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Early Warning, Alert and Response System First National Course on Public Health Emergency Management 12 – 23 March 2011. Muscat, Oman.

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1 Early Warning, Alert and Response System First National Course on Public Health Emergency Management 12 – 23 March 2011. Muscat, Oman

2 First National Course on Public Health Emergency Management 12 – 23 March 2011. Muscat, Oman EWARS  Weather Bureau declares the early warning: Example: Typhoon signal 4, a destructive typhoon will hit the City X. Landfall will be at 10:00 AM after 24 hours accompanied by heavy rainfall  Concerned agencies like MOH will declare corresponding code alert – Example: Code White is raised by the Secretary or the Head of MOH

3 First National Course on Public Health Emergency Management 12 – 23 March 2011. Muscat, Oman EWARS  The implementing arms of MOH like the Public Health offices at the regional level, etc. or the hospitals will start to respond: o MOH at regional level response i.Response teams should be advised to standby for possible actual response upon escalation of the alert or possible emergency/disaster ii.All necessary logistics should be in place iii.Alltransportations should be on standby iv.All drivers or staff should be on their toes for possible mobilization o

4 First National Course on Public Health Emergency Management 12 – 23 March 2011. Muscat, Oman EWARS o Hospitals within the affected city response i.Response teams should be advised to standby for possible actual response upon escalation of the alert or possible emergency/disaster ii.All necessary logistics should be in place iii.Alltransportations should be on standby iv.All drivers or staff should be on their toes for possible mobilization v.Pre-designated areas to accommodate victims should be ready

5 First National Course on Public Health Emergency Management 12 – 23 March 2011. Muscat, Oman EWARS  If the typhoon upon landfall is strong/destructive with reports of damages, injuries, deaths, and flood  MOH escalates the Code Alert to Red meaning there is emergency or disaster o MOH at regional level response i.Response teams should be deployed ii.All necessary logistics and transportations should be mobilized iii.Response Plan should be activated by the Head ii.ICS and OPCEN should be activated iii.All drivers and staff should be in the office awaiting further orders

6 First National Course on Public Health Emergency Management 12 – 23 March 2011. Muscat, Oman EWARS o Hospitals within the affected city response i.All staff and drivers should be in the hospital ii.Response, Contingency, Business Continuity Plans should be activated iii.ICS and OPCEN should be established iv.Response teams should be deployed v.All necessary logistics and transportations should be mobilized vi.Pre-designated areas to accommodate victims should activated vii.Staff schedules should be arranged viii.All emergency management systems activated

7 First National Course on Public Health Emergency Management 12 – 23 March 2011. Muscat, Oman EWARS (end to end) Early warningAlertResponse Actions Basis for:  raising the alert  planning  Risk communication  Better preparedness  Monitoring the event  Gives more time to prepare  Timely response  Manage anticipated risks  Prepare people, organization and systems  For coordination  Immediate, timely, appropriate, effective response actions or operations  More lives to be saved This should be translated into policy, guidelines, SOPs for a harmonized implementation

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