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Group 6 You’ve Got SARS!! Brent Anderson Lauren Cutsinger Martin Gilpatric Michael Oberg Matthew Taylor Capstone Spring 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Group 6 You’ve Got SARS!! Brent Anderson Lauren Cutsinger Martin Gilpatric Michael Oberg Matthew Taylor Capstone Spring 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group 6 You’ve Got SARS!! Brent Anderson Lauren Cutsinger Martin Gilpatric Michael Oberg Matthew Taylor Capstone Spring 2006

2 Presentation Outline Milestones Logistics Enhancements to Core Design Bus Interconnectivity Program Flow Client GUI Motor Control Demonstrations

3 Project Overview Design an infrared tracking system that will control a motorized camera platform. Track infrared image of person. Display IR image. Determine temperature of person for possible disease detection.

4 System Overview SPI PWM USB 2.0 Major Components IR Camera IR Camera PIC Processors PIC Processors Camera Mount Camera Mount Motors Motors PCB PCB Output (PC) Output (PC) Serial Motor Control 4431 4550

5 Milestones Milestone 1 – Complete Prototype – Basic Motor Control – Talk to IR Camera over SPI – Basic Tracking Abilities Milestone 2 – PCB with Surface Mount Components – Advanced Tracking – Fine Tuned Motor Control – Camera Mounted with Optics – Basic PC Interface Expo – Full Camera Integration – Complete PC Interface

6 Tasks Team MemberMain Tasks Brent Core Chip Programming Overall Product Design and Prototyping Lauren PCB Layout Mechanical Assembly Martin Targeting Software UART Interfacing Michael Image Post-Processing PC Client Interface Matthew PCB Layout Motor Interfacing

7 Costs (Overall - Vendor) VendorAmount Lynxmotion$43.86 Sparkfun$21.51 DigiKey$17.09 Dexter$850.00 Total$932.46 UROP Funds$800.00

8 Costs (Specific) PartCost Thermopile Array$850.00 Misc. Connectors$13.82 Crystal Oscillator$5.01 Misc. Parts$11.28 Camera Mount and Servos$35.93 Total$916.04

9 Schematics Voltage Regulator Processor Board Breakout Board Motor Control Board

10 Schematics – Voltage Regulator

11 Schematics - Processor

12 Schematics – Breakout Board

13 Enhancements to Core Design Smaller design – all surface mount parts Faster communications with USB 2.0 Off-board Programming header New motor control PIC processor with better PWM precision

14 Benefits of smaller design Daughter board connection to camera Small casing and camera mount Minimal connections to camera – Mini USB – Power Looks cool!

15 Benefits of Breakout Board Smaller main PCB Great debugging tool Off-board Programming header Adds serial connector with very little space

16 Benefits of USB 2.0 Faster frame rate (up to 30 fps, limited by SPI and camera) Goes around problem of multiuse pin (RX and SPI) Allows us to bring RS232 out to breakout board Very small connector to save even more space If power constraints work, use USB to power entire board

17 Benefits of the 4331 Motor Control PIC Better motor control RS232 not multiplexed with SPI, so more debug control (manual control) Don't have to slow down processor, allowing more speed for processing frames Better precision and more fine tuned control

18 Camera Communications

19 Component Interconnect Two bus types: 1)SPI -Connects the camera and the two processors -3 lines: MISO, MOSI, SCK. 2)RS 232 -Using single line: TX -Only transmitting from one processor to the PC

20 SPI 3 Line Serial Standard (with enable lines). – MISO: Master in, Slave out. – MOSI: Master out, Slave in. – SCK: SPI clock. – Individual enable lines for each slave. SPI communication method: – Enable slave: Set appropriate enable line high. – Master: Write to SPI Register (SPI module will load SPI shift register from this buffer) – SPI module will clock data out and receive data sent by the slave. Data is clocked into and out of the slave via the SPI clock.

