300 ug/kg/min infusion 1 min12-20 mins Labetolol5-20 mg1-2mins4-8 hrs Propranalol1-3 mg1-2 mins4-6 hrs Trimethaphan1-6 mg / min1-3 mins10-30 mins Fentolamine1-5 mg1 – 10 mins20-40 mins Diazoxide1-3 mg /kg slowly2-10 mins4 – 6 hrs Hydralazine5-20 mg5-20 mins4-8 hrs Nifidepine s/l10 mg5-10 mins4 hrs Methyl dopa250 – 1000 mg2-3 hrs6-12 hrs Nicardipine0.25 – 0.5 mg1-5 mins3-4 hrs Enalapril0.625 – 1 mg206-15 mins4-6 hrs Fenoldopam0.1 – 1.6 ug/kg/min5 mins

22 1Urgent reduction of severe acute hypertensionSodium nitroprusside infusion 0.3 – 2 mic.g/kg/min 2HT with ischemia with poor LVNTG infusion 5 – 100 mic.g/kg 3HT with ischemia with Tachycardiaa.Esmolol bolus or infusion 50 – 250 micg/kg/min b.Labetolol bolus orr infusion 2 – 10 mg; 25 – 30 mic. G /kg 4HT with heart failureEnlapril at 0.5 – 5mg bolus, 1.25 mg/6 hours given over 5 mins. Response within 15 mins 5HT without cardiac complicationsNifidepine – 5 – 10 mg S/l Nicardipine infusion – 5 – 15 mg/hr Hydralazine 5 – 10 mg bolus 5HT with PhaeochromocytomaLabetolol – Bolus 2 – 10mg Infusion 2.5 – 30 mic g/kg/min Phentolamine 1-4mg bolus

23 kumudha


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