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PM ConSim for Worldwide Joint Training and Scheduling Conference

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1 PM ConSim for Worldwide Joint Training and Scheduling Conference
COL Karen Saunders PM Constructive Simulation Rick Copeland DPM Constructive Simulation

2 PEO STRI Organization PEO Vision The Center of Acquisition Excellence Providing Simulation, Training, and Testing Solutions for the Nation. PEO Mission To Provide Responsive Interoperable Simulation, Training, and Testing Solutions and Acquisition Services for the Warfighter and the Nation. PEO Acquisition Center Director/PARC Associate Director Contracting Operations Policy & Systems Business DPEO (SES) Customer Support Project Special Staff PM TRADE PM ConSim PM Field OPS PM CATT PM ITTS PM FF(S) DPEO Programs Note: Janine identified the DPEO (SES) as not official yet. I can change the slide if desired. MDL End 4.0 Shape a “world class” workforce with acquisition, functional and leadership skills

3 COL KAREN SAUNDERS (PM) Joint and Coalition Simulation Systems (JCSS)

4 ConSim Mission ConSim Vision: To be the Recognized Leader for Providing Constructive and Integrated Simulation Environments. ConSim Mission: To Provide Operationally Relevant Constructive and Integrated Simulation Environments for the Warfighter and the Nation. Joint Coalition Simulation Systems (JCSS) - Develop, acquire, field and sustain interoperable simulation environments in support of Joint and Coalition Forces and the Nation. PdM OneSAF – Develop, field and configuration manage the OneSAF constructive simulation for the US Army. The Training Simulation Office executes the SIMCI project for HQDA and serves as the designated FA57 proponent within PEO STRI. APM JLCCTC (Production) - Focused Management of both the Multi-Resolution Federation and Entity Resolution Federation compositions of the Joint Land Component Constructive Training Capability (JLCCTC). APM JLCCTC (Development) – Focused Management on Objective Simulations targeted at training commanders and staffs at Brigade and above. PdM Warrior Training Integration (WTI) - Provide persistent and integrated LVC training enablers that allow Commanders to plan and execute realistic Battle Command, Intelligence, and Joint Training to prepare their soldiers and staffs for combat. Put notes what all acronyms mean JCSS

5 LVC-IA Increment 1 Concept
Increment 1 Focus - Brigade Combat Team (BCT) Home Station Training BCTC is LVC Hub BLUF: The LVC-IA will enable seamless LVC & C2 connections C2 ABCS GCCS CONSTRUCTIVE JLCCTC OneSAF LIVE HITS VIRTUAL AVCATT CCTT/RVTT CFFT LVC-IA

6 Requirement/Capabilities:
LVC-IA Requirement/Capabilities: LVC-IA integrates L-V-C systems and ABCS enabling unit and battle staff configurable tailored combined arms and joint collective training at multiple echelons. LVC-IA provides appropriate 'conditions' for realistic training, increasing unit force effectiveness and readiness. It will create a Joint, interoperable, seamless architecture to support training environments for Current and Future Forces in the Institutional, Operational, and Self Development Domains. LVC-IA will support development of an LVC Integrated Training Environment (ITE) Current Activities: Acquisition documentation in support of Milestone B decision and program initiation ACAT III program, MDA delegation to PEO STRI Materiel Development Decision (MDD) - June 2009 Anticipated MS B in September 2009 Contract actions: Industry Day – May 2009 Request for Information – June 2009 Request for Proposal – October 2009 Anticipated Contract Award – January 2010 Live, Virtual, Constructive Integration Cell (LVCIC) Technological and Programmatic Risk Reduction LVC-IA Site Survey and Prioritization Visits FT Lewis FT Carson FT Campbell FT Knox FT Drum FT Bragg FT Stewart FT Bliss OCONUS Fielding US Army Pacific (USARPAC) US Army Europe (USAREUR) Camp Shelby FT Hood