21 SPI

22 SPI “Spying” Reasoning: – Require same image data on both processors. – Using the SPI bus twice would waste time. Method: – Second PIC is connected to the bus as if it were a master: SDI tied to MISO, SDO tied to MOSI. – Second PIC enables SPI as a slave: does not generate SCK, uses SS as SPI receive enable. – Enable is same line as the camera’s data SPI output enable – When Master requests data from camera it will clock data from the camera which will be output to the MOSI which is tied to the SDI of both processors. The master generating the clock will receive the data as it would without the second processor. The Second PIC will have data clocked in as if it were receiving it from a normal SPI Master.

23 RS 232 Normally a 2 line serial connection. Normally a 2 line serial connection. Using only TX, the transmit line. Using only TX, the transmit line. Options: Options: 115200 baudrate 115200 baudrate No parity bit No parity bit 8 bit data 8 bit data 1 stop bit 1 stop bit Currently using Tera Term to interpret received data. Currently using Tera Term to interpret received data. Potentially being replaced by USB 2.0 for greater speed. Potentially being replaced by USB 2.0 for greater speed.

24 Pin Outs PIC 1PIC 2 Pin #Connection 2Fun Little LED 8~ARRAY/LM20 9~TEST/RUN 15ADC select 16DAC select 17MUX select 23USB D- 24USB D+ 25TX 26SPI Data Out 33SPI Data In 34SPI Clock 35ARRAY_CLK 36ARRAY_RESET Pin #Connection 2ARRAY_RESET 15PWM 16PWM 33SPI Data In 34SPI Clock

25 Program Flow PIC 1: Acting as Master of the SPI bus/ Relaying Image to PC – Initialisation: Set appropriate control registers for both RS 232 and SPI – Interact with camera: Reset Thermopile array. Begin loop to access all values on the thermopile array. through SPI, set MUX to appropriate output and read output from ADC. Repeat loop until array has been completely relayed, the issue reset to thermopile and begin again. – Relay information to PC through RS 232. PIC 2: “Spy” on SPI bus to acquire image data/ Process image for tracking – Initialisation: Set appropriate control registers for SPI and PWM. – Spy on SPI bus: Wait for reset to be sent to thermopile. Indicates beginning of picture. Begin loop to generate running averages of both columns and rows. Read in value from SPI and add it to the appropriate portions of column averages and row averages. Leave loop when all 1024 values have been appropriately processed. Process image via column and row averages to generate targeting information. Change direction of camera as necessary. Wait for reset signal, then begin loop again.

26 Client Software Outline Architecture Block Diagrams Current Implementation

27 Client Architecture Ubuntu Linux – Easy to install, configure, secure – Up to date packages Client written in C – Good choice for interaction with Serial/USB, and GTK+ GTK+ 2.8.6 Graphical User Interface Library – Cross-Platform (also supports Windows) – ~ 2800 functions, from high level convenience functions to low level routines for fine tuned control

28 Client Block Diagram


30 Client Screenshot

31 Motor Control and Implementation Parts List: PIC18F4431 (Specialized For Motor Control) – 14 Bits of accuracy on Duty and Period Registers – Large Prescalers and Postscalers – Comparable to PIC18F4550 2 Hitec-422 Servos HC_HCPL-2730 Optocouplers MAX4426 1.5A MOSFET Drivers

32 Servo Schematic Optocouple r MOSFET Driver Servo Headers Main Power Servo Power

33 HiTec HS-422 Servo Constraints Controlled With PWM signalling 20ms Signal Refresh (50Hz).9ms to 2.1ms active high position definition range – Duty Cycle from 4.5% 10% With PIC18F4550 achieved 5° of precision – Maximum Oscillation freq 500Khz PIC18F4431 can achieve servo constraints at 40MHz – High Degree of accuracy over 1°

34 PWM Control Signal 0° 4.5% Duty Cycle @50Hz 180° 10% Duty Cycle @50Hz

35 Demonstrations, and Questions?

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