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Presentation on theme: "Larox Flowsys T HE S OLUTION Y OU ´ VE B EEN L OOKING F OR."— Presentation transcript:


2 Conventional Industrial Knife Gate types Face seal KGV’s Edge seal KGV’s Not to be used on Slurry

3 Face seal knife gate valves Designed for the paper industry. Face seal valve was original design. Knife designed to “cut” fiber. Original valve, metal seat only. Light duty applications only.

4 Edge seal knife gate valves Designed for the paper industry. Face seal valve was original design. Edge seal was “next generation. Knife designed to “cut” fibre. Only available with an elastomer seat. Light duty applications only.

5 Problems with Face and Edge Seal KGV’s when used on slurry Wear Blockage Jamming Leakage

6 Problems with Face and Edge Seal KGV’s Solids trapped in valve body stops the gate closing Entire valve replaced once seat wears Valve will leak once seat / gate wears Seat directly in path of slurry Uni directional No gate lubrication Packing is the only seal Packing requires constant adjustment Solids trapped in valve seat stops the gate closing

7 How Heavy Duty KGV Differ from Conventional KGV’s ? Bi directional Self lubricating gate Double sealing No packing – no adjustment Solids expelled from valve seat 100% Isolation No seat in slurry flow Replaceable rubber sleeves Conventional metal seated valves X Solids trapped in valve seat stops the gate closing X Entire valve replaced once seat wears X Valve will leak once seat / gate wears X Seat directly in path of slurry X Uni directional X No gate lubrication X Packing is the only seal X Packing requires constant adjustment Larox Heavy duty KGV

8 The Solution You´ve Been Looking For Larox new range of Heavy Duty KGV’s Wafer (LKW) Flanged (LKF) High pressure (LKH)

9 Wafer LKW 10 bar rated Wafer design 50-600mm diameter Cast Body NR sleeve DIN or ANSI 316 gate Gate protection Flushing ports Manual and actuated Stem Protection Flushing Ports Standard accessories Certification Other options considered

10 Flanged LKF 10 bar rated Flanged design 50-600mm diameter Cast Body NR sleeve DIN or ANSI 316 gate Gate protection Flushing ports Manual and actuated Stem Protection Flushing Ports Standard accessories Certification Other options considered

11 High Pressure LKH 20 bar rated 50-600mm diameter Cast Body NR sleeve DIN or ANSI 316 gate Gate protection Flushing ports Manual and actuated Stem Protection Flushing Ports Standard accessories Certification Other options considered

12 Built in standard features Encapsulated stem Enclosed heavy duty bearing Cast handwheal Heavy duty frame with lockout and switch brackets Heavy duty cast body Stem bellows 316 s/s gate Flushing Lubricated upper seal Replaceable ring sleeves

13 Built in standard features Encapsulated stem 100% full bore when open Open body suitable for flushing Heavy duty frame with lockout and switch brackets

14 Built in standard features 316 s/s gate Other materials available also coating Replaceable ring sleeves with integrated support ring

15 Built in standard features Standard protection 100% tight shutoff solids expelled into valve body

16 Valve Function All Larox Heavy Duty Knife Gate Valves are built with a cast body and features a heavy-duty stainless steel gate. Removable seats on either side of the blade provide a bi-directional unobstructed flow when open and 100% tight when closed There are no metal parts in contact with the slurry when open Any solids are pushed into the body when closed and can be flushed, flushing ports as standard

17 Valve Function How the rubber ring sleeves work Matching elastomer ring sleeves are placed in the valve housing to seal against the gate when the valve is closed and seal against each other when the valve is open. A stiffener ring molded into the elastomer retains the roundness of the sleeves during opening and closing cycles. This tight seal contains the high internal line pressure. Double seated design provides bi-directional flow and tight shut off. NR as standard EPDM and other elastomers on request.

18 Valve Function Secondary Seal The field replaceable elastomer secondary seal replaces conventional gland packing, providing both wiping and lubricating actions to the blade as it strokes via contact between the blade surface and the silicone grease filled contours of the seal itself. Lubrication of the blade allows for easier actuation and movement. There is no need to remove the valve from the line when replacing the secondary seal.

19 Valve Function Actuators Enclosed bushing with a protected grease chamber means less operating force after long dormant periods. Rugged cast ductile iron hand wheel Stainless Steel riser stem with fabricated steel protector. All actuator types can be fitted including hydraulic, pneumatic and electromechanical Stem protection as standard

20 GA drawings

21 Larox Heavy Duty Knife Gate Valve Model Selection

22 Larox Flowsys Products Larox Flowsys are the industry benchmark for abrasive, corrosive and other demanding shut-off, control and pumping applications With the new Larox Flowsys portfolio of products you can best satisfy our customers demands.

23 Available now via agent web And your area sales managers


25 The Solution You´ve Been Looking For

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