7 BCTP TSS Convergence Roadmap

8 JLCCTC Challenge WARSIM (m/i) WIM (m) *IEWTPT (m/i) ACE/ASCCE (m/i)
MRF-W ERF MRF-C MRF-W m = model i = sim/C2 interface t = tool * Friends of family MRF-C WARSIM (m/i) WIM (m) *IEWTPT (m/i) ACE/ASCCE (m/i) BE Server (m) *Archer (t) Rialto (t) CBS (m) *BICM (m/i) OneSAF (m/i) JCATS (m) JDLM (or LID) (m/i) JNEM (m) MUSE (m/i) ISM (m) RTM (i) AARS (t) FMT-R (t) ERF EADSIM (m) FIRESIM (m) ETSIU (i) SIMPLE (i) JSPA (t) HDC (t) SASS (t) ExCIS (m/i) TACSIM (m/i) *Friends of the family

9 Fielding Plan or Schedule
JLCCTC MRF-W Multi Resolution Federation (MRF) - WARfighters’ SIMulation (WARSIM) Capabilities Summary JLCCTC MRF-WARSIM is the US Army’s next generation constructive training simulation that creates a Realistic Training Environment for Commanders and their Staffs. Capabilities includes: Supporting a DIV WFX/CPX Use Case C2 Stim with ABCS 6.4 devices including BCS3 and DCGS-A Three Enclave Solution with Intel capabilities (HUMINT, IMINT, ELINT, COMINT, and MASINT systems) Interface with AARS, ARCHER, MUSE, JNEM, ISM, and JCATS Provide Fixed sites capability with BE Services Improved Diagnosis/Recovery and parametric data management Current Activities Fielding Plan or Schedule Just completed a very productive MRF-W v5.5 VE and ORE at the NSC and BCTC/BCTP The MRF-W VE/ORE provided the best operational environment to date to "stress and shake-out" the system to ensure readiness for Army DIV WFXs. During the VE, the federation availability was 98% with an overall requirements pass rate of an impressive 85% During the ORE, the System was solid and available 100% the first 60 hrs before encountering the first period of down time; final availability was 91.8% Conducted four Analysis Events at Fort Huachuca to compare their current simulation systems to WARSIM’s capabilities: WARSIM interfaced/stimulated DGCS-A v3.0.1 Verified/updated Intel sensors parametric data/capability Demonstrated interface with IEWTPT Upon addressing any outstanding gaps, Fort Huachuca plans to use WARSIM for their school house training exercises Aug 09: Complete v5.5 MRF-W fielding to the NSC and BCTP Sep/Oct 09: Field Tech Control Forward suite to Korea in support of the WARPATH II Exercise and 2ID CPX/ORE 2QFY10 & beyond: Field to additional Army Tier one BCTCs as of 29 May '09

10 JLCCTC ERF Capabilities Summary Current Activities
Full automation of TTP behaviors and simulation objects down to the soldier or vehicle level Supports exercises from Company to BDE Models sides/factions BLUFOR, OPFOR, Non-aligned, Neutral and Non-combatants Trains hundreds of commanders and staff yearly at 22 CONUS and OCONUS sites DIS / HLA Compliant Stimulates ABCS 6.4 including Native AFATDS Software operates on COTS HW Hardened the integration of LOGFED in FY09. Current Activities V5.x Being Fielded at 22 CONUS/OCONUS sites during FY09 Week 2 of the VE finished on 29 May with the following results: 182 of 209 tests completed, with 86% tests passed. The remaining tests will be run during the ERF ORE with BCTP in July. Overall federation availability was 97%. 74 PTRs were written, of which 43 were closed or deferred. V5.2 Development (2nd Qtr FY09) FRG ROK Italy 22 Fielded locations v5.1 – 2nd Qtr FY09 v5.2 – 4rd Qtr FY09 v5.3 – 4th Qtr FY10

11 OneSAF Overview Ares Control Interface Objectives: Users:
Reduce Army Life Cycle M&S costs Capable of replacing USA legacy entity based simulations: BBS, OTB / ModSAF, CCTT / AVCATT SAF, Janus (A&T), JCATS MOUT Users: RDECs / Battle Labs / Active Duty Brigades & Battalions Service / Joint Organizations International Partners USG Contractors / Academia Programmatics: MNS: May 97 PM Charter: May 00 V1.0 (FOC): Sep 06 V3.0: Feb 09 Technical Capability Highlights: Provides entity modeling to BDE level Supports both Constructive & Virtual Domains Provides Urban Operation modeling with COE Focus Provides DIS/HLA/JC3IEDM/ ABCS Interoperability Supports ACR, RDA, TEMO) Domain applications Ares Control Interface

