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Problem Solving INSET June 2006. Problem Solving General Definition ‘The move from a current situation to a desired situation’ Diagnostic Problems Design.

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Presentation on theme: "Problem Solving INSET June 2006. Problem Solving General Definition ‘The move from a current situation to a desired situation’ Diagnostic Problems Design."— Presentation transcript:

1 Problem Solving INSET June 2006

2 Problem Solving General Definition ‘The move from a current situation to a desired situation’ Diagnostic Problems Design Problems Contingency Problems

3 Problem Solving Part A What candidates need to know – good guidance and advice Part B What candidates must show they can do within the portfolio

4 Problem Solving Level 1 Two examples of different problems with limited solutions Problems can be given At least two viable and different solutions for each Candidates rely on help and support from an appropriate person

5 Problem Solving Level 1 Basic Action Plan using desired option Health and Safety Has the problem been solved? How to become an expert Reflection

6 Problem Solving Level 1 Typical Problems Basic design scenarios ‘Jinx’ scenarios – mainly involving clowns Travel problems Troubleshooting

7 Problem Solving Level 2 Two examples of different problems with limited solutions Problems can’t be given but can be identified with help from appropriate person. At least two viable and different solutions for each problem. Candidates confirm the approach with an appropriate other

8 Problem Solving Level 2 Basic Action Plan using desired option Risk factors Use plan effectively Check if the problem been solved How to become an expert Reflection

9 Problem Solving Level 2 Typical Problems Enterprise Charity Event Medium Design Problems Organising a Residential Visit Non-specific Outward bound activities Will I ever succeed?

10 Problem Solving Level 3 Candidate identifies problem Agree solution criteria with others Three different solutions Risk analysis Obtains go ahead from appropriate person Action plan Onus on candidate to obtain support needed Monitoring and adjustment loop Apply systematic methods to check solution ‘I am an expert, however…’

11 Problem Solving Level 3 Typical Scenarios Community School Complex design problems

12 Summary A problem is getting from current situation to desired situation Focus is on the process – the attempt to solve the problem Problem does not have to be solved but an attempt must be made to put the chosen solution into practice. Individual must show hard evidence of personal contribution Levels 1-3 reflect increasing autonomy Levels 1-3 reflect increasing analysis of performance

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