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Partnering with the wider church “Join with other Christian churches to speak with a unified Christian voice (especially from our perspective of peace.

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Presentation on theme: "Partnering with the wider church “Join with other Christian churches to speak with a unified Christian voice (especially from our perspective of peace."— Presentation transcript:

1 Partnering with the wider church “Join with other Christian churches to speak with a unified Christian voice (especially from our perspective of peace and reconciliation) and to do together what is better done together.”

2 What impact do we have and what impression do we leave with other Christians across the street in Canada and around the world? Small Mennonite fish GREAT BIG ECUMENICAL SEA

3 The delegate assembly approves that MC Canada apply to become an affiliate of the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada and a member of the Canadian Council of Churches, on the understanding that we forward to both bodies the Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective as the framework for our participation.

4 “I have reviewed your Confession of Faith and consider it to be consistent with the affirmations of the statement of faith of the EFC.” – Bruce Clemenger, President, EFC

5 “I'm thrilled to see that MC Canada has voted to become an EFC affiliate.” – Linda Milke, EFC


7 “… the whole court broke into spontaneous and enthusiastic applause.” – Karen Hamilton, CCC

8 Your presence and participation as full members gives a clear and important signal to all Canadians of the value and importance of the Christian community working together in addressing issues of faith and witness, and justice and peace in Canada. - Christine MacMillan, Salvation Army

9 World Mission & Evangelism: Healing & Reconciliation, WCC

10 Janet Plenert at Healing & Reconciliation, WCC

11 Relate to Mennonite denominations in other countries The whole church will be empowered by the diversity of God’s people all over the world The whole church will share in reciprocal solidarity, teaching, learning, discernment, sharing of spiritual gifts We will have an expanded understanding that will shape our identity as God’s Anabaptist people in Canada Churches in other parts of the world will have access to the Canadian church

12 MWC Gift Inventory

13 experience and skills material resources mobilizing resources and networks power in our country and internationally helpful attitudes we value multi-culturalism willing to receive the gifts of others abundance of land, air, water and freedom.

14 Pakisa Tsimika


16 Teaching missions in partnership with MWC

17 International Pastors Exchange

18 Company of 1000

19 “… Our common mission emphasizes community, peace and love, helping others and being a diverse and multi- cultural church…” -Most Reverend Andrew S. Hutchison, Anglican Archbishop and Primate

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