System Architecture/DIL Network Diagram Capabilities Summary Supports PEO STRI integration of Army System & Non-System training devices with existing and emerging Army Battle Command Systems (ABCS) Augments & Supports CTSF distributed Army Interoperability Certification (AIC) / testing Supports PEO STRI Training Development Community by providing ABCS technical expertise and early access to emerging ABCS SW Baselines Current Activities Undergoing DIACAP for DIL Network Accreditation Federated Net-Centric Site (FaNS) Accreditation 5 June 2009 RFP for new competitive effort expected to be posted by mid June PM ConSim JLCCTC WARSIM OneSAF Other Agencies JFCOM/JDIF RDECOM NSC DREN PM CATT SE CORE AVCATT CCTT PM STS PM TRADE AFATDS AMDWS ASAS FAAD FBCB2 GCCS-A MCS BCS DCGS-A LT2 DRTS ETC-IS

13 It is always about the Warfighter. That is why we exist
It is always about the Warfighter. That is why we exist. We have to get it right. We have to remember the past. We have to plan for the future. Today’s band of brothers will one day become the band of brothers from bygone days. When the reunions and conversations are held 40 years from these days, what do you think they will talk about? Will they say they had the right training? Will they say they had the right training devices, and simulations? Will they say they needed more? Thanks again for having me here. Mission First, People Always!

14 Acronyms AAR After Action Review API Application Protocol Interface
BC Battle Command CATT Combined Arms Tactical Trainer C2SE Command and Control Simulation Equipment C2 Command and Control CBS CORPS Battle Simulation COE Contemporary Operating Environment CSS Combat Service Support CSSTSS Combat Service Support Training Simulation System CTIA Common Training Instrumentation Architecture DBST Digital Battlestaff Sustainment Trainer DIF Data Interchange Format IEWTPT Intelligence & Electronic Warfare Tactical Proficiency Trainer ISR Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance JCATS Joint Conflict And Tactical Simulation JDLM Joint Deployment Logistics Model JOE Joint Operations Environment JLCCTC Joint Land Component Constructive Training Capability -MRF Multi-Resolution Federation -ERF Entity Resolution Federation LOD Low Overhead Driver LVC - IA Live, Virtual, Constructive - Integrated Architecture MOUT Military Operations in Urban Terrain OneSAF One Semi-Automated Forces OneTESS One Tactical Engagement Simulation System OIS Future Instrumentation System PoP Proof of Principal SE Core Synthetic Environment Core TACSIM Tactical Simulation TENA Test and Training ENabling Architecture WARSIM Warfighter's Simulation



17 LVC IC Build 0

18 Elements of Live Virtual Constructive
Integration of Battle Command: Real world tactical systems used in the training environment. Emphasis on the shared solutions will be re-stated with AVCATT to provide speed of development, savings, and integration of new modules and training capability. Slide Description: Now that the benefits of integrating the LVC and BC systems have been explained, it is important to note that there are many underlying technologies to include processes, components, data, standards and architectures that are necessary to enable interoperability. PEO STRI is pioneering the effort towards commonality with the Live, Virtual and Constructive training domains to include an LVC integrating architecture. Simulation architectures such as the Product Line Architecture Framework (PLAF) approach is just one example of these types of initiatives. Talking Points: Over time PEO STRI is bringing the Live, Virtual and Constructive domains closer together to facilitate interoperability and integration (I2). This is a current effort for both the test and training activities. The linking of multiple test or training domains provides for an expanded synthetic battlespace and ability to train or test with reduced costs, manpower or other resources. LVC-ITE provides the required common protocols, specifications, standards and interfaces to permit interoperability and integration among LVC components along with Army and Joint Command, Control, Communications, Computer, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) systems. The LVC-ITE enables LVC TADSS, Live Training Transformation-Family of Training Systems (LT2-FTS), Synthetic Environment (SE) Core, and Joint Land Component Constructive Training Capability (JLCCTC) to interoperate with Joint National Training Capability (JNTC), Service, and Combatant Command (COCOM) LVC systems while stimulating Army and Joint C4ISR systems. The LVC-ITE supports DoD Training Transformation (T2) by providing an on-demand, distributed LVC training, mission planning and rehearsal environment with Joint context. Enabling Technologies: Each of the training domains provide unique complementary capabilities to the entire LVC training environment.

