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HSS4303B March 25, 2010 Erin Russell MSc. Candidate, Epidemiology

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1 HSS4303B March 25, 2010 Erin Russell MSc. Candidate, Epidemiology
Attributable Risk HSS4303B March 25, 2010 Erin Russell MSc. Candidate, Epidemiology

2 What we’ll cover today What is attributable risk?
How does attributable risk differ from relative risk? Attributable risk (AR) for the exposed group Attributable risk percentage (AR%) Population attributable risk (PAR) Example calculations A sample literature review Design your own final exam tutorial

3 What is Attributable Risk?
AKA - Measure of impact The amount or proportion of disease incidence (or disease risk) that can be attributed to a specific exposure. For example, “How much of the lung cancer risk experienced by smokers can be attributed to smoking?” In practice, “How much of the risk (incidence) of disease can we hope to prevent if we eliminate exposure to the agent in question?”

4 Relative vs. Attributable Risk
Relative risk is important as a measure of the strength of the association Important in establishing etiological relationships Attributable risk is more about: “How much of the disease that occurs can be attributed to a certain exposure?” Important in clinical practice and public health

5 Cautions to bear in mind
If the exposure is not causally linked to the outcome, then measures of impact are meaningless as there would be no change in the outcome frequency even if the exposure were to be completely eliminated.

6 Cautions to bear in mind
Even if there is a causal link, it does not follow that removing the exposure would lead to a reduction in risk in the exposed person or that such a reduction would be prompt. Smoking and cancer: may have already produced DNA damage and a carcinoma in situ Smoking and heart disease: risk returns to lower levels over several years

7 Measures of Impact/AR There are many measures of ‘impact’
Lack of consensus about which measures are important and different interests of different groups Not to scare you, but different authors may even use the same abbreviation (ie. AR) to mean different things Kahn and Sempos use this abbreviation to mean at least 4 diffferent things within 5 pages of text in one book!

8 Attributable Risk (AR) - Exposed
This is simply the risk difference between the Cumulative Incidences for the two groups: AR = CIExposed – CIUnexposed

9 Attributable Risk Percentage (AR%)
This is also called the Attributable Risk Fraction, the Etiologic Fraction Exposed, and the Attributable Fraction Exposed. Whatever you call it, this number refers to the proportion of the risk among the exposed population which could be attributed to the exposure: AR% = CI1 – CI0 CI1

10 Population Attributable Risk Percentage (AR(P))
This is also called the Attributable Risk (Population), the Etiologic Fraction Population, and the Population Attributable Fraction Proportion. It refers to the entire population (including both exposed and unexposed people) It gives the proportion of the outcome risk in the entire population which could be attributed to the people who were exposed.

11 Population Attributable Risk Percentage (AR(P))
The value of the AR(P) depends on: What proportion of the population has been exposed. The extent to which exposure increases risk. AR(P) = CItotal – CIunexposed CItotal

12 Population Attributable Risk Percentage (AR(P))
A situation where an exposure increases risk by 100-fold might be expected to have a large impact among exposed people, but if only 0.1% of the population is exposed, the actual population-wide impact would be low. I was taught that this is the most useful and common impact measure.

13 Population Attributable Risk Percentage (AR(P))
Similar to the AR%, except that it also employs the risk of the entire population as a referent. Even if you know the risk in exposed and unexposed people, you cannot compute AR(P) unless you know the proportion of the population who are exposed to the factor under consideration.

14 Example - Question Estimate the impact of HRT exposure on: i) users and ii) the entire community (where feasible) What is the question asking for? Exposure group Number of cases of breast cancer Person-years of follow-up None 923 344,942 Any estrogen or progestin use 393 120,356 Total 1,316 465,298

15 Example – Step one AR = CI1 – CI0 = 393/ /344,942 = 3.265/1000 PYs – 2.676/1000 PYs = 58.9 cases/100,000 person-years Exposure group Number of cases of breast cancer Person-years of follow-up None 923 344,942 Any estrogen or progestin use 393 120,356 Total 1,316 465,298

16 Example – Step two AR% = CI1 – CI0 CI1 = / 1000 PYs – / 1000 PYs / 1000 PYs = 18.0% Exposure group Number of cases of breast cancer Person-years of follow-up None 923 344,942 Any estrogen or progestin use 393 120,356 Total 1,316 465,298

17 Example - Conclusions So what can we say about the impact of HRT exposure on the user? As an individual on HRT, 18% of your risk of breast cancer is attributed to your exposure to hormones And at the population level? We do not have information regarding the proportion of the population who are exposed to the factor under consideration.

