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Grace You’ve shown me grace. You’ve lifted my shame.

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Presentation on theme: "Grace You’ve shown me grace. You’ve lifted my shame."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grace You’ve shown me grace

2 You’ve lifted my shame

3 You’ve drawn me with loving kindness

4 Washed whiter than snow

5 You have redeemed and made me whole

6 Grace You’ve shown me grace

7 You’ve lifted my shame

8 You’ve drawn me with loving kindness

9 Washed whiter than snow

10 You have redeemed and made me whole

11 Jesus, You have won me You have broken every chain with love and mercy

12 You triumphed over death And You are worthy of glory and praise

13 Love You’ve shown me love

14 By leaving Your throne

15 By bleeding and dying on a cross

16 That wonderful cross

17 That took all my guilt and sin away

18 Jesus, You have won me You have broken every chain with love and mercy

19 You triumphed over death And You are worthy of glory and praise

20 Jesus, You have won me You have broken every chain with love and mercy

21 You triumphed over death And You are worthy of glory and praise







28 So we shout it out and lift up one voice in worship

29 Sing it out until all the earth can hear it

30 Jesus is alive and He saves

31 He rescues and saves

32 So we shout it out and lift up one voice in worship

33 Sing it out until all the earth can hear it

34 Jesus is alive and He saves

35 He rescues and saves

36 Jesus, You have won me You have broken every chain with love and mercy

37 You triumphed over death And You are worthy of glory and praise

38 Jesus, You have won me You have broken every chain with love and mercy

39 You triumphed over death And You are worthy of glory and praise

40 So we shout it out and lift up one voice in worship

41 Sing it out until all the earth can hear it

42 Jesus is alive and He saves

43 He rescues and saves

44 So we shout it out and lift up one voice in worship

45 Sing it out until all the earth can hear it

46 Jesus is alive and He saves

47 He rescues and saves

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