19 Current State of Modeling and Simulation for Training
LIVE Slide Description: Traditionally the integration of Live, Virtual, and Constructive training assets for the Army has been minimal at best. The three training domains, Live, Virtual, and Constructive, function on their own planes of execution meeting the training requirements they were designed for. This diagram shows the existence of the three training focus areas represented by the red plane for Live, the black plane for Virtual, and the white plane for Constructive. The chess pieces shown on each plane represent the training assets themselves and components of those assets. Talking Points: A training process is an activity that is clear, insightful, logical and focused on the result to be achieved. The concept is hierarchical which means that a training process may contain a set(s) of sub-processes.  Training processes have a purpose, structure, rationale and role in Army Training.  Training processes are tailored to fit unit requirements and managed by unit commanders.  Training processes provide continuity and stability to Army Training.  The three primary training processes are: Live, Virtual and Constructive Training. However, Gaming and Embedded training applications are now being explored to augment our current portfolio of L, V, C assets. VIRTUAL CONSTRUCTIVE

20 Today’s Reality Enablers Products Future Products Live Virtual
SLIDE BACKGROUND: Enablers include processes, standard, common components and architectures Products are those current products we are “connecting” amongst other domains for a capability Future Products are anticipated connections as a result of adjusting ongoing programs to provide inherent interoperability through program management ACRONYMS: LT2: Live Training Transformation CTIA: Common Training Instrumentation Architecture FASIT: Future Army System of Integrated Targets OneTESS: One Tactical Engagement Simulation System CTC OIS: Combat Training Center Objective Instrumentation System T-IED: Training Improvised Explosive Device HITS: Home-Station Instrumentation Training System CTC IS Modification: Combat Training Center Instrumentation System Modification ETC-IS: Exportable Training Capability – Instrumentation System SE Core: Synthetic Environment Core VSA: Virtual Simulation Architecture (subset of SE Core) DVED: Database Virtual Environment Development (subset of SE Core) CM2: Common Moving Models (subset of SE Core) CCTT: Close Combat Tactical Trainer AVCATT: Aviation Combined Arms Tactical Trainer CDT: Common Driver Trainer RCTS: Route Clearance Training System JFETS: Joint Fires and Effects Trainer DIS/HLA: Distributed Interactive Simulation/High Level Architecture JLCCTC: Joint Land Component Constructive Training Capability CBS: Corps Battle Simulation WARSIM: Warfighters’ Simulation OneSAF: One Semi-Automated Forces LVC-IA: Live/Virtual/Constructive – Integrated Architecture LT2 Product Line CTIA FASIT OneTESS Standard CTC OIS MILES Digital Ranges T-IED HITS CTC IS Modification ETC-IS I-MTS OneTESS Live SE Core VSA DVED CM2 CCTT AVCATT Games for Training CDT RCTS JFETS Virtual DIS/HLA Distributed Repository Security Services Common Components C4I Adapter JLCCTC CBS WARSIM OneSAF One Merged Federation & LVC-IA Constructive

21 MRF-W Plan to Support 2ID WARPATH II Exercise & CPX/ORE
MRF-W Preparation / Key Activities: 2ID WARPATH II Exercise and CPX/ORE Plan Forward: 26 May – 17 July ‘09: SW and Scenario Development of seven main tasks. (SW Freeze ~17 July) Early June – Sept ‘09: Conduct IPRs with all stakeholders (2ID, 8th Army, KBSC, BCTP, NSC) 20 July – 8 Aug : Integration and Test Exer Design Conf: July in Korea 3 Aug – 11 Sept: Numerous Scenario Data Scrubs 14-25 Sep ‘09: Master Training in Korea 8 –14 Aug: PTR Freeze date and Final SW Build produced 5-9 Oct ‘09: RolePlayer Functional Training in Korea 24 Aug – 4 Sept: SW Release Test at the NSC 12-16 Oct ‘09: WARPATH II Exercise Execution in Korea 7-12 Sept ’09: Set-up Tech Control Forward in Korea 6-19 Nov ’09: 2ID CPX/ORE and prep activities V5.5 (3QFY09) Capabilities: DIV WFX/CPX Use Case Three Enclaves with Intel (HUMINT, IMINT, ELINT, COMINT, MASINT) Improved Diagnosis / Recovery and parametric data management Address v5 Concerns/PTRs Interfaces: ABCS 6.4 including BCS3 Stim AARS, ARCHER JNEM, ISM, MUSE Fixed sites capability with BE Services 21 For Official Use Only as of:

