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WIDER READING SCHEME Wednesday 23 rd September. Introduction You have been identified as students who could potentially achieve an A* at A2 in one or.

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1 WIDER READING SCHEME Wednesday 23 rd September

2 Introduction You have been identified as students who could potentially achieve an A* at A2 in one or more of your subjects This scheme has been designed to offer you the opportunity to gain exposure to as wide a range of texts as possible Research shows that those who read widely achieve higher grades, obtain overall wider knowledge of their subjects and better literacy and communication skills Aims –To offer you to chance to engage with a wide range of texts and talk to staff and like-minded students about them –To maximise potential for achieving A* at A2 –To provide a supportive environment for the discussion of books, reading and the ideas that you will come across –To identify new and exciting texts to expand and challenge you

3 What does it entail…? Many of you are already readers… Formalising habits you may already have in order to maximise the impact of your reading Reflect on your reading critically and analytically Mentoring others students Excellent experience for CV/Personal Statements

4 What will I have to do…? Read and read widely Record any reading you do on your Personalised Reading Plan Make brief notes of your reaction to the reading you have done Meet with your mentor, who will suggest reading material Attend activities, events etc. This will not take up too much time and will give you excellent skills for students and future education There will be wider reading lists available

5 What kinds of books…? The range of your reading will reflect your strengths and interests It will also enable you to improve and widen knowledge in other subject areas You can guide the kind of reading you do (i.e. fiction, non-fiction, journalism) There will be links to many other subjects – your reading can be wide and far-reaching and does not have to necessarily relate directly to your studies (i.e. reading literature and gaining experience of authors NOT on the syllabus - good for University)

6 Just books…? Your reading does not have to be restricted purely to books: –Magazines / Periodicals –Websites –Online Journals –Pamphlets

7 Personalised Reading Plan (PRP) The PRP is a simple way of recording what you have read and what you thought about it It contains a section for reading targets or recommended reading and a place for your mentor’s comments and suggestions The PRP will outline your reading areas but this can change as the scheme progresses

8 Mentors You will be assigned a mentor who has knowledge and experience of your chosen subjects/areas of interest. They will suggest books to read and introduce new texts/authors to you You will meet your mentor regularly (probably once every half term) at an agreed time and place that is convenient for you both You may be mentored in small groups, possibly with your friends You can approach your mentor at any point and they will arrange to see you if you wish to discuss something before your next appointment Older students will be invited to mentor younger students As you progress through school you may want to become a mentor yourself

9 Events, Activities & Trips If you sign up to the scheme you will be given the opportunity to take part in various activities and events: –Author visits/talks –Lectures and seminars –Trips Libraries, museums and galleries Possibly a London Trip You can suggest places you think would be appropriate and assist staff to plan a trip

10 Meeting Next Week We will allocate you a group and a mentor You will fill in your PRP and arrange to meet your mentor (let us know where and when) Before you go please hand in your favourite books postcard and your subject form

11 Any questions?

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