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BHS May 2009 Survey Results What is an achievement that you’ve experienced this year? Completing my first year teaching an AP course. Being recognized.

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2 BHS May 2009 Survey Results

3 What is an achievement that you’ve experienced this year? Completing my first year teaching an AP course. Being recognized at a local church for teacher appreciation. Became a better teacher. Had students remain focused longer and had fewer discipline issues following Marzano based wind-down activities. I have gotten much more organized with make up work. I worked really hard to make sure my classroom was a place where all students felt comfortable.

4 What is an achievement that you’ve experienced this year? I have been able to better implement technology in my teaching. My seminar has gelled like never before. I had the wonderful opportunity to be on a coaching staff that lead a group of young men to the pinnacle of high school football. Along the way, we ignited school spirit and developed a tremendous amount of pride in our football program. Helped a student graduate this year who had given up hope. My students made gains in all areas that I taught.

5 What is an achievement that you’ve experienced this year? I stayed in better contact with parents. Becoming a part of something bigger than myself. I have gained more confidence in myself as a person and as a teacher. Much more prepared this year. Helping some of the seniors realize that their dreams were attainable. I have really worked on my attitude toward others and to treat others like I would like to be treated and with a smile. I have 26 hours toward my masters.

6 What is an achievement that you’ve experienced this year? Better, consistent contact with parents in regard to concerns and compliments. Finishing my first year of National Board. The closeness of our PLC which resulted in EOC results. I have learned how important it is to do a better job with classroom management at the beginning of every semester. The club that I sponsored placed at state. Recognized as being a teacher who has made a difference. My students did very well in competition this year.

7 What is an achievement that you’ve experienced this year? I feel as though I have connected with my class and helped with the positive transition from junior high to high school. Working with other teachers to develop teaching strategies. Trying to recognize student achievement on a monthly basis. I have used more Kagan strategies in class to meet the needs of the different learners. Over 70% of the students in my lifetime fitness class reached the national fitness standards. More students recovering credits than any previous year.

8 What is an achievement that you’ve experienced this year? Passed Praxis Exam. Finishing my first year at BHS. My PLC has experienced great success. Collaborating with other teachers and being very pleased with how well the students received the information and their willingness to learn the material. An exceptional year of building relationships with students. Worked with projector and slate successfully. The “light-bulb” moments where students make the application/connection of academic learning to real life situations.

9 What makes this school so great? We like what we do, we care about each other – even outside of BHS. The sense of community among the people who work here and the dedication to keeping the bar high for ourselves and our students. It is an attitude of “we can”. The attitude that all students need the opportunity to succeed. An overall commitment to success; fostering a sense of pride about achievement. Co-worker support and freedom to experiment. The math department

10 What makes this school so great? We have incredible facilities and resources that many school do not. Great coaches and teachers. The administration and staff. As an educator you know that the administration is always behind you. The staff here is always so kind, helpful and understanding. Print Center. It is a place that I look forward to coming to every day. The faculty are fun to work with. The students are easy to be around. It’s a place I like to be.

11 What makes this school so great? The great staff to work with and the caring environment. We have the most amazing, helpful faculty anywhere. Everyone is willing to help out and we all keep our sense of humor – most of the time. I think every teacher in this school is determined to make a difference in students’ lives. Caring staff. Fantastic teachers and administrators constantly encouraging students to work at top potential with a huge support system from the parents.

12 What makes this school so great? Because the teachers and administration always strive to do what they feel is best for the students. BHS is a leader in education programs. The staff members get along very well with each other. The building is sparkling clean. As a whole the student body is well-behaved. The high standards are co-mingled with humor, challenge, hope, persistence, and a sense of the next to come will be even better than before. The students make this school great! They are a great group to work with.

13 What makes this school so great? Top notch faculty, the administration, the staff, the student body, the parents…in general I believe that we create a rigorous yet accessible educational experience. The teachers – teachers share ideas. Teachers working together. The way that teachers and students care for one another. Being treated like a professional. We look at the big picture with a unified effort to maximize each student. Hard work – teachers who love what they do and love kids.

14 What makes this school so great? We do what it takes to make kids succeed…even if the road is a little bumpy. How helpful teachers are to each other. It’s respect and support of the arts. Tremendous work ethic of the teachers; community and parental support. Each teacher seems to really enjoy teaching kids. This is a very dedicated staff. It is run smoothly. It is full of hard working teachers and staff who push the students to be great. Great spirit of cooperation in teams as well as from students.

15 What does a new principal need to know about this school? This is a very big school. This school is overwhelmingly large. It’s big. We are a big school and the most important part is communication and planning. This school is very large. It’s too big! It’s is overwhelming large so you must be sure that YOU don’t become overwhelmed. Lots of students! Lots of paperwork! Lots of time required to keep up with both! Very large!

16 What does a new principal need to know about this school? A principal at this level needs to enable teachers to share a vision of where we are headed, with the encouragement how to get there. This school needs a visible leader. It is important for both students and teachers to see and hear a leader. It makes them feel safe and that things are under control. Get to know your staff. Communication, feedback, a listening ear and a willingness to be flexible are appreciated. I really appreciate personal communication.

17 What does a new principal need to know about this school? That you can find out all you need to know about how to solve the world’s problems in the mancave – Rm. 243 every morning before school. Women are not allowed to cross the threshold, unless they are the boss! It has been from past leadership that this school as risen to where it is today. Teachers really want to see the principal visit their rooms and see them interact with the students. A new principal must know that his/her presence creates a definite tone in the whole school environment.

18 What does a new principal need to know about this school? Always have an open door and open mind with us. Don’t hesitate to ask questions, be available to students, teachers, and parents, be visible in the hallways and classrooms when possible. We are welcoming to new and fresh ideas and not to worry about making mistakes because we make plenty. Many really talented individuals teach here. Our faculty works hard and we are professionals. Do not underestimate the students. Everyone is here to help achieve the major goal.

19 What does a new principal need to know about this school? It’s made up of real people. Problems will arise and there are many staff members who are willing to work along side to resolve each and every issue. There are some teachers who quietly do their jobs and sometimes go above and beyond. There are some who are very vocal about what they do. Both deserve equal treatment and respect. BHS is not perfect but we are very good at looking for ways to move in that direction and in taking the steps to make it happen. It’s very, very big!

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