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Gifted Underachievers Einstein failed in language, Schubert in mathematics; Edison was taken out of school after three months, on the grounds that he was.

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Presentation on theme: "Gifted Underachievers Einstein failed in language, Schubert in mathematics; Edison was taken out of school after three months, on the grounds that he was."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gifted Underachievers Einstein failed in language, Schubert in mathematics; Edison was taken out of school after three months, on the grounds that he was ‘unstable’ 15% - 40% of gifted students are at risk for school failure or significant underachievement (Seeley, 1993) 5% of graduating high school seniors, 40% never finish college Eliminating 24% - 70% of the basic curriculum does not affect the academic attainment (Reis, Burns & Renzulli, 1992) Eliminating of 40% -50% of the basic curriculum for the top 10% - 15% students without affecting their academic attainment (event up to 70% - 80% for English subject) (Tsai, 2001)

2 Implication of the data Social wastes of our culture (Gowan, 1955) Personal waste (Emerick, 1992)

3 Underachieving Gifted Personal etiology Family etiology School etiology Personal development Parent education Teacher training Curriculum modification Educational Psychologists Gifted Education Section

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