22 JLCCTC MRF-C Capabilities Summary Current Activities
Models units from section/squad through division Corps, Division & Unit Employment Operations, High Fidelity Intel, Logistics & AAR Federates Linkage to Battle Command & Control Systems Trains commanders and staff Only US Ground model that is KSIMS compatible Key Events: Unified Endeavor, Ulchi-Freedom Guardian , Key Resolve, Yama Sakura, WarPath, Cobra, Rapid Thunder, Iron Focus. Security Classification : Unclassified to TS/SCI Current Activities Fielded v4.1 to NSC, BCTP, Hood, Bragg, Lewis, KBSC, and JMTC in FY 08. Fielded V5.1 to Ft. Hood Jan 09 V5.2 FINAL PLANNED VERSION VE June 22nd – July 2nd FY2010 CBS in Full Sustainment JMTC FRG KBSC

23 IEWTPT – TCC/HCC Capabilities Summary Current Activities
Supports Intelligence Surveillance & Reconnaissance Operates in the Constructive & Live Domains Supports the Intel Warfighter and Commander Trains Intel Warfighter in their “Go-to-War” system Forces cross domain fusion within intel BOS Robust AAR Generation Hardware/Software and contractor support at sites Utilizes Service Based Architecture for large entity counts as well as aligning with Army ISR systems (DCGS-A, ACS) 3-D environment to support realistic tactical questioning techniques and procedures 19 scenarios currently fielded – 3 MP; 16 HUMINT Current Activities Developing Signals environment in the TCC to stimulate SIGINT ISR platforms V4.0 Development (2nd Qtr FY10) Integrating technology into HCC Building new scenarios for the HCC 7 scenarios (5 HUMINT, 2 MPs) currently being developed; 5 additional HUMINT scenarios planned Integrating Quick Reaction Capabilities into TCC Supporting Army G2 initiative in developing a training solution for DCGS-A Working with Army Evaluation Center to use IEWTPT for DCGS-A testing and evaluation Successfully supported Austere Challenge 09 Current Fielded Sites FT Lewis FT Hood Schofield FT Huachuca FT Bragg

24 OneSAF Paving The Way To The Future Capabilities Summary
CGF/SAF modeling from entity to BDE Supports Constructive & Virtual Domains COE Focus with Urban Operation modeling Operations from Scenario Generation thru AAR DIS / HLA / JC3IEDM / ABCS Interoperability Supports ACR, RDA, TEMO Domain Events Software only Platform independent (Linux/Windows) software Common APIs, DIFs, & Protocols DIS, HLA Common Components C4I Adapter, SNE, AAR, Scenario Generation Common Architectures CTIA, VSA, OneSAF CTCs, Staff & Virtual Trainers Interoperable Applications Current Activities TEMO Domain NSC (July) OmniFusion (OF) Maneuver Battle Lab (July) FCS Ft. Bliss (July) V3.0 International Development (3rd & 4th Qtr FY09) V4.0 Development (Planned delivery: 2nd Qtr FY10) V5.0 Development (Planned delivery: 2nd Qtr FY11) Merged software development baseline with SE Core FLOIS TALON STRIKE (TS) using OneSAF for collaborative US & UK Battle Command stimulation (FY10) GE Over 200 Hundred Domestic Locations & 7 International Partners v3.0 – Released 2nd Qtr FY09 v3.5 – 4th Qtr FY09 (Planned)