18 Your posters are due in 16 days, do you know what you’re doing?
If not, how can I help?

19 Question and protocol development
Knowledge syntheses use rigorous scientific methods to identify, assess and synthesize the available evidence (worldwide) Consult widely to ensure that the review is relevant and addresses the needs of different potential stakeholder audiences

20 Why have a protocol? Literature reviews are scientific research
Plan methods Reduce bias Avoid duplication of effort Rest of review follows Focus for thinking about review Planning and allocating tasks

21 Developing a protocol Title/review authors Background Objectives
Selection criteria Search Strategy Methods

22 Review authors Technical expertise Content expertise
Organizational expertise Knowledge users

23 Background Description of the condition and its significance
Description of the intervention and it’s role in practice How the intervention might work Why it is important to do the review

24 Objectives Follow naturally from the background
What are the questions? Questions should be clearly framed

25 Selection criteria Help you design the search Selecting studies
Start thinking about the analysis One way to minimize bias Follow naturally from the objectives P – population I – Intervention C – comparison O – outcomes S – setting C - context

26 Diverse synthesis questions
What are the benefits, harms, and costs of treatment x? What are the benefits, harms, and costs of a new delivery service configuration? What is the accuracy of diagnostic test y? Does use of diagnostic test y lead to better outcomes? What is the prevalence of condition a?

27 Diverse synthesis questions
Is risk factor a associated with disease b? How strong is the association between gene a and disease b? What are the beliefs of patients about disease a? What are the experiences of patients undergoing treatment z? What is the accuracy of reoutine coding following hospital discharge?

28 Search strategy Search strategy should follow from review question and selection criteria Highly technical Development of search strategy involves trade-offs between sensitivity and specificity Be aware of assumptions as they can dramatically impact on workload (if searches have poor specificity) and value of review (if searches have poor sensitivity) Key issue is transparency

29 Why is a rigorous approach to searching important?
To achieve up-to-date, relevant, unbiased reviews Searching is often a matter of trying terms and seeing what results you get Protocol should state planned searches (post-hoc modifications can be made if appropriate)

30 Methods How searches will be screened
How full text articles will be retrieved and screened How data abstraction will be undertaken What data will be abstracted (cross reference back to the selection criteria) How the risk of bias/quality of included studies will be assessed Planned comparisons, subgroup analyses

31 Would you like an example? I have two to offer
Dairy consumption as a risk factor for breast cancer. A review of the current economic literature regarding the use of antiplatelet agents in the secondary prevention of vascular events in adults undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention.

32 Design your own final exam tutorial
Who wants to come? When should it be? What material should we cover?

33 When should it be? Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 1 11:30 Tutorial 2 3
4 5 Last class 6 7 8 9 10 Research Day 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Erin in Halifax 18 19 20 21 22 11:30 Final Tutorial 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Exam Day 30

34 What to cover? Wk. # Dates Topics 1 Jan 7 Intro to epi 2 Jan. 11 & 14
Interpretation of epi lit, Measurements of M&M 3 Jan. 18 & 21 Mortality et al Natural history of disease 4 Jan. 25 & 28 Standardization, K-M survival curves 5 Feb 1 & 4 Life tables Screening tests 6 Feb. 8 & 11 Agreement Bias 7 Feb 15 & 18 READING WEEK

35 What to cover? Wk. # Dates Topics 8 Feb. 22 & 25
Midterm review, Midterm 9 March 1 & 4 Study design, Attack rates 10 March 15 & 18 Randomization, Molecular and genetic epidemiology 11 March 22 & 25 Risk estimation, Attributable risk 12 March 29 & Apr. 1 Bias and confounding, Causal relationships 13 April 5 Genetic and environmental factors in disease causation, Evaluation of health services, Evaluation of screening programs

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