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Literacy The first half of the summer term we are focusing on mystery stories and non-chronological reports Mystery stories In this unit children explore.

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Presentation on theme: "Literacy The first half of the summer term we are focusing on mystery stories and non-chronological reports Mystery stories In this unit children explore."— Presentation transcript:

1 Literacy The first half of the summer term we are focusing on mystery stories and non-chronological reports Mystery stories In this unit children explore how authors create mystery and suspense in mystery stories. They will use similar techniques to write their own dramatic and compelling mystery story. The key writing purpose: To write a new mystery story. The mystery story will keeps up the suspense and mystery until the end shows how a character feels by giving clues, rather than telling the reader directly. Grammar focus: includes speech which is set out and punctuated correctly uses carefully chosen adverbs, to create accurate images in the reader’s mind. Non-chronological reports Children’s understanding of Non-chronological reports is developed through them identifying key features of this text type. They will then go on to write their own reports about space. Year 3 Summer 1 2015

2 Further Reading Books linked to the genre: Who Pushed Humpty Dumpty?: And Other Notorious Nursery Tale Mysteries- David Lilienthal and John Nickle Ruby Redfort books- Lauren Child Dead Man’s Cave (Laura Marlin mysteries)- Lauren St John The Diamond Brothers Mysteries- Anthony Horowitz Grk and the hot Dog Trail- Joshua Dodger Murder and Chips (A Jiggy McCue Story)- Michael Lawrence

3 Maths I have listed below all the areas we are covering in Maths this term: Add 3-digit and 1-digit numbers mentally, using number facts; subtract 1-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers mentally using number facts; add and subtract multiples of 10 by counting on and back in 10s and using number facts to cross 100s; compare and order fractions with the same denominator; begin to recognise equivalences of 1/2; add and subtract fractions with the same denominator Use function machines to multiply by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8 and understand the inverse; use scaling to multiply heights and weights by 2, 4, 8, 5 and 10; use known facts to multiply multiples of 10 by 2, 3, 4 and 5; multiply numbers between 10 and 30 by 3, 4 and 5 using the grid method; multiply 2-digit numbers by 3, 4, 5 and 8 using the grid method Divide without remainders, just beyond the 12th multiple; division using chunking, with remainders; use the grid method to multiply 2-digit numbers by 3, 4,5 and 8; begin to estimate products Draw and interpret bar charts and pictograms where one square/symbol represents two units; compare and measure weights in multiples of 100g; know how many grams are in a kilogram; estimate and weigh objects to the nearest 100g; draw and interpret bar charts where one square represents one hundred units Add 3-digit and 2-digit numbers using mental strategies; add two 3-digit numbers using mental strategies or by using column addition; use reasoning, trial and improvement to solve problems involving more complex addition

4 Science The children will be Identifying pushes and pulls as forces and explore how things move on different surfaces. They will find out about attraction and repulsion by magnetic forces and which materials are magnetic. Along with, looking at compasses and uses of magnets. Year three with also, carry out some enquiries using magnets.

5 Computing Topic: We are researchers Researching a topic UNIT SUMMARY The children will research a topic – safely, effectively and efficiently – using a structured approach (mind mapping). They will share their findings with others through a short multimedia presentation. Skills Content creating, researching Vocabulary Google mind map presentation research search search engine E-safety: The pupils will consider how to stay safe while researching online, and show respect for others’ ideas. Safe search filters are in place for using Google or Bing and the school internet access is filtered.

6 Topic Natural disasters Discover the effects of different weathers – leading to Natural Disasters To be able to show their understanding of key geographical facts Explain how and why places change To be able to discover key facts about an historical event Historical enquiry – to be able to find out about events from a range of sources To be able to explain why places are like they are and why places change To be able to recognise patterns made in physical features and recognise physical processes

7 Art The children will be creating ‘a cyclone in a bottle’ and ‘an erupting volcano’! RE The topic this term is Leadership. We will be learning about and have an understand that religious people regard the founders of their faith as very important. We will know who the faith founders are of the major world faiths. PE We are continuing with the swimming lessons on Thursdays. It is brilliant to see the confidence that the children are building in the water.

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