25 Battle Command Training Capability – Equipment Support (BCTC-ES)
Admin Support Staff Capabilities Summary Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment Battlefield Visualization System Radio-Wire Integration System Network Infrastructure Upgrade and Simulation System connectivity Battle Command (C2) Server Fielding / Refresh Simulation-to-C2 end-to-end Connectivity and Integration Packet Radio Units and Antenna Systems (Fixed / Mobile) Expandable Classrooms AAR Reconfigurable Tactical Operations Centers (RTOC) Expandable Tech Control Comms Workcells Current Activities Fielding Ft. Riley BCTC (med) (estimated completion – 8 Jun) Working with the Ft. Benning (Harmony Church) team for a 100% Design for the new facility Preparing contract actions for the Ft. Campbell & Ft. Bliss Medium BCTC Fielding Scheduling Red Zone Meeting to complete plans on fielding for the FY10 BCTC Fielding’s Fielding Plan or Schedule WSMR Ft. Riley Ft. Sam Houston Ft. Leonard Wood Ft. Campbell Ft. Benning Ft. Bliss FY09 Fielding FY10 Fielding FY11 Fielding

26 Capabilities Solution:
FITE JCTD Capabilities Solution: Three Configurations: Spiral 1: Individual-worn Virtual Reality Spiral 2: Facility-based Mixed Reality Spiral 2: Individual-worn Augmented Reality Configuration Components: Software virtual environment Commercial hardware Visual, auditory, touch, and smell components Position and weapons tracking system AAR system Funded by OSD/AS&C, JIEDDO, and JFCOM Participants: User Sponsor: JFCOM Operational Manager: JFCOM Technical Manager: ONR Transition Manager: PEO STRI Oversight Executive: ODUSD (AS&C) Schedule: Technical Demonstrations: May 09, Apr 10 Operational Demonstrations: Aug 09, Jul 10 Operational Utility Assessments Reports: Oct 09, Sep 10 Transition: Extended Use of Interim Capability, Targeted Locations: Camp Lejeune and Fort Benning If conducted, resourced through BA4 funding Follow-on Development, Production, Fielding, and Sustainment, Targeted POR/Programs: Dismounted Soldier (PM CATT) CACTF (PM TRADE) IIT (PM TRASYS) Mission Rehearsal (USSOCOM) SITE [proposed TBD (PM TRASYS)] : The Future Immersive Training Environment [FITE] Joint Capability Technology Demonstration [JCTD] is PEO STRI’s most recent undertaking to improve the combat readiness of U.S. forces operating in irregular warfare environments. As a team member in the new U.S. Joint Forces Command led FITE JCTD effort, PEO STRI will help create realistic, fully immersive training environments that prepare warfighters for irregular warfare-oriented tasks. The FITE JCTD will spin off capabilities that can potentially enhance existing service programs. One of these is our Dismounted Soldier virtual train ing system, which will prepare warfighters for full-spectrum operations in the contemporary operating environment. The system will allow Army leaders to choose from a wide selection of terrain databases and train their troops in complex urban environments. Soldiers can dismount from vehicles or aircraft and train for full-spectrum operations, including tasks that are complex or high risk in a live environment. A dismounted soldier can engage targets with doctrinally assigned weapons, move in doctrinally correct formations and communicate with unit personnel. Dismounted Soldier is a future capability, but PEO STRI is already doing much in the way of training our forces for irregular warfare. One example is DARWARS Ambush!, a PCbased gaming system that provides soldiers with a platform for training cognitive skills in tactical decision-making and communication. Originally created as a networked convoy trainer, DARWARS has been modified to train non-kinetic skills to include cultural awareness.

27 SIMCI Simulation-to-C4 Interoperability
Description Mission: Provide policy, organizational, process, and technical recommendations to Army Leadership to improve interoperability of M&S and C4I systems Focused on common components, data, standards, architectures, and processes Co-chaired by PEO STRI & PEO C3T; originally chartered in FY2000 Migration M&S Domain C4I Interoperability of Current and Future Systems Shared Solutions Processes Common Data Reusable Components Architectures Standards SIMCI OIPT Membership FY09/10 Focus Areas Mitigating the impact of Capability Set on M&S systems Initialization JC3IEDM Migration Army Staff Material Developers Combat Developers Cross Domain SIMCI Management

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